Final Week At Frontier | Sally Morgan-Moore

Going to miss you Sally! Thanks for everything. Might reach out to you now and again with the odd pink screenshot, will continue to make lasery things with you in mind, which may need to make their way to you now and again! You are the BEST! Good luck with everything. x
Where ever you are going Sally they will be getting someone who cares about the gamers. I know I am a pain in the bahoochie but I always appreciated the work and the extra stuff you did at a 150% . You will be missed and it will be Frontiers loss and someone's gain . Thanks from a grumpy old console player
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What The Fine mess, amongst all those other incredible messes in the world currently, but now this still! :eek:

Wish you all the best for your future position, but life will not be the same for some of us, without you.

Black Friday, then! How could we properly celebrate and say farewell to, Mrs. Sally's untimely demise, so to say? Will the Baggers be the only ones, in Teaka, Friday November 3rd, 20:00 UTC?

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