First contact today!

2nd 'hyperdiction' :
less than 2 hours later
Course : Maia to Dark Region XU-O B6-3. I was 43000 ls away from HIP 16401 A when my systems reactivated.
Cargo : 1 UA

That's interesting! I've made about 800/900 jumps but haven't had a 2nd encounter. I've spent all week doing it and was getting convinced I'm locked out due to possible changes in the background code. I'll start running that route (when I can gather the motivation!). Feeling so drained of the relentless jumping in vain. I'm Elite in exploration so don't need the 6/7m of exploration data I've gathered so far doing this. Oh well

I was fully equipped with mainly A-rated modules, most of them upgraded (and the UA was still in my cargo)
But I tried a lot of jumps and nothing has happened since 6:15 PM.
I wonder if one of the factors in the Volgrands spreadsheet is very important : the last time you have been scanned by an UA.
It appears that the scan was recent for more than the half of the pilots.
Any ideas ?

Last night, out of frustration due to what I mentioned above, I tried a desperate method of collecting 56 UA and handing them into MAIA, so probably had over 100 scans in all. I then spent a while jumping between MAIA and MEROPE but gave up after about 30/45mins with no luck. I' :|
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Just saw the alien in Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-46. First encounter, took forever. Occurred after i picked up UP (no UA though). I don't think that matters though, still took awhile... I also switched navigation mode from economic to fastest. Once switched, it was literally five jumps til interdiction. Maybe distance spend in hyperspace matters?
Just saw the alien in Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-46. First encounter, took forever. Occurred after i picked up UP (no UA though). I don't think that matters though, still took awhile... I also switched navigation mode from economic to fastest. Once switched, it was literally five jumps til interdiction. Maybe distance spend in hyperspace matters?

Thanks I'll give it a shot. Only trouble is I'm in my Exploration Anaconda with 44ly jump range.
@ Palinson: nice, I hope Frontier has pushed the "alien-interdiction-slider" to max for the weekend! All join the alien-probing. The mery-go-round is open and up for a ride ; )

I just take off into general Pleiades direction to get some Unknown Fragments. I have packed some hatchbreakers into my outfit.

If I could be the first to pirate the aliens - that'd safe my weekend!
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I was watching Shabooka's VR hyperdiction today he was following it from a nice angle, it looks like the front & rear sections start spinning in opposite directions increasing faster as it enters witch space.

250+ Jumps since the first encounter, and no joy here! Cargo full of various things, mostly items from the ruins and a single UA.
Just got hyperdicted by an alien again, so that's twice now. No cargo, just minding my own business. It gave my Cutter a smack on the way out :D

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just checking, im safe if im heading in the opposite direction by about 10k ly? so long as i avoid the pleiades its all cool right?

well the federation strip mining the tentacles certainly brought something out to play...
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If there is someone to blame responsible of meta-alloy farming (and thus alarming the extra-terrestrians) its the terrorists UA-bombing stations. Can't blame those who want to have stations repaired again by bringing meta-alloys. Also it might just be irrelevant if those barnacls where farmed or not since the UAs were already scanning us before we did discover barnacles. So maybe this federal/imperial mudslinging is just political bloated biowaste... But that's just my view of things.
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Ive had 5 encounters with the aliens to date a lot of UA-UP hauling and a lot of anaysising and when the aliens do eventually aim, i did note each time it was in the general direction minus 20 degrees or plus 20 degres the california nebula (could be nothing) and the alliance is building outposts out there.

I was asking Variform (chek my "reply to").
Thank anyway, I guess...
Just so I'm clear on all 'barnacles' are baby/larval stage of the ships interdicting pilots, right?

No, that's just some people's theory on the basis of "wierd thing and weird thing must be related in some way - maybe they're the same weird thing?"

There's zero evidence of this.
Dear Flower-Power-Aliens,
I just murdered several Unknown Artifacts for that mean human Engineer Palin which you can find in Maia.
I am truely sorry that I had to do that but human space has become an arms race and I need the engines from Palin that the others already have to be able to defend myself.
You may hyperdict me anytime you like and I am ready to face the consequences in a fair duell. Please do not use your disableing Scan-Beam because this is a coward weapon and not a real weapon for a honored extraterrestrial.
A Human Scum.

I am in a Cobra MKIII I have visited and scanned the barnacles but have not interacted with any UA/UP am I likely to be hyper-dicted or do I need to interact with a UA/UP?
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