- 5 Important Things I Learned about Elite: Dangerous at E3 2017 Including Atmospheric Planet Landings


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Speculations are nice and all, but I can see this going on a tangent that'll just get out of hand - and perhaps off-topic too.

The thing I'd like to do is speak with Sandro and David when they return from E3 and get further clarification straight from them to you guys on what was said at E3. It's worth remembering that there's a difference between what press writes in an all-encompassing article intended for everyone outside of 'the community' and what you guys (the more knowledgeable and detail-oriented folks) are after. Information will be given, just a little patience is required. I'll hound the E3 attendees when they return with the things you've been discussing in this (and similar) threads.

Thanks for the feedback Dale, and for daring (??) to step into the fray! Good luck with the hounding :)
I do not care about atmospheric flights and the space leg without a good gameplay. If one day it wil be include, it will be cool. For now I have a game thats works. I like to play. I playing it since 3 years ago and it's still fun for me.

I am 100% agree with what I have understood of the last news from E3: Elite will evolve on the existing, for me it is enough, I do not need anything else.
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Against my better judgment I'm going to jump in on this thread and open myself up to the firing squad ;)

Dale, please, don't ever be afraid of this. There will always be wombles on the forums. A few words from anyone in FD can go a long way. Sure, sometimes those words can lead to forums meltdown. Or perhaps a single word spent incorrectly will send Canonn scurrying to do an analysis, but for the vast majority of players, an active and present representative is a wonderful thing.
Against my better judgment I'm going to jump in on this thread and open myself up to the firing squad "

Rep to you Dale, I’d rep you 1000 times if I could for your honesty and actual answers! Such a refreshing post to see from a Frontier staff member!
Dale, please, don't ever be afraid of this. There will always be wombles on the forums. A few words from anyone in FD can go a long way. Sure, sometimes those words can lead to forums meltdown. Or perhaps a single word spent incorrectly will send Canonn scurrying to do an analysis, but for the vast majority of players, an active and present representative is a wonderful thing.

Hah, it's more that when I post anything I always get the "XYZ FEATURE CONFIRMED!" response afterwards. :(

Anyway, back to the topic at hand...

Having spoken to our team at E3, atmospheric landings remains something we are still working towards and the whole studio, including David, is very keen to implement. We'd like to be able to give you an idea of the rough timeframe for it, but unfortunately that’s not possible at the moment - we don’t want to make potentially empty promises to you.

As previously discussed and brought up in this thread by many of you, the flow of what we’ll be focusing on in the next major update after 2.4 The Return, is the core gameplay and improving the overall experience of the game for everyone. It will take us one step closer to the best version of Elite possible, with a good foundation to start building on additional features afterwards.
Hah, it's more that when I post anything I always get the "XYZ FEATURE CONFIRMED!" response afterwards. :(

Anyway, back to the topic at hand...

Having spoken to our team at E3, atmospheric landings remains something we are still working towards and the whole studio, including David, is very keen to implement. We'd like to be able to give you an idea of the rough timeframe for it, but unfortunately that’s not possible at the moment - we don’t want to make potentially empty promises to you.

As previously discussed and brought up in this thread by many of you, the flow of what we’ll be focusing on in the next major update after 2.4 The Return, is the core gameplay and improving the overall experience of the game for everyone. It will take us one step closer to the best version of Elite possible, with a good foundation to start building on additional features afterwards.

Very helpful to read what you have to say, Dale. Thanks for chipping in and .... hopefully, in due course, keeping us informed [yesnod]
That's just it. You guys saw "100 odd folk working hard on new content", what exactly are all these 100 hundred doing? And if there are that many developers why are there so many bugs with nearly all the new patches. I've come to think that with these many developers, people are starting to get in each other's way.

More developers != less bugs. If they are recent hires, who don't yet have a full grasp of the program, they are probably busily adding bugs (as well as features). To get fewer bugs, you need better testing, especially automated unit tests.

At its most basic it should be fairly trivial to add a fog like effect to even an airless planet, which then becomes a planet with pseudo atmosphere?

This is the sort of thing I'd like to see, keep it simple to start with, without needing a complete rewrite of atmospheric ship handling.

Some no-atmosphere planets already have fog, in deep canyons, so fog is a done deal. I think atmospheric planets will require modified landing (gliding) and add some form of minimal life.
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I've explored the galaxy.

I've explored some planets.

If there's one thing I'd really, REALLY love to explore - it's the inside of all these ships I've been flying!

Being able to just get out of that damned chair and walk around my Anaconda, Cutter, or even Imperial Eagle or Sidewinder - I'd probably be spending hours and hours doing just that until the novelty wore off ;)
So in short, it is something wanted, underway in some form or another, but also something that wont be in place until it is developed/content filled enough to meet our expectations, based on feed back so far.

And people say FDev never listens to the community, if that is not taking feed back on I don't know what is.


I am more than happy to wait for Atmospheric planets whilst enjoying the current current and the improvements to the core game loops in the works!
this will mean that we don't get it before 2019-2020 and it is a sign that all the dev will be committed to their new Hollywood IP and we must wait on breadcrumbs throw at us like the Return teaser

What's new there, they did the exact same thing with planet coaster.

Why do you think season 2 fell so far behind
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Have we made a thread to congratulate Dale on his promotion yet? Because he's doing one hell of a job right now.

(unless he's been Community Manager for some time and I'm just blind)
Have we made a thread to congratulate Dale on his promotion yet? Because he's doing one hell of a job right now.

(unless he's been Community Manager for some time and I'm just blind)

I thought that other guy was community manager, zac antonachiiiii

Although I'll admit this Dale guy could give him a run for his money.
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I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
Dale's alright, isn't he :)


I'm glad that atmospheric landings are still on the roadmap. That's something that I'm really looking forward to. That and a revamp of core gameplay (especially exploration). :)
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