Gratuitous Selfie Thread

Here's a rather dark selfie.


There's me, in my cockpit, 30km from a black hole, almost 3000Ly up in the attic. There really is not a lot of light around these parts.
On my way home to the bubble, looking forward to a new release today [yesnod]. Just snapping some selfies on the way home ...


The sheer canyon walls of Labirinto make for stunning photo opportunities around every craggy peak


Up close and personal with a silicate vapour geyser


YellowJacket bathed in the eerie light of a bright blue Wolf-Rayett star and the wispy filaments of red of the planetary nebula
On my way home to the bubble, looking forward to a new release today [yesnod]. Just snapping some selfies on the way home ...
The sheer canyon walls of Labirinto make for stunning photo opportunities around every craggy peak
Up close and personal with a silicate vapour geyser
YellowJacket bathed in the eerie light of a bright blue Wolf-Rayett star and the wispy filaments of red of the planetary nebula

I love that geyser picture, looks beautiful [up]

Not a selfie but i did manage to capture two galaxies in one i believe. Well two galaxies that are distinguishable with the naked eye that is.


Man the Beluga is big.

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Not a selfie but i did manage to capture two galaxies in one i believe. Well two galaxies that are distinguishable with the naked eye that is.

The larger one is M31 (Andromeda) while the one above it is M33 (Triangulum). They are not the only galaxies visible on the background (I remember spotting at least another one or two), Andromeda is actually the only galaxy visible from the surface of Earth with the naked eye (I've read reports of also Triangulum being barely discernible, but can't remember where I read it).

Great shot your last one. ;)
The larger one is M31 (Andromeda) while the one above it is M33 (Triangulum). They are not the only galaxies visible on the background (I remember spotting at least another one or two), Andromeda is actually the only galaxy visible from the surface of Earth with the naked eye (I've read reports of also Triangulum being barely discernible, but can't remember where I read it).

Great shot your last one. ;)

Thank you. I knew about Andromeda but not the other one. I wasn't sure when I posted it but now I know, thanks again.
there is nothing really special about this screenshot other than it captures the moment I realized just how big and vast everything is in Elite. This was taken just a few days after I started playing and I hadn't got the hang of it yet and still thought I could cover mega meters and several thousand kilometres without supercruise because the planets seemed to be so close. In reality they were just huge and faaaaar faaar away.

My ship is the little dot below and a little to the left of the asteroid.

Edit: Fixed some spelling errors.
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