Failure Developments at it again

Deleted member 182079

Often not the programmer, we tell our bosses something isn't ready but often launching on time is more is more important than launching something that is working.
What's amusing is that the store is offline (still, presumably?) so holding off the rollout until it actually worked would've maybe been more sensible here.
Let's be fair, the majority of people complaining simply do not understand the complexities involved in developing, upgrading and managing "Elite Dangerous" and all of it's supporting components.

Collective moaning is one of the prime functions of a forum, of course, though. So carry on... :)

I do code. Hobby yes, but some intricate and big stuff too. It is never a good sign if I update my sonar sensor objects and my battery management blows up. So it’s a valid observation that the system here seems ‘brittle’.

That said, I’ve updated the code for my sonar sensor and had the battery management blow up. :) Means there were dependencies that we’re not intended. Turned out to be a timing thing.

Truth is that it probably is brittle and thus the historical difficulty in releasing an update that doesn’t contain a lot of new bugs. Sometimes the baggage of the framework you’ve built is just too difficult to truly fix after years of building on it.
weird, FFXV is for instance almost bug free at each update. Not like a small game. Please don t lie in order to try to defend what cannot be defended.
Same with Black Desert Online. I have over 10000 hours in that already, that's twice my ED playtime in one year less.
But really they are just bad developers, this is like the c-tier devs from college who couldn't make it at a real gaming company.

i think besides the lot of freshmen they have some pretty good specialists. what they lack is proper software engineering process. it speaks of lack of leadership and specially middle/upper management failure, not counting the ceo who has likely been living in lalaland for a good while now.
i guess the arcane typography is because what he's saying is just generally accepted good business practice, but seems to look like alien stuff or black magic for some diehards around here :ROFLMAO:
It’s a protest over Frontier putting a big blue Store button on the main station menu. While the reasons why this is disliked may vary, it’s the blue button in a sea of orange that is particularly disliked. :sick:

Edit: Not only was I
ninja’d, but I’d forgotten I was ninja’d. Should’ve caught up with the middle of the thread before continuing to the end! 😊
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Not in the programming industry here.
But in my job.
We have checkups before we start on the project. and we do finalizing tests before we call it complete.

plus. if we change a module. we do checklists of tests on that system and systems that are critical to it.

It is just common sense, if others depend on what you are doing.

(ps, also planing on waiting til 2020 to play again)
and when things go wrong at your job? what then cuz things go wrong all the time. not one good thing has ever happened with out a glitch that need adjusting and with Fdev the Glitches that can be repaired quickly are and the game goes on. at least Fdev don't quite like some of its players
There are regular complaints about how FD don't engage much with forum users.

This thread should probably be stored as a default explanation anytime that complaint comes up in future. Fourteen pages, largely full of the kind of direct insults which would be removed in no time if they were aimed at another forum user - and all because a free update has gone wrong in some areas (as has happened many times before), and it's not been fixed 22 hours later.

Sure, by all means, highlight and complain about the bugs. They need to be pointed out, after all. But heaven's sake, enough with this insulting of people you don't know, doing a job you don't understand, creating a bit of amusement (which you only have to pay for once). Grow up.
It's like some of you CMDRs haven't seen this repetitively since the 1st 'major' update.
So much outrage for something that's par for the course.
The outrage will only grow the more and the longer it's par for the course. My main outrage isn't the state of the release in itself, it's that FDEV seemingly learned nothing in 5 years and keep running headfirst into these situations again and again and again.
and when things go wrong at your job? what then cuz things go wrong all the time. not one good thing has ever happened with out a glitch that need adjusting and with Fdev the Glitches that can be repaired quickly are and the game goes on. at least Fdev don't quite like some of its players
When things go wrong?
We analyze the problem, we check logs, plan and fix.
So we do not have a repeat.
Everyone must document what they do, so we can follow op on something a worker (or i) could have done different.
We keep logs of systems so we can see if its user error or system error, and track it to its source.

I don't know what gaming devs at frontier do for fixing things.
I can only look at the results of each new update.
And compare it to other companies in their line of work.

The no-mansky team did not quit either, they made something happen instead, it is interesting to keep en eye on how they are doing, even tho that game is not for me.
I also like to follow Subnautica. they impress me a lot with their content releases.
Warframe spids out content like its no ones business, design is good. + bug fixing happens very fast.
Path of exile makes big updates at a fast phase, and they also keep things in good condition.

I think a player/consumer is doing the right thing when they choose to quit, why stay if the product does not live up to what was expected? and with so many other games waiting.
A player can allways come back at a later date and check if things changed.
There are regular complaints about how FD don't engage much with forum users.

This thread should probably be stored as a default explanation anytime that complaint comes up in future. Fourteen pages, largely full of the kind of direct insults which would be removed in no time if they were aimed at another forum user - and all because a free update has gone wrong in some areas (as has happened many times before), and it's not been fixed 22 hours later.

Sure, by all means, highlight and complain about the bugs. They need to be pointed out, after all. But heaven's sake, enough with this insulting of people you don't know, doing a job you don't understand, creating a bit of amusement (which you only have to pay for once). Grow up.
It's a catch-22 situation, Frontier don't communicate with the players because the players never say anything constructive, but the players complain because Frontier don't communicate. How do you break this?

Frontier have to be the ones to brave the flak take the hits and communicate. They need to have open betas for these updates so that bugs can be brought to their attention, and then actually squash those bugs ... but I digress ...

The biggest mistake Frontier have always made is to stay silent. They stay silent because
a) They don't want to reveal information too early, they pander to journalists so the journo's can promote their game (journo's got a look at Thagoid ships at Gamescom before even the first player was interdicted) ...
b) They don't want to reveal something too early in case players revolt against what Frontier want to do (Supercruise was changed from a points-of-interest method to what we have because players refused to accept it) ...
c) Frontier stay silent because of abuse they get ... because they stay silent when they should be communicating.

So yes, there are many comments here, Reddit, Twitch, Steam etc that are not acceptable towards Frontier, or any game developer. I'd never support those comments ... BUT ... Frontier do deserve some criticism for both what they put out, AND for not communicating.

Here's two questions I would like the answer to FROM FRONTIER (ie not one of us)
1) How many devs (ie not marketing, not personnel etc) are working on Elite Dangerous?
2) When will we get atmospheric landings?

Go on, break your silence Frontier, have faith in your community and see the difference you can make.
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