Oh man, by nerfing the combat rank of scouts, the combat rank grind just got way harder!
FDev, this is a positive IMO.
Rank should aspire to primarily be a reflection (to others) of a user's depth and breadth of experience and skill in the full gamut of the given gameplay area (combat, in this case), not just a trophy to be raced to for bragging rights.
If there are easy avenues to the latter, they mean people will just grind out those particular high-reward activity to get a shiny badge, not experiencing the full platter of gameplay, leading to much salt about the (self-imposed but can't see it) grind.
Perhaps a moderate diminishing return towards rank if you perform one activity for a very long time (at least in Combat, where there are enough gameplay options) would ensure a healthy breadth of experience at Elite, making the rank a true indication that someone is genuinely proficient in most areas, while discouraging painful repetition.