I really like this game, BUT...
I really like the potential that this game could have, BUT they really are lacking on the community front.
This game needs clan/guild support STAT! I understand that the lonely feel adds a sense of wonderment to the game, but after the nostalgia wears off some hours into the game and you have run out of podcasts and your TS/Ventrilo/Mumble is quiet. There is sheer unadulterated boredom while you grind kills in a RES, Traderun or Explore.
Also, player made stations and structures would be awesome. The clan or guild get credit kickbacks to missions and trade done at the station.
I just want to see something more that can actually affect the game on a player level beside Powerplay. Powerplay is a good start, but you aren't really doing it for a clan. You are just a faceless cog in a machine.
Sorry for the rant. It has just been something that has been on my mind lately.