totally agree, don't need the EVE dynamic here
I agree, but the eve dynamic has nothing to do with guilds as discussed here though.
People want guilds to role play, make friends and play cooperatively, not for the EVE dynamic. Like I wrote EVE has several gameplay features that shape it's gameplay to necessitate large guilds. A text channel won't change the gameplay of ED at all. So your agreement is irrelevant to the topic of guild support or not.
That being said, a lack of a PVE group / flag would facilitate an EVE dynamic especially in Ironman, not better guild support.
But they already have them. They have multitudes of chat rooms and have all kinds of name tags... On their own servers where their guidlies can look at them all day with whatever fond desires and warm fuzzies they bring.
No. Hardcore clans will be able to operate, but the lack of global text chat will only leave voice chat, and that will limit throughput (only one can speak), communication availability (don't always want to hear voices) and discourage asynchronous communication (read later what has been typed after pee break). Hardcore guilds will be able to deal with the lack of social features, but lots of casual players just won't join guilds, even though they might like to.
They aren't needed in Elite. They were never there, they aren't needed, and for a lot of us, they aren't wanted.
Sorry, you're wrong. The same false logic could be applied to the feature of multiplayer / MMO aspect. Anyone who agrees with this argument MUST also be against multiplayer in ED, since multiplayer in Elite was never there, was never needed, and a lot of us are going to play single player and don't want it. Would you like to see multiplayer gone, since you cannot apply your own logic selectively however you see fit?
Eve has plenty of them. When they get tired of the political bantering in Eve, being harassed by the same said guilds when trying to mine, do missions or whatnot they can come to Elite and enjoy a good SPACE SIM.
Now you are contradicting yourself. According to yourself ED already has all the guild features anybody could want (although that's not true). So ED would NOT be a save haven from the effects large player corporations can have like in EVE.
Although I agree that hardcore player killing guilds who want to harass players certainly can deal with the bad guild support, and could very well be a major nuisance in ED.
What WILL make ED a save haven from this stuff is that the universe is much much larger, resources aren't sparse, the normal group doesn't have perma death and there will be lots of other stuff you can do solo or with small groups just as well. Lack of guild support is NOT the reason why ED won't have the EVE dynamic.
Somewhere that an individual can actually play a game without being required to be in a guild in order to survive and have just as much fun as the next pilot trying to do the same thing.
I agree with that, but it does not relate to the topic: Guild support is desirable to increase social bonds / making friends, not facilitating elitism. I'm all for elitism, but guilds should not be the measure for that, player skill, credits and reputation should be.
But I do think formal and regulated guilds will in fact make balancing gameplay easier than unregulated / external guilds. NPC factions could react to formal guilds differently, more alert and suspicious because NPC factions will want to defend their own power. Without guild support, the NPC AI won't be able to identify guild actions, and make it harder to balance any affect that guilds could have on lone wolfs.
If one member of a clan only denoted by a prefix attacks you, and you then attack another of the same clan, you will get a bounty. If there was formal guild support, the game could add a rule that when you get attacked by one member of a guild, you may preemptively strike against other members also.
Please, no guilds, corps, groups trying to take over who sectors of space or
This has been discussed also. EVE has defensible chokepoints at Jumpgates and a limited number of ressources. In ED you could just avoid them or even switch to private group. Again these things will be influenced by gameplay mechanics that have nothing to do with guild support.
space containers advertising "Buy your credits here". Eve already did that. I for one would rather not see it here.
Advertising or gold seller spam doesn't have anything to do with guilds. Will happen anyway. At least you can shoot them unlike in most MMO's
.... but then they will want instant travel and other such nonsensical concepts in a world the size of that in Elite: Dangerous.
.... after that they will want specific content for guilds - why have a guild in the first place if there is no guild specific content?
I understand the fear and would dislike that also, but your argument is still a slippery slope fallacy. There are rational reasons against guild specific content: That would affect lone wolfs negatively by denying them content. A text chat and a name and a membership system is purely optional and won't affect a someone outside the guild.
Example: Colin Closet asserts that if we allow same-sex couples to marry, then the next thing we know we'll be allowing people to marry their parents, their cars and even monkeys.
If you want to argue against guild support (without guild content/perks) you have to argue about that, not hypothetical and separate issues.
And even though, David Braben wrote on the
about page and elsewhere he DOES want to implement things that lend themselves to large player alliances:
Whether you want to trade for profit between systems, take part in multiplayer mission alliances, free-for-all group battles and team raids to bring down planetary economies. Tip the balance of power in the galaxy, or simply explore the wonders of the universe and face the unknown… it is up to you.
But even that doesn't mean that guilds will diminish the enjoyment of others as long as there are other benefits and equivalent rewards for lone wolves. For example exploring, only one can first discover a system and get the "first explored" bonus. Again it's about gameplay features totally unrelated to guild support.