i think you are conflating objection to a formal implementation of clans in the game and the ad hoc formation of social groups. by formal implementation i mean software support. obviously people are going to group together, it would be foolish to think otherwise. but it is a big, and bad, step from that to software support for clan.
I think the conflating going on is from the great many people who view organized player groups as likely to lead to being GRIEFED BY EVIL BAD people and worse: meta gaming. Which many people don't want under any circumstances. I also suggested why that is an irrational fear and why it won't happen. In fact just about all the social proposals (including many core design mechanics relating to loss, death, spawning, instance traversing, groups etc) have been derailed (often subtly) by people trying to conflate
all risk with them somehow being griefed and attemping to mitigate this entirely mistaken presumption away.
There seems to be a dedicated group of folks for whom conflict, in particular loss at the hands of other players, under
any circumstances, is completely unacceptable and for whom any game design or mooted functionality which detracts from the isolationist play-style is viewed as likely to somehow lead to bullies 'griefing' them.
I think being honest, you can detect this undercurrent in a lot of threads. Especially where people propose game design ideas suggesting more social or co-operative functionality. Its just as case of challenging it for what it is and not allowing it to derail and/or devalue every proposal and idea.
You can also really see the way a lot of folks argue about stuff as rather futile: half the time one or more person/s argue on the premise that ED is an MMO. They assume persistence and anticipate using one or more active profiles indefinitely until they've 'maxed' everything and 'won'. If you check out the DDF its probably more like a single player game with some multiplayer pew and a level of 'emergence' in the background simulation.
There won't be any point hoarding resources, as if you play long enough just doing a 100% milk run you will 'win' the game by accumulating bazillions of credits etc. The game can be easily won in a million different ways - you can even choose who you allow in to your galaxy and filter out any/all risk if you want to.
I reckon a lot of people (who liked the original games) will enjoy this game but I'm predicting a lot of people who are used to more mmo style sandbox play are going to hate it. They will be frustrated by the instances, the group filtering, the lack of ease with which co-op has been designed etc. They will be quickly turned off by the way people can and will simply choose not to encounter them again. I think these kinds of suggestions/threads belay that anxiety.
EVE started out as a sandbox where player conflict was the core - then they introduced the PVE aspect for the 'grind' and 'anti social' players who derived 'achievement' from accumulation and statistical idolatry ie the great many WOW subscribers, whose captive audience dollar the game designers wanted to fill their coffers. Now: ED has been designed
principally as a PVE game. The multiplayer aspect is so weak I don't see organized 'clans' working or really being viable prospects which is why I suggest superficial affiliations ie cosmetic, name association, affiliate meta data etc.