Modes Get off Solo/Private groups and onto Open play!

That's not a problem at all, they can play their game, but if they opt the easy mode and I opt the harder mode our rewards shouldn't be the same.

No easy mode no hard more.. just a mountain ED said you could climb... how you climb it is your choice but rewards are the same...
You forgot the most important bit, do all the prep in solo whilst complaining about solo players.


when it comes to grinding mats and credits - i know a number of them use solo to avoid harassment!! you couldn't make it up.

when it comes to grinding mats and credits - i know a number of them use solo to avoid harassment!! you couldn't make it up.

All the best gags rely heavily on reality.

I had a PVP pro bro get all antsy with me in the forum for being a pro mode choice type, he said he was going to get me in the game to prove the e-honour of PVP'ers. So I accepted his friend request (lol at how that works) to make trying to do that easier for him, and now I see when he's online and what mode he's in.

He only ever logs into solo, whereas I'm usually in open.


Flying around in a meta-Engineered Combat ship is not "harder mode".

Flying shieldless in a starter Sidewinder, on the other hand....

I am not the only one flying in meta pvp ship. My enemies use the same equipment so what is your point?

The rewards aren't the same: open players get the bragging rights for playing the game 'harder'. :)

Thank you for prooving my point.

That's not your call to make.

And as all you are lobbying for is to take from a portion of players whilst giving nothing in return, do not be surprised that some would mock you.

How is making OPEN have extra rewards will take anyhting away from SOLO players except jealousy.


I play in open and dont find it any harder than pg or solo. If a bonus for open were ever to be given it would require some actual danger ie being interdicted or attacked by somone at least within a level or two of your ranks.
Conversly credits should be deducted from your account whenever you dock if you kill ships (npc and pc) more than 2 levels lower than your rank.
Might even give being a criminal more meaning not just pvp

Come to CG in open and let me know how it is not more dangerous.
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