I find your later assumptions based on fear-based preconceptions.
Or based on actual experiences in other games with open PvP.
And why do so many people resort to calling people "scared" or tell them "fear" is getting the best of them?
Are peoples egos so fragile they have to make out they are the only brave soul online?
I for one, do not want my immersion breaking with a re buy screen, because I don't have the tag before or after my name. Such was the reason I left EVE.
(Also why PS2 was so much fun, a PvP based game with guilds facing off was fantastic)
Why would people do this if they have better things to do with their clan mates together?
Because no matter how much content there is, groups of people like to pick on innocents.
We see this all ready in ED, guilds will make it worse.
How many threads have we had now that start "I was interdicted by a wing....." or something very similar?
Give them a good motive with guild contents and they'll not waste their preciuos time on mocking "irrelevant" commanders.
How much content is there in WOW now? Yet guilds moan of lack of content.
No matter how much a Dev adds, people can burn through it a lot faster than the Devs can make it - unless people learn to entertain themselves, those bored people will group up and go find someone to torment - like they currently do.
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