GALNET - 05 NOV 3307 - Aegis Leader Opposes Salvation

What is it with Fednecks going ballistic lately? First the Paresa incident with them trying to apprehend Hadrian Duval, then Hudson ignoring diplomatic immunity and trying to apprehend Yuri Grom and now we have this guy going rogue with his megaship... 🙄

Now that's one article that got released early 😲
Feds just being feds.

Time to get all Minsc on Tanner
Feds just being feds.

Time to get all Minsc on Tanner
It would be ironic if Tanner morphed into


...continually trying to uncover Salvations true intention.

It would be doubly funny at how people would react to Salvation being an AI / Zac Nemo and actually escalating the Thargoid war...I'd bet it would be 'eh, at least he's not a Fed'.
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