I am getting ready to begin an assay project intended to produce a series of statistics about various metal drops from various systems and rings. Mostly to satisfy my curiousity.
It will involve going someplace with 50 prospector limpets and sampling (go ahead and mine them if you like!) 50 rocks - from the same location at the same time, entering the breakdown in a form that is backended by Google spreadsheets. If you are interested in participating in the assay program, please PM me or comment here.
This is still a test, but
here's my assay form - it will eventually move (remember: anything you enter will go into a live spreadsheet so please be gentle with it!)
EDIT: there are some problems with my form; I will be revising it soon)
Questions I want to answer:
1) are all pristine metallic rings the same?
2) how different are pristine rings from regular?
3) are different instances of the same ring different? (i.e.: is Jura 6 A ring always the same breakdown or does it change each time you jump into it?)
4) are there certain systems that have certain minerals or metals?
I intend for this data to be open (as usual) for anyone who wants to generate charts from.