Galnet Update 08.04.3307 - Adamastor Update

The correction to the puzzle that was posted in the Canonn discord was also posted in this very thread by multiple people within minutes.
Sure, I've no problem with anything Canonn has done here. But Frontier should not be putting you in the position where it's up to you to distribute official corrections and clarifications on their behalf (and all the things that then implies about whether you can/should e.g. ban people from your Discord)

(It wouldn't have had to be in this thread, necessarily - on Twitter, or in the Announcements forum, or wherever - also fine: just somewhere publicly visible)

Is this the first such case?
No - there's a megaship out near Colonia which visits some POIs, and isn't visible on the FSS from outside the POI.

You can also get a situation - again, I have an example out here - where orbital POIs are invisible on the FSS without first mapping the planet, if they're within the orbital cruise height.

It's rare because usually Frontier want these things to be easily visible - but not unheard of.
Maybe you should be asking why no one on the forums bothered to make their own list if Canonn is so disreputable.
I never said anything against cannon. I have nothing against them whatsoever.

I have an issue with Fdev official member posting on a 3rd party social media instead of its own. Said social media which needs a fairly complicated application to be able to read, and an inscription to another 3rd party website. I may add.
Maybe you should be asking why no one on the forums bothered to make their own list if Canonn is so disreputable.
Like Ian said above: Noone here wants to shoot against Canonn, far from it, you guys do some amazing and cool stuff. But a CM's primary tool of communication with the very community he's supposed to manage should be the official forums or any official social media accounts, not a 3rd party Discord.
Yeah well, it's done guys. We had fun looking for it. Good job Zador, great effort. And you were very close.

And their CM was working during the weekend, when he didn't have to. So I don't feel like criticizing him too much.
Off to bed now. We got some decoding to do tomorrow.
Like Ian said above: Noone here wants to shoot against Canonn, far from it, you guys do some amazing and cool stuff. But a CM's primary tool of communication with the very community he's supposed to manage should be the official forums or any official social media accounts, not a 3rd party Discord.
Just for the record, I'm not a member of Canonn.
Why does it matter who found it first? There's been a great hunt on the last couple of days and we've all had fun getting involved :) And the best part is, it's not over as there are still 4 more logs at least to decipher that may well lead us off somewhere else!
It doesn't, but this event feels like CMs are dropping official modes of communication in favor of updating a 3rd party discord, which shouldn't be the case.
I have a firm grip thanks. I understand that a CM posted in a 3rd party Discord, helping that subset of Commanders rather than the official forums.

It’s the principle of the matter and the issue lies with Zac, not Cannon.

You have a firm grip on something.

Explain how it helped them and not us given it was posted here minutes afterwards?
It doesn't, but this event feels like CMs are dropping official modes of communication in favor of updating a 3rd party discord, which shouldn't be the case.
So we admonish the devs and get them to change that behavior in the future. Mandate forums get official updates first.

But no sense spoiling what was an interesting few days with sour grapes about who found the end of the rainbow first.

I'm not even mad about missing out on 100 million, I am billions away from being able to afford a fleet carrier anyway.
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