Galnet Update 08.04.3307 - Adamastor Update

That leaves very distinct artefacts in the cipher text.... it's a bit OT to go into the mechanics of that though.
Oh, if you really wanted to do that you could. Start with a homophonic frequency-smoothing algorithm (take PANCAKE as a real-world example), and if you're a maniac, you could adjust the symbol encoding to emit cyphertext with the artificial frequency distribution of English text or whatever. That would obviously be extremely niche by the standards of Frontier cryptogram puzzles, but it's hardly impossible.
I don't have the time for it unfortunately, but if someone is trying to decrypt content of the messages make sure to use potentially significant words (ie occurring in the plaintext message) such as Thargoid, Perseus, Adamastor, Azimuth, etc as crib or known plaintext...this might help put some of the ciphertext into context.
Like I said, it's a bit weird for FD to do that. I personally would've had no reward at the end, particularly "first in" rewards considering FD would have known how much of a group effort this was, just to avoid this kind of scenario.

Also; my comment about it being peanuts was more from the angle of "I don't see why they wouldn't have just given that to everyone, not just the first 10" (e.g like the original Ram Tah quests). Sorry, I probably didn't articulate that well
Id rather a good story line then 2mil, like a lead to who this azimuth company is or some new xeno stuff, if i want 2mil i will go mine musgravite and make 300mil
Oh, if you really wanted to do that you could. Start with a homophonic frequency-smoothing algorithm (take PANCAKE as a real-world example), and if you're a maniac, you could adjust the symbol encoding to emit cyphertext with the artificial frequency distribution of English text or whatever. That would obviously be extremely niche by the standards of Frontier cryptogram puzzles, but it's hardly impossible.
Oh yeah, like, I could go into some really crazy ways to make it work... but you'd also end up with PANCAKE encrypting to hundreds or thousands of characters of ciphertext, using techniques which would be utterly absurd to use for a game puzzle.
Shhhh... don't get in between a Canonn basher and their bashing XD You'll poke the ants nest!

Jokes aside, this always happens. Even though I (a non-Canonn member) was the first one (albiet due to a big bit of luck) to find the Coalsack "stones" thing, people still accused Canonn of punching god in the face and torching kittens and what-not. They're just a soft target.
Good point, don't okay with fire ants lol
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Id rather a good story line then 2mil, like a lead to who this azimuth company is or some new xeno stuff, if i want 2mil i will go mine musgravite and make 300mil
Or a host of other activities that relatively new pilots could do 🤷‍♀️

Problem with rewards for activities like this is becoming the new relog-grind.
Shhhh... don't get in between a Canonn basher and their bashing XD You'll poke the ants nest!

Jokes aside, this always happens. Even though I (a non-Canonn member) was the first one (albiet due to a big bit of luck) to find the Coalsack "stones" thing, people still accused Canonn of punching god in the face and torching kittens and what-not. They're just a soft target.
I just want to point that nobody complained about Canonn. The complain where toward the CM, who posted only in their discord, a 3rd party tool, and never in their own official media, like this forum. The purpose of a CM is to interact with the community, not a subset of it only.
I just want to point that nobody complained about Canonn. The complain where toward the CM, who posted only in their discord, a 3rd party tool, and never in their own official media, like this forum. The purpose of a CM is to interact with the community, not a subset of it only.

Really dont wanna clog this board up with complaints so this is the last msg ill send about it.

  • Still no message from any CM on this board at all about it. Messaging Canonn is the only place they've communicated.
  • It took a community member to look in their discord and see it and post about it in here, neither Canonn OR Fdev told anyone outside that discord. Who knows how long they even had this info before they even posted about it, it was at least an hour between hearing info about the broken LP message and getting the updated message in game.
  • 100M Bonus to the first 10, all of which probably Canonn members (100M is a lot, if you say it's not then you've been ruined by LTD mining)
  • Nearly 3 days of pure brute force searching literally thousands of systems, I searched nearly 200 alone and then hear news that the system with the LP in had been visited before by 2 separate commanders who reported no LP in it
  • Canonn have their own mega ship in game long before carriers were even a thing and now we find out they have direct contact with CM's, how is this not favouritism?

People are right to be ed off, Canonn are pretty much always first on the scene and I'm starting to think it's because of stuff like this now.

^^ sounds like complaining about Canonn, or at least insinuating they get preferential treatment and are somehow bad for "withholding information". Other players have FD's ear when it comes to CGs and all sorts of other activities, but that never gets complained about 🤷‍♀️

But nonetheless, forums, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, they're all a small (I'd argue <10%) subset of the playerbase. Were I a CM and looking to target the largest portion of the community who care about this sort of thing, I'd be trying to track down groups like Canonn as a first port of call. If it's favouritism to target people interested in a subset of your content, then I won't even go near the group-leaders registered to FD.

(as someone tracking multiple social media sources including here, the hive of activity around this was the Canonn discord, not the forums, twitter or anything like that. Canonn discord would've been the best way to reach the largest amount of people, and then whispers go out from there)
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^^ sounds like complaining about Canonn, or at least insinuating they get preferential treatment and are somehow bad for "withholding information". Other players have FD's ear when it comes to CGs and all sorts of other activities, but that never gets complained about 🤷‍♀️

But nonetheless, forums, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, they're all a small (I'd argue <10%) subset of the playerbase. Were I a CM and looking to target the largest portion of the community who care about this sort of thing, I'd be trying to track down groups like Canonn as a first port of call. If it's favouritism to target people interested in a subset of your content, then I won't even go near the group-leaders registered to FD.
It was salty, but mostly directed to the CM IMO.

As for the community, I think you vastly overestimate Canonn discord. They are about 800 right now in it. 3000 on reddit (granted they didn't discuss of the current news). Then there is a lot of people on steam and there. This forum is the logical place for everyone to get official news, outside of twitter/launcher.
And if they want to make canonn the official stuff, then make it official and take over. There is no point in having an official forum if you simply don't use it.

On top of that, if they had a proper discord, or used the forum, Canonn could always link the thread to the discord. Like everyone else do in every other game. They can even use a bot to do that. It sort of normal to expect official news from an official place.

Now I don't say the CM should never interacted with them. I just say for "critical" news, like how there was a typo, or moving the LP, that's official for me. Telling them "good job" and "basic" interaction, that's perfectly ok.
It was salty, but mostly directed to the CM IMO.

As for the community, I think you vastly overestimate Canonn discord. They are about 800 right now in it. 3000 on reddit (granted they didn't discuss of the current news). Then there is a lot of people on steam and there. This forum is the logical place for everyone to get official news, outside of twitter/launcher.
And if they want to make canonn the official stuff, then make it official and take over. There is no point in having an official forum if you simply don't use it.

On top of that, if they had a proper discord, or used the forum, Canonn could always link the thread to the discord. Like everyone else do in every other game. They can even use a bot to do that. It sort of normal to expect official news from an official place.

Now I don't say the CM should never interacted with them. I just say for "critical" news, like how there was a typo, or moving the LP, that's official for me. Telling them "good job" and "basic" interaction, that's perfectly ok.
I don't see it primarily targeting the CM, but w/e.

I also don't claim to understand FD's internal comms process either, though consider it pretty reasonable that they'd target informal media like a large group chat, before targeting something like the forums, given how much of a hotfix this seemed like, and the forum's dubious track record for responses to low-detail announcements. Canonn may be only 800/3000, but a good deal of them were active participants in the search.

Activity on the forums seemed something like a dozen, if that? But anyway, I'm doubtful we're going anywhere particularly useful with this tangent.
I think there is plenty for newbies to do, might i remind that back in the day us vertan players didn't have the luxuries we have now like fleet carriers or a 80ly anaconda, yes the code was a little tough, even i had a hard time with some of it, not the word jumble but i was close aswel, cannon isnt the enemy here either they are just a dedicated group, and it took a while for them to even find this in my opinion, i was one of the few commanders there before a flood of them as the galnet seems to update in-game very late at night before its even on the net, even for someone who has played elite for some time, and by that i mean more than a couple months is slightly disappointed we or i was not the founder of the discovery but what i enjoy more is the community effort on this page and all those darn good people who love the thrill of the chase and being a collective of brilliant minds, who isnt proud to be apart of that? Now can we get back to playing elite, not having a windge as we say in Australia!
I've seem some of these already, but just in case...

A few quick notes, if anyone's interested:

Hackable data transmitter - gives encoded engineering materials, nothing else.
Cargo Holds - escape pods and commodities, still bugged and don't release
Escape Hatches - Occupied escape pods and damaged escape pods
Having a repair limpet controller doesn't show any damaged sections to repair
Research limpets return "invalid target" for all options

Asteroids nearby - prospectors don't show anything interesting, though some have surface deposits

Guns aren't scannable, and don't appear to have generators
Guns are powerful, and open fire if you fire upon the ship. Max range is 3.5km, with dramatic damage falloff (negligible damage to a Lance SLF @ 3.5km)
Guns aren't station guns, and don't damage your shield generator (at least on an SLF)
Hostility resets if you relog
Was there a data pack off it?
So I see the code was solved, to avoid controversy I'll stay away from how, but now I'm a little lost, has anyone been to the system yet? SEEN
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So it's currently not known who got the 100m, the message said it would be a delayed payment. I believe I might be in with a shout though as I was really close to the target system and when I dropped in there, there was only one other Cmdr. I got to the belt before most, scanned everything and got the T Tauri message and left way before a couple of mates who were also in there and no one had left before I did.

Obviously there's private group and solos to compete with but given my proximity...
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