Community Event / Creation Frontier Comic

It's a great piece of work, I have a question though - why have you invented your own ship?

Jameson's vessel should be an iconic FE2 ship IMHO.

Great work though. Keep it up!
Just an update, still working on issue 2. Just trying to find time to work on it every day, may be a little longer than the 1st, but getting into the story much more now.

I have changed the ships slightly because I don't want everything to be a full carbon copy of the game or it won't be new and interesting. There will be some of the originals coming up.


I hate 3d comics they look absolute rubbish - the people always look completely characterless - and good characters is something that IMHO is essential for any comic in order to grab the reader and pull him in. When you look at all the great comics - Superman, Spiderman, Judge Dredd, Batman - they all have fantastic characters. 3d just doesnt cut it - its just about acceptable for action visuals in space/3d shooter games and visuals for architectural reasons etc but unless you have the time and money of Lucasarts they just dont cut it for comics/films.
I know its a bit late, but here is part 2 of the comic again in pdf format. I have one more comic to make and it should wrap the story up to a nice conclusion. I hope you enjoy it, part 3 may take a little while before its released because I am working on another comic project called 'psychos.' So be patient and the final chapter will be out in a few months if not sooner.

Comic in PDF Format
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I dont think its late man!!!! Wow, thank you!!! Some pop-corn and a drink!!!:) Quality like this, for free... Yeah... :cool:


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
Looking forward to reading the next installment on this, Cheers Archamedies. :D

Loving this, another great read. Thanks! :)

And shouldn't you be working on Elite 4 Steve, not reading comics???? :D
Sorry for the long wait, I have been very busy working on another project to which I should be finishing either today or tomorrow. That said, by the weekend I will begin the 3rd and final part of the frontier comic.
I would love to read issue 1 and 2 but none of the download links work, they all say file has been deleted. Any chance of reposting please ? Would LOVE to read them.
Best bet is to fire off a PM to archamedes. Perhaps he will see it. I am still waiting for the third instalment. If archamedes does come back, I would like his permission to upload instalments 1&2 to the SSC.

In the meantime, there is some very good fan faction available for Oolite (heavily influenced by the famous Darkwheel novella) written by Drew Wager here
Thanks Geraldine, I shall do just that.

Thank you for the fan fiction link for Oolite, I *ADORE* Oolite, still playing it regularly.

Are currently playing Oolite, Elite II and FFE ?
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100% Contagious

Are currently playing Oolite, Elite II and FFE ?

I suffer from a peculiar ailment called "Elitease", basically I become ill unless I play at least one of the Elite games (or their re-makes) once a week! :D

I've "suffered" from this malady since the mid 1980s and there is no cure apart from more Elite, especially in the form of Elite IV of course :S
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