Patch Notes Fleet Carriers Update - Patch 4 Patch Notes

The population of Colonia is pretty much irrelevant. It's a transport hub, at which fuel is supposed to be available (even if we assume that NPC megaship tankers bring it in from the Bubble). And yet it just... isn't. IIRC, each Carrier intending to travel from Colonia to the Bubble needs around 7,000t of the stuff. And those heading out on deep-space expeditions need in excess of 20,000t each.
Sure, they could add an extra station that only sold infinite Tritium to the Colonia region to "fix" the problem.

Or they could make carriers not require Tritium to jump and increase the "wear and tear" charge for jumping instead, which would probably be easier and more welcomed.

It's becoming pretty clear that "commodities which are actually valuable beyond their sale price" is not a concept that most players actually want.

And while tritium is still available in the Bubble, the shortage of cheap tritium is still causing issues. Who is going to throw away a billion credits by buying at the wrong time? If we actually KNEW that cheap tritium was never coming back, at least that would give some clarity!
I think it can be fairly safely said that if Frontier intended Tritium to be available in large quantities at 4k/tonne for the purpose of carrier refuelling, they'd just have given it a 4k/tonne base price in the first place, rather than tying it to some rare and short-lived BGS states.
Sure, it is if everyone tries to buy from that single system at once.

That's how it usually works, isn't it?
It takes usually from several times per week to up to 2 weeks for a system with good stock and and large pads to reach the right bgs conditions
Everyone converges there and the stock it is emptied in 1-2 hours with no chance for the pathetic 14t per 10 minutes to replenish the stock.
And the conditions usually vanish in 1 max 2 days and traders need to wait for another system to "ripe"

I sort of agree that the perma full replenish that we had before last patch was not quite ok, but now we are in other extreme where tritium trading is reduced to almost zero

But over the bubble as a whole, that rate works out as about 40000t every ten minutes, or enough to mostly fill two carriers. Carriers have been popular but not so much that another one needs fuelling for a long-range exploration voyage every five minutes.

I'm not talking about refuel, but about tritium trading.
The stock at the station mentioned by me was enough to fill 20 carriers. And there were more than 100 carriers there in about 1h since it appeared on Inara.

[1] Now you might say "shouldn't Colonia's economy be bigger if there's so many players about" ... but it's already big enough that almost every other good spends almost all the time at every station sitting at the supply/demand caps, so...

Well, Colonia's Tritium situation is quite desperate in the last patch. The other goods simply do not matter - there is basically no demand for them unless there is a GC or a station to repair -which is not going to happen in Colonia.
If i were in FD's shoes, i would had either put at least a system with a strong un-depletable tritium supply or i would not put any carrier vendors or administrative systems in the entire Colonia.
So people would know that taking a carrier in Colonia is a risky business.
It's becoming pretty clear that "commodities which are actually valuable beyond their sale price" is not a concept that most players actually want.
Hmm ...I just thought about all other MMOs I played. No one had consumables for players be profitable selling to NPC.
That is always separated - sell to NPC for price OR use by players.
Currently, once they joined those 2 functions we got a mess.
On another thread, it was suggested that tritium be reduced to about a third of the current price and stabilised there. No significant variation in price.

No more ultra-cheap tritium, no more tritium trading, and also no more drying-up of stations.

If that's what it takes to secure our fuel supply , then please do this.
View attachment 182147

Greetings, Commanders!

We're pleased to confirm that the patch described in our Known Issues post from earlier this week is expected this Wednesday 29 July at 11:00 UTC with an estimated 15 minutes of downtime. Please find the Patch Notes and Known Issues below:

Patch Notes

  • Fixed an issue whereby surface deposits created after cracking a motherlode would flag themselves as depleted
  • Fixed issues related to diminishing returns for commodities in overlapping hotspots

Crashes and Stability
  • Fixed an issue where loading into an instance in a system with a large amount of Fleet Carriers would cause very long load times (potentially long enough to cause a disconnect)

Fleet Carriers
  • Fixed an issue which stopped Fighters being restocked from a Fleet Carrier
  • Fixed a number of issues related to Fleet Carrier positioning:
    • Better enforcement of the 16 carrier limit per body
    • Preventing departing Fleet Carriers from taking up one of the 16 slots from the body they've just left
    • Further work to ensure Carriers are positioned away from other nearby body sites, such as other Fleet Carriers

Known Issues

Fleet Carriers
  • When opening the Fleet Carrier naming pop up in the Livery, an additional unwanted character will be added to the start and end of the name. These characters will need to be manually deleted to prevent them being included.

Please note that the above notes are liable to change as adjustments are made and changes are added or removed. Tweaks may be made up until the time of launch.

Thanks as always for your continued feedback!

No mention of all the xbox issues?
On another thread, it was suggested that tritium be reduced to about a third of the current price and stabilised there. No significant variation in price.

No more ultra-cheap tritium, no more tritium trading, and also no more drying-up of stations.

If that's what it takes to secure our fuel supply , then please do this.
..right, if they will rise effectiveness of trit mining that will start gold rush.
So ye, need 2 steps:
1. 20 man*hr per 65000ly
2. NPC do not buy trit, or buy at 5% more then sell cheap.
I think it can be fairly safely said that if Frontier intended Tritium to be available in large quantities at 4k/tonne for the purpose of carrier refuelling, they'd just have given it a 4k/tonne base price in the first place, rather than tying it to some rare and short-lived BGS states.

The issue is that they gave people 4k/ton prices in the first place.

It's a common problem with how the devs implement things in this game. If it's common to find 4k prices and 85k prices to sell (which is what happened right after carriers were released), and then the devs take it away, people cry nerf. People don't like things taken away, even if they were just given to them a day ago.

If the minimum buy was something like 35k, and the maximum sell was 55k, right at the beginning, and never changed, you wouldn't have this problem.

It's similar with LTDs. 1.6 million sell stations were left in the game for so long, that when the devs "rebalanced" it to 800k, people got very upset. But if they started at 800k, and remained that way, people wouldn't have anything to complain about.

The "balancing" in this game swings to each possible extreme every time.

Things are either buffed to ridiculous extremes (the "egg," LTD sub-surface mining yielding 40-80 tons per rock and selling for 1.6 million per ton), or nerfed completely to the point of uselessness. Why not find a middle ground? Put some thought into proper balance, and make it so.

But as it stands, it seems like every time FDev makes some minor change, it apparently has some ridiculous side effect. I wouldn't be surprised if this patch accidentally makes Benitoite sell for 3 million a pop...and makes mining lasers cause damage to nearby pirate ships instead of asteroids.
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Tritium for 40k in the bubble is absolutely OK.
I have no idea why could anyone be so mad at low 4k Tri supply.

I have been mining 250+ ton Painite per hour, & selling it at 980k to buy Tritium at 40k.
And selling Painite is no problem, it only takes some time to sell it in batches small enough to avoid price drop penalty.

Effectively I can buy about 5.000t Tritium per hour of mining, including time lost for selling the yield once every few mining session.

I have sold 1.5 bil worth Painite in a bit above hour this way (7 sales, 232t each).

I can buy almost 40 tsd "expensive" Tritium for this amount of credits - a few hours of "work"

So, where exactly is the problem with Tritium price in bubble?

Tritium for 40k in the bubble is absolutely OK.
I have no idea why could anyone be so mad at low 4k Tri supply.

I have been mining 250+ ton Painite per hour, & selling it at 980k to buy Tritium at 40k.
And selling Painite is no problem, it only takes some time to sell it in batches small enough to avoid price drop penalty.

Effectively I can buy about 5.000t Tritium per hour of mining, including time lost for selling the yield once every few mining session.

I have sold 1.5 bil worth Painite in a bit above hour this way.

I can buy almost 40 tsd "expensive" Tritium for this amount of credits - a few hours of "work"

So, where exactly is the problem with Tritium price in bubble?
Yeh, in bubble .. you sell 980k/t and buy 40k/t which is 24:1, i.e. you will mine 65000ly in 5 hours.
In Void that will be 120 hrs mining tritium. That what need be fixed. Then to avoid gold rush need stop npc from buying trit at all.
I think the problem is that Tritium is the most profitable trade good in the game right now. Every bit of tritium will constantly be depleted for that reason alone. Just make it impossible to sell tritium to stations and you'll solve that problem and then probably have more than enough tritium for every single carrier.
Yeh, in bubble .. you sell 980k/t and buy 40k/t which is 24:1, i.e. you will mine 65000ly in 5 hours.
In Void that will be 120 hrs mining tritium. That what need be fixed. Then to avoid gold rush need stop npc from buying trit at all.

Of course, I was writing about something different.

FD could also reduce per jump fuel usage, this would be easier then tinkering with prices to avoid abusing buffed Tritium mining yields.

We would still mine 200 or whatever it will be after patch ton per hour, but it would make our FC jump further.

Problem solved.
Of course, I was writing about something different.

FD could also reduce per jump fuel usage, this would be easier then tinkering with prices to avoid abusing buffed Tritium mining yields.

We would still mine 200 or whatever it will be after patch ton per hour, but it would make our FC jump further.

Problem solved.
Well, if we rise current trit rocks outcome more then x3, then we hit cargo limits. I.e. you will have to go unload to FC each 10 mins. - SC time waste.
"fuel per jump" they won't do too much too, because they want us manual refuel + this rises distance, x2 means u can go to Beagle and back with 1 cargo already....
So I would say x2 effectivness + x3 mining -> total x6 rise. So that will be 20 hrs per 65000 ly.

...right, they want us to recharge on the way for sure >: So here comes NPC miners. Additionaly paid, tank only, u can adjust their effectiveness more precise.
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