Galnet Update 08.04.3307 - Adamastor Update

The Taurus is a constellation, which include the Pleiades (known ingame for their high Thargoid presence) and the Hyades (also ingame). Might be related to that instead ?
The G-type megaship mentioned is propably a generation ship. Are there any known generation ships in the Taurus region?
Tricky question. It's doubtful it's an already discovered Generation ship, otherwise that would mean the Hesperus is in travel, and has been for the past 200years or so, and it would likely have been seen (just like Adamastor has been found).
Also, the Taurus region is rather vague. The Taurus nebula is empty of stars. There are stars, however, with the name "Taurus dark region", but it is interesting to note they are about 400-450ly away from Sol. If there is a generation ship there, it would be, by far, the furthest from Sol recorded (max is 275ly now).

Your idea is interesting however, since we had a very recent Galnet article about generation ship.
So, the 'important' information from the listening post:

Source ID: H002255 [Hesperus]
Proximity Alert: Type G [unidentified megaship]
Locator Beacon: Active
Navigational data:
H1 Key -E
H2 Key +H
H3 Key -C
Beacon Region: Taurus

Looks like the message is from the Hesperus, there is an active beacon we should be able pickup, and there is an unidentified megaship nearby (might not even be human).

Anyone understand what the Navigational Data H1-3 Keys could be? 3 Dimensional co-ordinates?

I'm in the Taurus Dark region right now. Found one system, Taurus Dark Region LX-T where there is a Fleet Carrier already the [TLFC]Crow's Nest VOZ-55Z but no docking access. I have filtered to F G and K type stars and just jumping in and scanning. Also showing only non visited stars. Any other ideas?
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The ship class is known apparently, since it's "type G", so I'd say human ship. The ship itself is unknown, which makes sense since it's a 200years old ship with incomplete database.

I would assume the 3 "keys" are 3d coordinates. Encrypted, obviously, since it was a secret mission and all that. I think the "Key" is something both adamastor and hesperus knew.
The ship class is known apparently, since it's "type G", so I'd say human ship. The ship itself is unknown, which makes sense since it's a 200years old ship with incomplete database.

I would assume the 3 "keys" are 3d coordinates. Encrypted, obviously, since it was a secret mission and all that. I think the "Key" is something both adamastor and hesperus knew.
I wonder if "Type G" could just refer to size rather than configuration?
I'm in the Taurus Dark region right now. Found one system, Taurus Dark Region LX-T where there is a Fleet Carrier already the [TLFC]Crow's Nest VOZ-55Z but no docking access. I have filtered to F G and K type stars and just jumping in and scanning. Also showing only non visited stars. Any other ideas?
Why did you filter star types?
Well I filtered them like I do when looking for water worlds and ammonia worlds, seeing how they seem to be around those types of stars the most, and given this is Thargoid related probably. Though maybe I am overthinking it, so probs should unfilter and see what it what.
I wonder if "Type G" could just refer to size rather than configuration?
That was my first thought. But someone pointed out generations ships. And we did have a galnet news very recently about them. It would also fit, the hesperus is somewhere, nobody found it, and a generation ship is drifting nearby, perhaps to the same planet the hesperus is orbiting.

I am thinking about the key tho. Perhaps there is more to the listening post the adamastor "talked" to when it was redirected ? Perhaps the message recieved is part of it ?
Well I'm, jumping around systems in the Taurus Darrk Region honking and checking. Seems in everyone there is a fleet carrier so I'm guessing not long until someone finds the beacon.
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