Whilst I am sure this would be the intent of many who would want guilds it would also create guilds who's idea of fun was shooting ANY player not in the guild. Whilst it could be argued this already exists with groups like CODE and others it has not been "organised" from within the game.
My concern would be with the idea of "mission creep", first tags then home systems then banking then player owned infrastructure. This is not Elite, elite is a player who can form temporary alliances to do a job but ultimately is just a very small cog finding their way in a very big machine. This is of course my own feeling on the game, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but at the end of the day only one group of people count: FDev.
Well it does already exist with The Code etc, and I'd suggest that FD (and the rest of the playerbase) would be better off if the tools were in-game. If they were in-game then FD have a greater ability and entitlement to monitor what clans are up to, which they don't at the moment.
I'd also suggest that while Elite may be founded on the One Man And His Cobra idea, FD have been very positive towards player groups already - the Mercs of Mikunn, system flipping and community goals spring to mind. I play on my own, in solo or Moebius and occasionally in open, so this is not something that would benefit me directly, but I think it would make the game richer and potentially better if groups are given goals that they don't have to define.
The problem with that is that most guilds wouldn't be happy out in the middle of nowhere. The whole point of guild play is to gather power. The whole point of power is to project it on others. The only sensible place to do that is where there are lots of others to dominate, so they will keep to high-traffic systems in order to recruit and fight other gangs trying to do the same thing.
That's a fair point - but if the locus of power shifts to player-populated systems then guilds will surely want to shift their focus. There is nothing particularly special about Lave from a game perspective - it's busy entirely because of the game's history. And as it stands, players cannot go there in open on their own without expecting to be interdicted and destroyed. That feels awfully like a projection of power that is limiting access to a region.
So if you are against it then surely you can avoid it by being in low population places?
No, it ought to be the other way round. Those clans that want the option to control their own system would have to accept that they might be far away from areas that are busy now.
How about those players who are playing away merrily in Open at the moment, some of whom will be inconvenienced by guild / gang play? Is it OK to tell those players to move to Solo / Private Groups if a guild mechanic is introduced out of nowhere (i.e. it does not form part of the stated game design that was successfully pitched and funded over two years ago)?
Absolutely not okay, and I agree that players in Open right now shouldn't be inconvenienced - but I'd say that it's hugely inconvenient for anyone not playing in a clan right now. I don't want to have to develop yet another set of shallow friendships with people I don't know and who are only occasionally in the game at the same time as me, just so that I can join a wing from time to time and fight other people in wings. Having clans and player-run stations would probably make it easier for someone like me to avoid all that stuff because it would move to a different part of the galaxy.