I'd miss my trophy bobbleheads, do like them bobbing around on the flight deck, but (and I'm no developer!) it feels to me as if they could surely come up with a date and say that from that date they can transfer any console commander's cash balance and unlocks across to PC. So we could sell all our ships, and arrive on PC with a cash balance enabling us to purchase a fleet (and fleet carrier, in some cases!), and with our combat/exploration/trade ranks and our engineers unlocked. Then we'd just lose our trophies, and have to grind again for the mats to reengineer our ships. I'm pretty upset about this but that would at least give me a way back so something approaching the same experience. I have triple elite, all the engineers to G5, a carrier and over 40 ships. I could cash out to 20bn cr or so, so at least I could arrive on PC still triple elite, engineers still at G5 and rebuy a base carrier and the same ships. Sure, the engineering would be a lot but it would be an outcome which would bring me to PC. Only reason I started Elite on PC is that I work mostly from home, at the PC, so didn't want to cross the streams and be tempted to game when I should be working. I'd have been a PC Elite gamer all along had I realised they might do this to us!