Favorite cockpit in VR?

... and the Sidewinder because they both have a lot of cool stuff in the cockpit.
And sidewinder has another very interesting "feature" - you can stand up and your head goes through the canopy - flying standing is.... strange but amazing, epecially landing on planets.
The Eagle. The others I have tried are either WAY too big, like the Asp, Vulture and T7 or too restrictive by way of visibility like the Viper4 and Sidewainder. I get why some are sooo big, though, like the AspEx, since that one, for example, is an explorer's ship. The Eagle also has a rather well-appointed cockpit as well. My Asp is all beat up, but the Eagle looks as nice as a Mercedes (almost)
I liked the cockpit of my Vulture when I was flying it. Now mostly the FDL and ASPX, although I just bought a Python to check it out. Bit too scared to take it out and battle test it since I only have enough for like 1.5 rebuys left. :p

The FDL took a bit of getting used to as you're sitting off center. The Python is more side-by-side but less drastic to me due to the shape of the canopy vs the FDL. Some time ago during a beta, I bought a Beluga to check it out. Man, it was like being on the bridge of the Enterprise. I've walked around most of the cockpits, but that one I just stood there, gazing out the windows like a true captain, while barking orders to non-existent crew members. I bet that could be an even cooler experience if I took the time to setup VA and use a controller to pilot around while standing. :)

I also have a Keelback, because I wanted to try out the new fighter hangars. First time I launched in a Condor I was like 8D. Zipping around in that tiny cockpit was like flying a WW2 fighter in space. I wish you could have a hangar on every ship, I would use it so much more.
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I messed with the camera last night and actually flew the sidewinder while standing on the nose of the ship.

I felt like Fry strapped to the nose of the Planet Express ship after drinking too much slurm.

I was also able to put my face through the floor and look into the cargo bay. I was so surprised when i opened the cargo hatch. It actually opened....and i could actually see out of it. Mind officially blown.

But....it makes me wonder.....how much of our ships actually exist RIGHT NOW? I mean...currently....in game....there is no real way to see into the cargo hold of a sidewinder so technically it doenst need to be as detailed as it is (or at all) right now. But.....its there. So i wonder.....how much is actually there already just waiting for the day we can walk around our ships? At that point....vive room scale would totally come in handy


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I messed with the camera last night and actually flew the sidewinder while standing on the nose of the ship.

I felt like Fry strapped to the nose of the Planet Express ship after drinking too much slurm.

I was also able to put my face through the floor and look into the cargo bay. I was so surprised when i opened the cargo hatch. It actually opened....and i could actually see out of it. Mind officially blown.

But....it makes me wonder.....how much of our ships actually exist RIGHT NOW? I mean...currently....in game....there is no real way to see into the cargo hold of a sidewinder so technically it doenst need to be as detailed as it is (or at all) right now. But.....its there. So i wonder.....how much is actually there already just waiting for the day we can walk around our ships? At that point....vive room scale would totally come in handy

not a lot ... your ship is mostly your cockpit + your thrusters, plus what you see in front of you.

but my room is way to small for roomscale cockpits ... have to stop halfway on the vette and play with the advanced settings.
I would add the Eagle, but the side UI panels are way too high and that makes the experience very uncomfy. I hate having to keep my head still to avoid them popping on and off all the times I want to look out the window :mad:
I would add the Eagle, but the side UI panels are way too high and that makes the experience very uncomfy. I hate having to keep my head still to avoid them popping on and off all the times I want to look out the window :mad:

There's an actual option that only makes the side panels appear if you press a button - so that you can look outside without hindrance! :D
There's an actual option that only makes the side panels appear if you press a button - so that you can look outside without hindrance! :D

I know but I'm too lazy to set it up everytime I jump into an Eagle. Also it creates confusion in my brain after hours and hours of panels activation by head turning. I look left and right and nothing happens, then I remember I have to activate them by key press and then I forget to close them and odd things happen.... :p

BTW the Eagle's cockpit looks awesome and very high tech. [up]
I do like the AspX in VR, what a view but they all have some great features. The Imperial Ships like Clipper/Cutter are the Rolls Royce of interiors whereas the Python/Conda feel very military/utilitarian.

Agree with the Courier, it's like being in a fighter jet :D

CQC ships are also pretty cool in VR, they feel small and like you're flying a Wasp lol.
Don't think I've been in anything other than my Python since I got the Rift.
Still have to stop myself from trying to "push to open"...
The Eagle is sweet, if you in one way or another disable the headlook popup windows as you can barely move your head without those showing their ugly faces. (even worse than the srv)

Love the Python cockpit, though ofcourse as always wish they'd windowed the ceiling right over your head just a TAD more.


VERY fond of the sidewinder cockpit.

What is your favorite cockpit in VR?

What cockpits do you dislike in VR?

Im about 3 weeks away from finding out for my damn self but i wanted to ask you guys how you felt about the different cockpits in VR because honestly....in 2d they all feel mostly the same. Since 2d lacks scale a sidewinders cockpit feels almost the same as a federal corvette. I cant wait to actually sit in the cockpita for the first time and get a sense of scale

possibly the taipan or eagle. I love the claustrophobic feel when I jump in them after being in a big ship for so long

but honestly I like every single one, even the adder which has relatively poor visibility.

So worst I am going to say is either the Viper IV or the keelback or the asp scout or the FGS simply because they are lazy copy and pastes from other ships, even so far as the wear and tear.

in general tho don't worry. I PROMISE you you will never ever mistake the sidewinder cockpit to the corvette in VR ;)
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What is your favorite cockpit in VR?

What cockpits do you dislike in VR?

I love the Vulture's cockpit. Very spacious, fittings are gorgeous and that view is amazing. It's cosy and a nice mix of good looking and practical, considering it's a combat ship. My FDL is also a very nice cockpit to be in. The huge sunroof behind you and the luxury fittings.. it feels like it's high quality. The fighters, too, are very cosy and great things to be in.

The cockpit I hate the most is the Anaconda. You really can't see anything except what's directly in front and everything else about the bridge there is worn out and tatty. Wires are hanging down from the roof, everything's scratched and knackered. I hate being in it so much that I have returned to my Asp X for exploring because at least you get a view. I also, tbh, despise the AspX's cockpit. All the Lakon ships have the same bland slab of metal in front of you and it just feels like driving some sort of truck. Utilitarian to the point of being frankly dystopian really. The Type 9's bridge is incredible though. It has corridors, staircases, a mezzanine level etc.

I guess the thing is that in VR each ship (at least, each manufacturer) feels so very different, as do the sizes of the ships. Lakon ships are just ugly metal boxes, Faulcon Delacey ships are knackered old sheds, Zorgon Peterson stuff is the most like contemporary cars, Core Dynamics is brutal sharp lines and carbon fibre, Guatamala ships are shockingly elegant, as are the Saud Kruger ships.

It's not like this is just some weird UI round the edges of the screen, these cockpits become *places* that you spend time in. Going from an Asp X into a Vulture really does feel like going from driving a bus to getting into a sports car. Getting into the FDL or a Beluga feels like you're getting into a Bentley. Going into the Anaconda feels like you're in some dilapidated council office that hasn't been refurbished in 50 years and they deliberately want everyone who goes in there to feel miserable.

My most wanted feature request for Elite is a 50ly jump range ship with a beautiful interior just to make those deep space explorations feel a bit more luxurious. :)
My most wanted feature request for Elite is a 50ly jump range ship with a beautiful interior just to make those deep space explorations feel a bit more luxurious. :)

I suppose it will never happen now, as what art guys FD have working on elite will probably be hard at it doing ship interiors etc rather than just cockpits, but given the asp scout and asp ex have the same cockpit currently, it would be cool if FD used the existing one for the scout, and retrofitted the asp EX a little bit, and tarted it up, to make it feel like a ship costing a huge amount more than its cheaper sibling. I dont mean to go crazy, just give it the vanden plas makeover, whilst still keeping the utilitarian feel as well. (I dont think these terms have to be mutually exclusive)
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