Newcomer / Intro Felicity Farseer?

Hmm. That's better than the old KGB FOAM. :)

It's in decreasing spectral type order too, so much more useful!

There used to be R N and S type classes which were assigned to certain giant star types, though these have now been discontinued if I remember rightly. This gave a marvellous extension to the mnemonic of Oh Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me Right Now Smack :)
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You can purchase meta-alloys in one system only and that is in the MAIA system at the Darnielle's Progress station which is a planet base. What was weird is that Darniells did not show up on my left panel UNTIL I docked at Obsidian Orbital and refueled and repaired my ship from a 275LY trip from Diaguandri. You can buy only 2 meta-alloys at Darnielle's but you only need 1...BUT if you are going to do another ship, you will need that second meta-alloy. By the way, from Maia to Deciat, where Felicity Farseer is located is - gulp - 390 LY and doing that in an 18.8 LY Clipper took awhile and had some shakey moments. You gotta fuel scoop to FULL every chance you get. (Just put yellow line around the sun in your left window and keep going around and round, until full then get off merry-go-round and on your way to next hop. [Keep your temp around 65 or less...if growing you are too close.]
Safe skies, and many Mini-Moon Pies, Commander.
You can purchase meta-alloys in one system only and that is in the MAIA system at the Darnielle's Progress station which is a planet base. What was weird is that Darniells did not show up on my left panel UNTIL I docked at Obsidian Orbital and refueled and repaired my ship from a 275LY trip from Diaguandri. You can buy only 2 meta-alloys at Darnielle's but you only need 1...BUT if you are going to do another ship, you will need that second meta-alloy. By the way, from Maia to Deciat, where Felicity Farseer is located is - gulp - 390 LY and doing that in an 18.8 LY Clipper took awhile and had some shakey moments. You gotta fuel scoop to FULL every chance you get. (Just put yellow line around the sun in your left window and keep going around and round, until full then get off merry-go-round and on your way to next hop. [Keep your temp around 65 or less...if growing you are too close.]
Safe skies, and many Mini-Moon Pies, Commander.

Quality necro. But, you only need 1 meta-alloy - it is for unlocking Felicity, not for doing the engineering.
...BUT if you are going to do another ship, you will need that second meta-alloy.

By the way, from Maia to Deciat, where Felicity Farseer is located is - gulp - 390 LY and doing that in an 18.8 LY Clipper took awhile and had some shakey moments. You gotta fuel scoop to FULL every chance you get.

1 - No you don't - as @Ethaidan says you just need that one MA to unlock the engineer.

2 - There is a series of refuelling stations between Maia and the bubble - six of them all called "PRE Logistics Support..." Alpha to Zeta - so you can make the trip without scooping but of course it is better / quicker to scoop rather than divert for fuel.

Seriously if you are going to necro a thread at least check your facts, particularly in the Newcomer's Forum. :rolleyes:
Well, being a newcomer myself, I have never heard of PRE Logistics Support, nor did I realize that once you crack open Felicity Farseer door she has a string of other things she wants. Discovered this last night. What is and where the heck do you find Chemical Processor, Chemical Distillery, and Chemical Manipulators. I figured out the rest...bought my FIRST wave scanner last night, too, and got into trouble using it too close to a Then got my first SRV to mine for the metals needed, and got stuck on a rock, could not make reverse work, and after 20 minutes of grinding dust with the wheels, I had to blow it up!.... Any doubts now about me being a newcomer? Or just a DB? If you don't want me on this strand just say so.
Well, being a newcomer myself, I have never heard of PRE Logistics Support, nor did I realize that once you crack open Felicity Farseer door she has a string of other things she wants. Discovered this last night. What is and where the heck do you find Chemical Processor, Chemical Distillery, and Chemical Manipulators. I figured out the rest...bought my FIRST wave scanner last night, too, and got into trouble using it too close to a Then got my first SRV to mine for the metals needed, and got stuck on a rock, could not make reverse work, and after 20 minutes of grinding dust with the wheels, I had to blow it up!.... Any doubts now about me being a newcomer? Or just a DB? If you don't want me on this strand just say so.
Chemical processor etc are Manufactured materials they can be obtained as mission rewards and at permanent structures and crash sites on planets using your SRV like the data and raw materials there are traders who you can exchange ones you have too many of for those you can’t find.

As with much of this game don’t focus too hard on getting them otherwise you will grind away the fun.
...What is and where the heck do you find Chemical Processor, Chemical Distillery, and Chemical Manipulators.....

Those are three (of many dozen) Manufactured Materials. You'll find out that you'll also need Raw Materials and Encoded/Data Materials...

How to get them: misison rewards (Manufactured, Encoded), USS (Manufactured, Encoded), ship salvage (Manufactured), ship/wake scanning (Encoded), data points (Encoded), surface POIs (manufactured, Raw, Encoded depending on POI type)...

Inara has a nice list.
....... If you don't want me on this strand just say so.

You got the wrong impression. My comment was pointing out that you necro'ed (resurrected) an old thread and tried to give some help to readers (commendable). The problem was that your help was inaccurate and misleading.

You (and anyone else) are more than welcome to make posts in this forum (and any forum on here), I would never suggest otherwise. Resurrecting old threads is a bit of a "thing" at the moment and isn't usually terribly helpful since the game evolves - a lot.
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Well, being a newcomer myself, I have never heard of PRE Logistics Support, nor did I realize that once you crack open Felicity Farseer door she has a string of other things she wants. Discovered this last night. What is and where the heck do you find Chemical Processor, Chemical Distillery, and Chemical Manipulators. I figured out the rest...bought my FIRST wave scanner last night, too, and got into trouble using it too close to a Then got my first SRV to mine for the metals needed, and got stuck on a rock, could not make reverse work, and after 20 minutes of grinding dust with the wheels, I had to blow it up!.... Any doubts now about me being a newcomer? Or just a DB? If you don't want me on this strand just say so.
If you get stuck on a rock again, use your SRV's thrusters. They will launch you up and you should land in a different place.

(Btw - Para Handy is one of the good guys here, gives lots of good advice)
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No hard feelings...just get confused a lot. I watched a video on purchasing meta-alloys (because I did not know how to mine with an SRV*), and was quoting it (probably a mistake right there) and after your reminder, Para, I went back and saw it was from 2015. Here comes another one: I did not know the SRV has "thrusters"! Where are those???? I must admit the keying on the Options menu for the SRV are confusing...cannot sometimes tell whether they are referring to the ship or the SRV. There must be a relationship between the two because first time I went mining I was in a ship with no guns and so the SRV did not have any either. I should point out I am using a HOTAS X-52 from Saitek. *After I did some keying for it, then took off in the ship all my keys for things like hyperdrive and supercruise no longer worked. lol. I have a lot to learn. Appreciate all help, that is for sure. Every time I master something, I then try something else...and none of it carries over usually. Like, I can core-mine icy rings like nobody's business. I can transport people well. Not bad in combat. But everything else...bleh. So, again, thanks.
No hard feelings...just get confused a lot. I watched a video on purchasing meta-alloys (because I did not know how to mine with an SRV*), and was quoting it (probably a mistake right there) and after your reminder, Para, I went back and saw it was from 2015. Here comes another one: I did not know the SRV has "thrusters"! Where are those???? I must admit the keying on the Options menu for the SRV are confusing...cannot sometimes tell whether they are referring to the ship or the SRV. There must be a relationship between the two because first time I went mining I was in a ship with no guns and so the SRV did not have any either. I should point out I am using a HOTAS X-52 from Saitek. *After I did some keying for it, then took off in the ship all my keys for things like hyperdrive and supercruise no longer worked. lol. I have a lot to learn. Appreciate all help, that is for sure. Every time I master something, I then try something else...and none of it carries over usually. Like, I can core-mine icy rings like nobody's business. I can transport people well. Not bad in combat. But everything else...bleh. So, again, thanks.
There is a website that will produce a printout of your bindings for you as a reference, someone with a better memory will be along to provide it I am sure, however if you go through the options controls list and click on the plus symbols to expand the ones for the various SRV sections you should find what you need.
The default thrusters are possibly the same as the boost for your ship.

The SRV doesn’t have replaceable modules so the guns are there however they will need to be set to a trigger in a fire group as will the various scanners that are fitted, the secondary trigger used to not be bound so you will need to check that in the bindings as well.

Whenever you make changes to your controls check they are working by running the tutorials, and always ensure your joysticks throttle etc are connected to their usual ports before starting the game launcher.
Oh, yes, thank you! In terms of scanners, there is just one scanning setting for surface mining in the SRV, correct? Shows a sweeping arm, with rasping sounds, but nothing shows up on the screen...just a gray box around something out there, when you finally, finally find it!

I also noticed music starts up when you are close to something good, I think.

And, one other thing. I came across 4 canisters lying out in middle of nowhere...looked like blue and silver octagonal 50 gallon trash containers. One had nerve gas, one kitchen appliances, etc. I tried to shoot them open to get the contents but no luck. Are those just for decoration in the game? They are too big for the cargo scoop.
Kiki Pitts
Different scanners here. The sweeping arm is your wave scanner - useful to find all kinds of stuff on the surface, and always on.
Besides that, you also have a datalink scanner and a composition scanner. Both of these need to be assigned to a fire button and fire group. The datalink scanner is for datalinks, including Guardian stuff (who'd have thunk...), the composition scanner is for natural objects (like volcanic vents) and can give you codex credits. Since they switch autoamtically (i.e. you can't scan a natural object with the datalink scanner, or scan a datalink with the composition scanner), you can assign them both to the same button ad fire group.

Those trash cans are the in-game cargo containers - and no, they're not too big for the cargo scoop. Your SRV can pick up up to two of them, but you will need cargo space on your ship if you want to carry them anywhere else. When the SRV is folded up for transport, there's no more cargo space in the SRV. Your crotch menu also has options for moving cargo betwee your ship and your SRV, necessary (for example) on the Guardian ruins if you want to scan the Obelisks.
You need to be aware that some cargo cannisters will contain illegal items or count as stolen property if you collect them which might cause you some problems later.
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