ANNOUNCEMENT Gamescom Reveals - Fleet Carrier Details

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They already used the open letter as excuse to not release them in december and its very convenient that they can delay it further with the virus. I'm not saying they shouldnt take care of their employees but if they want to release the carriers in the next couple months they should be practically ready while they iron out the critical and then the smaller bugs. There isnt a reason for not release some info about them even after announcing that they'll release more info soon after the livestream.
Just give a list with some facts and everyone will be happy. Rough cost, what can they do, how to fuel etc. All things they should have finalized since last fall at least.

And as software devs, most of them should be able to work from home
They already used the open letter as excuse to not release them in december and its very convenient that they can delay it further with the virus. I'm not saying they shouldnt take care of their employees but if they want to release the carriers in the next couple months they should be practically ready while they iron out the critical and then the smaller bugs. There isnt a reason for not release some info about them even after announcing that they'll release more info soon after the livestream.
Just give a list with some facts and everyone will be happy. Rough cost, what can they do, how to fuel etc. All things they should have finalized since last fall at least.

And as software devs, most of them should be able to work from home

I'm angry at FD not upgrading Powerplay for years, but even I'm sane enough to see we are living through what is effectively a new era in modern society right now, and we need to focus on whats important (Powerplay and of course some outbreak state).
They already used the open letter as excuse to not release them in december and its very convenient that they can delay it further with the virus. I'm not saying they shouldnt take care of their employees but if they want to release the carriers in the next couple months they should be practically ready while they iron out the critical and then the smaller bugs. There isnt a reason for not release some info about them even after announcing that they'll release more info soon after the livestream.
Just give a list with some facts and everyone will be happy. Rough cost, what can they do, how to fuel etc. All things they should have finalized since last fall at least.

And as software devs, most of them should be able to work from home

The self entitlement here is mind boggling.

They don't have to release a damn thing if it means they can better protect their staff and families. FC's are almost certainly not going to launch on time, and it's possible the game won't be added to for a while.
They already used the open letter as excuse to not release them in december and its very convenient that they can delay it further with the virus. I'm not saying they shouldnt take care of their employees but if they want to release the carriers in the next couple months they should be practically ready while they iron out the critical and then the smaller bugs. There isnt a reason for not release some info about them even after announcing that they'll release more info soon after the livestream.
Just give a list with some facts and everyone will be happy. Rough cost, what can they do, how to fuel etc. All things they should have finalized since last fall at least.

And as software devs, most of them should be able to work from home
:ROFLMAO: Hahaha what a selfish and naive attitude
Selfish? Maybe, and yes I am salty that they dangle the carriers carrot infront of our faces so long always talking about how amazing they are and fundamentaly going to change gameplay. Always with the more info soon™ but nothing ever happens. Like I said before writing emails or making some calls should endanger anyones lives as you put it nicely.

Anyways rant over.
You're here long enough, you should get used to FDev's comms policy. Or rather, "no comms policy".

Also you have a point with devs working from home. We also switched to home office work without much problems. However, organising alternate workflows in such a large company must be time-consuming, especially on such unprecedented scale. I agree with the others though, I'd imagine they have much higher priorities currently at the table than getting that info out.
Note that FDev staff working from home will naturally have greatly reduced working efficiency. Along with family responsibilities and/or distractions, they'll also not have access to the office's internal connection speed/bandwidth, ease of team communications & co-operative tasks, creation & testing hardware (e.g. audio studio), etc.
And as software devs, most of them should be able to work from home

It takes more than developers for a release. Video production for marketing may be harder to do at home. What if there are still some voice overs that need to be recorded? Pretty sure VAs won't be able to visit Frontier HQ at the moment. Just as an example.

I get that you're angry about all the delays for FCs over the last years, but in my opinion you have crossed a line with calling the current pandemic "convenient". Especially with the background that there are already FD employees in quarantine, it's straight up offensive. I suggest you ask yourself how important an update to a game really is, given the current situation around the world.
Note that FDev staff working from home will naturally have greatly reduced working efficiency. Along with family responsibilities and/or distractions, they'll also not have access to the office's internal connection speed/bandwidth, ease of team communications & co-operative tasks, creation & testing hardware (e.g. audio studio), etc.

Ummm you are making it sound way more inconvenient than it really is. Nowadays almost everyone has a connection fast enough to be able to "remote desktop" to work. You can then use you machine like normal. Also, considering virtualization is really popular these days (docker), you usually can run your apps in limited capacity on home machine. And if your home machine also happens to be a killer pc (which is usually true for game developers), then your work can actually be more pleasant :p My dockerised environment is about two times faster on my home pc than in the office, Slack's working just fine, and we use Google Hangouts Meet for standups and when we need to have voice conversation.

The distractions are what gets ya, though. Dogs, spouses, kids... You need resolve... and a good pair of headphones ;-)))
Especially with the background that there are already FD employees in quarantine

I did not know that.
But I agree it was not the right thing to say. And to the video producing/voice acting, I didnt expect/want them to do another gamescom like trailer, but rather a forum post with some key details so the community can stop guessing what you can actually do with them.
Ummm you are making it sound way more inconvenient than it really is. Nowadays almost everyone has a connection fast enough to be able to "remote desktop" to work. You can then use you machine like normal. Also, considering virtualization is really popular these days (docker), you usually can run your apps in limited capacity on home machine. And if your home machine also happens to be a killer pc (which is usually true for game developers), then your work can actually be more pleasant :p My dockerised environment is about two times faster on my home pc than in the office, Slack's working just fine, and we use Google Hangouts Meet for standups and when we need to have voice conversation.

The distractions are what gets ya, though. Dogs, spouses, kids... You need resolve... and a good pair of headphones ;-)))
You say I'm making it sound more inconvenient than it really is, yet you are oversimplifying the issues; along with the general examples I provided (office's internal connection speed/bandwidth, ease of team communications & co-operative tasks, creation & testing hardware (e.g. audio studio), etc), Zimms gives two more specific examples - video creation and voice recording:
It takes more than developers for a release. Video production for marketing may be harder to do at home. What if there are still some voice overs that need to be recorded? Pretty sure VAs won't be able to visit Frontier HQ at the moment. Just as an example.
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You say I'm making it sound more inconvenient than it really is, yet you are oversimplifying the issues
I'm literally a dev working from home... And unless we're talking specific hardware like microphones which you need to physically operate, you are making it more inconvenient than it already is. Re: office bandwidth - you just login to your machine via whatever you need (teamviewer, rdp, vnc...) and you can use "internal office bandwith" to your heart's desire, moving files between computers. And I already wrote, slack, gsuite etc. are working normally. From what I hear from friends using M$ Teams, Skype for Business died in the time of need, but other than that it's pretty much business as usual. It's not as smooth as usual, but it's also not the end of the world (pardon the pun).
To lighten the mood:
lighten the mood.jpg
I'm literally a dev working from home... And unless we're talking specific hardware like microphones which you need to physically operate, you are making it more inconvenient than it already is.
It's not as smooth as usual, but it's also not the end of the world (pardon the pun).
creation & testing hardware (e.g. audio studio), etc), Zimms gives two more specific examples - video creation and voice recording
Meanwhile, I don't see anyone implying it's the end of the world for FDev's devteams. For me, what I said was:
Note that FDev staff working from home will naturally have greatly reduced working efficiency.
The self entitlement here is mind boggling.

They don't have to release a damn thing if it means they can better protect their staff and families. FC's are almost certainly not going to launch on time, and it's possible the game won't be added to for a while.

You are purposefully missing the point of what he is saying so you can ride in on your white horse of superiority. This isn't the first delay - the game has not seen material updates in a VERY LONG TIME. That is why people are upset - not only that we don't have the update - but they don't even have the courtesy to provide us with an update on dates and when we can expect things (or if they are again delayed), a game roadmap, etc. Anything to keep this game from slowly dying as it has been since the last major update.

So get off your horse, and see what he's actually trying to say rather than self-congratulating yourself and the devs for being such good humans. Cheers.
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