Give Yamiks an Alpha key!

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I just watched a Yamiks YT vid this morning where he advised he received an official response from FD, turning him down when he requested an Alpha key to review Odyssey for his subscribers. Apparently they have limited Alpha keys reserved for their “ core content creators and the press”. He has 101k subscribers and is one of “THE” core content providers! He is not the largest but certainly in the top group. If this doesn’t send up a red flag about FD’s possible lack of confidence in their product I don’t know what does. Give the man a key! Yes he is more critical about the game than other creators but balanced reporting should be promoted.
Sub count is likely NOT going to matter as D2EA would be smeg out of luck...
Its more likely the camera shy presentation... and the grumpy class when streaming he has... woud get him excluded... too many of them allready..
I agree. The line about there being limited keys is pretty insulting, as it’s an artificial limit they’ve created, seemingly to exclude him. Moreover, given his time as a content creator, the number of contributions he’s made, and his significant viewer base, he should meet any criteria that would qualify a person as a core content creator.

If they don’t like his content and want to exclude him on that basis, it would be better if they said that directly. It wouldn’t be a good move in my opinion, but at least it would be honest.
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