Why have a progress bar if you’re not intended to make progress?
why have community goals and the pretense of player agency if the result is guaranteed before it starts?

controlling the game has been the mo from the start for fdev. players only get to choose minor details that end up not really mattering.

nothing about this war is demoralising if you don't go into it with the idea that you can win.

in fact, you shouldn't want to win. though I'm sure the war will be nerfed and adjusted eventually so you can win a little locally. they probably coded this stuff months and months ago figuring there would be much more player activity or at least much more player resistance to the goids.

i wonder what percentage of players have absolutely no interest in resisting the goids regardless of what systems they call home. we want change. power play was promised to give us this agency and change in the game and they lied and never finished it. now we have that chance for change again. bask and witness the excitement and birth of something new to the game board! why draw it out even longer? the goid war is the opposite of demoralizing. what would be demoralizing is a path leading back to the same game state we've been stuck in since launch.
Of course there is another alien species which is capable of reseting the battle if things aren't going their way!


Just sayin' ... maybe we just need to get on their wavelength, learn from the mistakes we made during week #1 and not make them in week #2?


Oh, i sooo damn love that movie.
and Bill Paxton's delivery was brilliant
All to set us up for Elite 5: Humanity searches for a new home near Beagle Point.

Guaranteed landings on earth-like worlds. Should be released in about 20 years.
Or Andromeda, if we can get good enough drives that will cover that distance. A whole new galaxy, with its own share of challenges. Galactic Hyperdrive like in 1984-Elite, even if that 'only' changed the map to a different section of the Milky Way.
Indeed, I think that the thargoid war is here as a permanent feature. The devs didn't just create all this as a CG that will be over in a month, it's a new addition to the game where you can go if you want to fight thargoids. If you don't want to, then keep playing as usual but stay away from the dangerous areas. It's nice to see that they are bringing more powerful weapons to let everyone have some fun shooting thargs, hopefully those of us that have progressed further can still have out PvE boss fights..
But suppose the Thargoids drop right on top of your player faction's system(s) and wreck your BGS - how do you play as usual after that?
But suppose the Thargoids drop right on top of your player faction's system(s) and wreck your BGS - how do you play as usual after that?
I suppose like many of the big factions, this discussion has been in my faction as well.
The best we've done is map out a list of priority targets to defend, based on usefulness to the faction and population size.
Eg An agricultral world with an extensive shipyard/outfitting and a population in the billion+ range will get more defence than a red dwarf system with a couple of platforms/outposts
Also, we'll be doing a fighting retreat and make the bugs pay for every inch of our space they take.


And the BGS ...... :(
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The Pilots Federation was rocked to its foundations today as humanity learns more of Thargoid weapons and tactics used in the unfolding galactic conflict.

Eminent weapon scientist Dwane Chutney spoke to Vox Galactica regarding the troubling discovery:

"As more information is gathered, we are seeing the Thargoids reverse engineer human technology just as Salvation tried to do the same with Thargoid and Guardian relics."

He continued:

"Thargoid probes have seemingly intercepted human communications and allowed Thargoids to reverse engineer buttons and on / off switches. The recovered picture seen below seems to have been the blueprint for such a device:


From reports Thargoids have then used experimental reset tactics on captured human test subjects, and seem to be now employing them in the field. Weekly resets of progress have become more dangerous than any weapon we could develop and have broken the pilots will to fight. I've seen battlehardened veterans reduced to tears, a few months on the emotional damage will be incalculable."
just so you know I stole the thargoid for my Inara profile. it's amazing. i nearly crashed into a star laughing at it :D (I will change it if your not ok with it)
The weekly reset made the story of a Thargoid war lose believability for me. Now it has more of a turn-based competition.
Yes I use the word: Immersion lost!

The game almost motivated me to participate in a story again. But now I'm back in the mode of playing once in a while when I have nothing else to do.
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