Galnet player bounty-board UI concept

Not sure where you are from, but i think it was the UK that trialled speed cameras which also displayed your speed as they passed. Some people treated this as a game, and tried to get the highest "scores" possible as they passed the signs. Please FD, do not incentivise combat logging with such a mechanism!

I think that wouldn't encourage them. It's more like a mark of shame, cause other players can see how many times they combat logged in their profile. It could also affect their rank.
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Hello, Lateralus. :)

It's a good idea and very sound, diegetically-speaking - in an ideal world, I'd be very much for it. I can see a few issues, though.

• I can see gold farmers getting far more use out of it as a credit-transfer mechanic than the average actual bounty hunter. If we can think of a mechanism that only rewards the latter (ideally without getting too deep into the weeds, as it were), it'll be a much easier thing for FD to go for.

• Where are the bounty hunters going to come from? At the moment, bounty hunting is a PvE game - is there a vast swathe of pro-law-enforcement PvPers hiding somewhere, just waiting for the right price? It doesn't seem all that likely to me. I think the most we can expect is for some PvP pirates and gankers to switch sides, just so they be an even more annoying pain in everyone's backsides. Somehow, I can't see many of them playing hard enough to 'win', not on any scale larger than a single fight.

Potentially, if given enough time and help, we might see PvP bounty hunting become more of a career, but I wouldn't bet the family fortune on it. The bounty hunters are nothing now, in PvP terms. If they become a thing at all, they'll be starting in the weaker position - and as soon as they start to look like any kind of threat to the established pirate groups, they'll all find themselves on dozens of KoS lists. Cops & Robbers doesn't quite work if the Cops are slaughtered as soon as they raise their heads above the parapet.

• It's possible that what we need isn't bounty hunters, but something a bit stronger, something that can handle the above situation. I've a nasty suspicion it's the goddamn Batman, but don't quote me on that. :)

Nobody would do anything then - there's no tangible reward. Money makes the world go 'round - I wouldn't be a pirate if it weren't for the dough, and I'm sure bounty hunters feel the same.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I like PvE bounty hunting just because I find it fun to do, not because of credits*. That said, I can't speak for whomever might want to become a PvP bounty hunter - that's an altogether different kind of game.

*Admittedly, the absence of credits would make it a much rarer pleasure, purely for reasons of economic practicality, but that's probably not the same thing.
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Hello DocLooshkin! Thank you..

• I can see gold farmers getting far more use out of it as a credit-transfer mechanic than the average actual bounty hunter. If we can think of a mechanism that only rewards the latter (ideally without getting too deep into the weeds, as it were), it'll be a much easier thing for FD to go for.

People only exploit/farm these mechanisms when they are a faster way than earning credits normally. I think if we made it harder for players to amass huge bounties (change how smuggling fines convert to bounties) and make criminal players work for their slot on the board, its unlikely that it will be used to farm.

• Where are the bounty hunters going to come from? At the moment, bounty hunting is a PvE game - is there a vast swathe of pro-law-enforcement PvPers hiding somewhere, just waiting for the right price? It doesn't seem all that likely to me. I think the most we can expect is for some PvP pirates and gankers to switch sides, just so they be an even more annoying pain in everyone's backsides. Somehow, I can't see many of them playing hard enough to 'win', not on any scale larger than a single fight.

Judging by the reaction to this thread (especially on Reddit) there are lots of potential PvP bounty hunters out there just waiting for the game to support it. Lot's of people are saying things like "this would bring me back to Elite" etc

Potentially, if given enough time and help, we might see PvP bounty hunting become more of a career, but I wouldn't bet the family fortune on it. The bounty hunters are nothing now, in PvP terms. If they become a thing at all, they'll be starting in the weaker position - and as soon as they start to look like any kind of threat to the established pirate groups, they'll all find themselves on dozens of KoS lists. Cops & Robbers doesn't quite work if the Cops are slaughtered as soon as they raise their heads above the parapet.

I don't think there's any reason why criminals would have an advantage over bounty hunters or vice versa - AA seem to manage ok policing the starter area. In my experience, wanted players get ganked more than anyone.

• It's possible that what we need isn't bounty hunters, but something a bit stronger, something that can handle the above situation. I've a nasty suspicion it's the goddamn Batman, but don't quote me on that. :)

I've always supported the idea of players playing the role of faction/superpower security, I'm not sure why FD have never explored the idea. RP games like Arma III:Life mod have made player police forces that work very well and produce loads of emergent gameplay.
Potentially, if given enough time and help, we might see PvP bounty hunting become more of a career, but I wouldn't bet the family fortune on it. The bounty hunters are nothing now, in PvP terms. If they become a thing at all, they'll be starting in the weaker position - and as soon as they start to look like any kind of threat to the established pirate groups, they'll all find themselves on dozens of KoS lists. Cops & Robbers doesn't quite work if the Cops are slaughtered as soon as they raise their heads above the parapet.

I don't think there's any reason why criminals would have an advantage over bounty hunters or vice versa - AA seem to manage ok policing the starter area. In my experience, wanted players get ganked more than anyone.

I'd like to add to this - cop-killing squads like SDC and CODE aren't nearly as powerful as they once were. It's about 20-30 guys tops in the entire galaxy we're talking about.
How about if they introduced specific, open play piracy missions that pay well and place you on the wanted list. How about if there was a countdown timer on said piracy missions before you can pick up your payment, during which time you have to be logged in?
How about if they introduced specific, open play piracy missions that pay well and place you on the wanted list. How about if there was a countdown timer on said piracy missions before you can pick up your payment, during which time you have to be logged in?

Not a bad idea, but it would depend on what others on the list have done... it would be difficult to provide a fast-track on to the galaxies most wanted (what if 1000 players do the same mission?). I like the idea/direction though.
I love the bounty board!


As for fixing the exploitation of a capless bounties, I suggest the maximum claimable is equal to the want CMDRs rebuy.
And that can only be claimed once per week(or so) by the same CMDR.

As a twist of fate, the wanted CMDR would also need to pay his bounty on death. Lol

That means, if a CMDR wants to 'exploit' the system and farm up 20,000,000cr in bounties for another CMDR to claim.
Switching to a 50k sidewinder and letting the other CMDR scan and kill him gets him a massive....

...2500cr. Lol

On respawn he'd still be wanted with a 19,997,500cr bounty.
And the other CMDR can not claim any more for 7 days (or so).
If he wanted to let the other CMDR claim the entire load in one go, he'd need to be flying a 400,000,000cr ship.
AND he would also pay an additional 20,000,000cr on the rebuy screen.

How does that sound?
+1. Nice concepts and mock-ups.

I hope in addition to the headline feature that Season 3 gets a keen focus on professions, crime & punishment, all the core game-play jazz.
I love the bounty board!


As for fixing the exploitation of a capless bounties, I suggest the maximum claimable is equal to the want CMDRs rebuy.
And that can only be claimed once per week(or so) by the same CMDR.

As a twist of fate, the wanted CMDR would also need to pay his bounty on death. Lol

That means, if a CMDR wants to 'exploit' the system and farm up 20,000,000cr in bounties for another CMDR to claim.
Switching to a 50k sidewinder and letting the other CMDR scan and kill him gets him a massive....

...2500cr. Lol

On respawn he'd still be wanted with a 19,997,500cr bounty.
And the other CMDR can not claim any more for 7 days (or so).
If he wanted to let the other CMDR claim the entire load in one go, he'd need to be flying a 400,000,000cr ship.
AND he would also pay an additional 20,000,000cr on the rebuy screen.

How does that sound?

There's some good ideas there.

This combined with getting rid of the direct fine -> bounty conversion could work well.
A while back (over a year ago..) the developers mentioned they were quite keen on having superpower-wide bounty systems for the worst criminal players (like how it originally was before 1.3). I think it's probably a good idea to have a large-scale bounty board operating from the Galnet screen (as it concerns inter-system news).

I had a bit of time so I photoshopped some concepts of how it could look; (emphasised as some people seem to think this is official lol - I wish)

Galnet Landing

The screen the user arrives on from the Galnet home screen. Individual bounty boards would be available for the Alliance, Empire, Federation and Independant systems plus a 'Galaxy's Most Wanted' board, which is the top 10 from all 4 bounty boards combined:

Player Criminal Record (Rap Sheet)

When highlighting a specific player on the bounty board, the user can view crime records on that wanted player:

Bounty Tracking

If a bounty hunter opts to 'Set Tracking', the player would appear in the players panel (like local, friends or wing-mates). The purpose of this is so the bounty hunter knows if they are playing in open play or not (it's pointless tracking a player who's playing in solo). The difference would be you would not be able to chat to them (could encourage abusive chat) or see them on the galaxy map (would make bounty hunting too easy). If the wanted players bounty is collected, they drop off your 'tracked' list. There would also be a limit to the amount of players you can track at any one time, say 10.
Update: Tracked targets should prioritise instancing much like a friend or wing-mate would (is supposed to anyway..) Suggested by: CMDR Hagglebeard

Tracking Updates

While tracking a bounty, updates on new crimes committed by the target player would be sent to the notification panel. Selecting one will bring up information about the crime in a popup window (like these notifications already do with other information). These notifications would not be instant, but update with the Galnet screen update (instantly notifying the bounty hunter would make finding the target too easy):

I think these features would bring PvP bounty hunting alive because currently it's practically non-existent.

Note: I think for these changes to work, we would have to see an end to bounty claim caps (currently 1,000,000Cr - idea on how to remove: and harsher consequences for combat logging.


WOW! Could not rep you more!
I've been looking at the need to regulate "griefing" and "ganking" (also a suggestion in this sub-forum) which would require a meaningful bounty for "murder" (which could in exceed the 1 million credit cap) and nerfing the "sidewider suicide". The suggestion in this thread fits "hand in glove" and has the additional benefit of improving P v P. So hat's off to the OP for suggesting this :)

The link for regulating G & G suggestion:
Yes, the game needs this!

I like the idea of notifications based on "new crimes" reported. It might be worth adding KWS/police scanning to it. "Criminal spotted in X system."

I would not limit tracking or have bounty hunting lock-outs. It might take an army of sideys to take down that criminal cutter... need all the help they can get.

As for for the suicide-winder exploit... One single death should not necessarily make you clean.
Only allow the criminal's death to "work down" the total bounty, opposite of how it is earned in the first place, and based on the rebuy of the ship. In this way, a few 40mil rebuy corvette deaths would clear the bounty, but it would take 2000 sidewinder deaths to clear it. The criminal won't want/let their friends farm their bounty because it will cost them a LOT in rebuys no matter what ship they are in.
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