ANNOUNCEMENT Gamescom Reveals - Fleet Carrier Details

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For those saying "But they're called FLEET Carriers, duh" A fleet of ships does not have to mean only your ships, it can mean a group's ships. Fleet Carriers could be wings 2.0 in all but name. Let's not forget, this is the company that put in a game mechanic that allowed you to intercept another player's ship and instead of calling it an "Interception", for some reason only known to themselves, called it an Interdiction. A word literally no-one before then had used. Frontier have a history of taking what you'd expect them to do, and messing it up (and that is absolutely my opinion).


It's stupid easy for anyone at FD to just take 2 seconds and chime in on an important question like this.

So easy that we're now sitting here thinking "well if they didn't answer then that has to mean that they know we're not going to like their answer"
And that's another thing Frontier have a history of doing, answering questions, and failing to answer essential questions they must have seen asked over and over.

This is why many of us are sceptical.
That very clearly rules out the Thursday tick, but doesn't address whether they'll be restricted in any other way which I guess is the question people really want answering. While it's kinda implied here, it's not explicit. This answer could mean that carrier jumps are limited only by fuel availability, or it could mean there are dozens of other restrictions that aren't the Thursday tick. Hell, it could even be another tick. Fleet Carrier Fridays anyone? ;)
Clutching for salty straws, this one is.
<Snarl> One of the first things most successful, veteran online game producers usually learn is the importance of setting community expectations, perhaps under promising and then over-delivering. That results in much joy. This "coyness" about details does exactly the opposite.

Case in point: WHEN these carriers can jump will be a huge factor in how they're used and how useful they are. It's a basic question, with significant in-game functional (and tactical!) ramifications. Is the answer no latency? Short latency (5 minutes? 10? 15?)? Or useless latency? (Anything much longer than that).

The question has been asked. Speculation is rampant. Yet all FDev will say (finally) is "Not limited to the Thursday tick." Well, that's a relief, of sorts, that they're not going to be as lame as the existing mega-ships that serve player groups. But it just feeds more speculation that they'll jump with the daily tick (and so coincide with when the rest of the new USS types and POIs that appear (or disappear) in systems on a daily basis.

A ship that can only jump once per day, or even which must be scheduled hours in advance is VERY different from one that can jump much more frequently.

Knowing that expectation, based on existing mega-ships, is low why not just answer the freakin' question instead of coyly answering with the equivalent of "Well, I'm willing to confirm they're not going to be as lame as you might fear just, you know, trust us! Have we ever let you down? </snarl>
That this question exists and it even produced an official answer, just made me laugh out loud.

Will Fleet Carriers jump on the Thursday Server tick?
Fleet Carriers will not be restricted to the Thursday server tick in order to jump.

Its tragic..
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Man, some people are so impatient.
However spending time answering the purchase with Arx question is ridiculous.

When someone starts spreading that around claiming ED is going to a pay to win format it's understandable for them to get that out of the way
If you can respawn at these things then it's the death of "organic open world pvp" because now every time you get 4v1 or 8v3 they're going to call in a carrier into instance to zombie back from whenever you kill them, a never ending conga line of zombies and who knows what. In particular it's ruined my open world build which focuses on destroying modules through shields to give combat loggers a fun time back to the station. now they'll be able to just call a "personal support vehicle" to land at once they've combat logged to solo. And what about thargoid hunting? Aggro thargoid, call carrier, land, let carrier kill it. Carriers really need to be destructible to punish bad playing habits.
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That this question exists and it even produced an official answer, just made laugh out loud.

Will Fleet Carriers jump on the Thursday Server tick?
Fleet Carriers will not be restricted to the Thursday server tick in order to jump.

Its tragic..

Read through a few recent pages. The feature doubt is very real.

YMMV on whether specific fears are justified however.

That said it's trivial for FDev to put those fears to rest, but that's going to happen as they see fit.
That very clearly rules out the Thursday tick, but doesn't address whether they'll be restricted in any other way which I guess is the question people really want answering.
Adam mentioned in one the streams that only limiting factor is the fuel. As long as you have fuel for a jump, you can jump.
Ok, I'll accept it existed before Elite Dangerous .... but my point was 2-fold ... 1. No-one used the word. Interception was a lot more commonly used. And 2. The obvious choice was Interception, not Interdiction.

Obvious, yes. 100%.

The right one?. I don't think so. I always thought interdiction is the better choice as it's primarily not for pulling one out of supercruise and creating a debris field. I do get your point, though!
The question has been asked. Speculation is rampant. Yet all FDev will say (finally) is "Not limited to the Thursday tick." Well, that's a relief, of sorts, that they're not going to be as lame as the existing mega-ships that serve player groups. But it just feeds more speculation that they'll jump with the daily tick (and so coincide with when the rest of the new USS types and POIs that appear (or disappear) in systems on a daily basis.

A ship that can only jump once per day, or even which must be scheduled hours in advance is VERY different from one that can jump much more frequently.
They also didn't say the ships won't explode every time they jump - so should we worry about that?

And they never said the bridge wasn't infested with alligators - should we ask about that?

etc etc.

The restriction to jump on server restart was a historic limitation, and now they've overcome that why would you dream they would add an artificial once a day limit?

But anyway, can we get back to the main issue - should the FC explode on jump - worth a new thread? 🤔
So they confirmed FCs are persistent despite the owner being offline. They're invulnerable, move you and fifteen other pilots up to 500 Ly on demand and they can defend ships around them. From what? Wouldn't that have been handy when the Thargoids attacked the first II stations deployed to the WHN!

With eight large pads it might have been handy for the repairs too. Refuel the carrier for the return jump, then fill the shield-less Cutters with bubble only commodities and jump to orbit alongside a station. This is starting to look like a personal megaship thing, as beta tested on the Gnosis and the Guardian ferries.

Might also be handy for exploring regions in teams but instead of inventing some new unobtanium can it use normal Hydrogen Fuel from the market plus a new system for pilots to donate scooped fuel back to the FC when docked? It's cheap and easy to buy or scoop while doing activities we'd be doing anyway.

And how about a 'shipyard' compromise? Half the pads for the owner, half for guests :)
If you can respawn at these things then it's the death of "organic open world pvp" because now every time you get 4v1 or 8v3 they're going to call in a carrier into instance to zombie back from whenever you kill them, a never ending conga line of zombies and who knows what. In particular it's ruined my open world build which focuses on destroying modules through shields to give combat loggers a fun time back to the station. now they'll be able to just call a "personal support vehicle" to land at once they've combat logged to solo. And what about thargoid hunting? Aggro thargoid, call carrier, land, let carrier kill it. Carriers really need to be destructible to punish bad playing habits.

Pretty sure that's not how it's gonna work.

Let's not come up with crazy fantasies just so we can get angry about something.
Pretty sure that's not how it's gonna work.

Let's not come up with crazy fantasies just so we can get angry about something.
You don't have any information at all so your claims are just as unbased as mine and yet I'm the crazy one. Why? Because I don't think the same things you think?
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