Headline on Startup screen dated today, "Thargoids unexpectedly withdraw from core systens".

AFAIK Operation IDA are repairing stations very effectively (faster than I would have thought possible), and more than half of systems which get infested or incursed are successfully defended by players who are into AX stuff. It's usually wrong to think that because you aren't interested in something, nobody is.

It's more likely that this is a story stage and the Thargoids are up to something.
The sneaky f@#$ers.....
Is it ANY coincidence:

1. Hutton's HAX Wing recorded their first pilot with over 10,000 Thargoid kills
2. CMDR DeadmeatGF demonstrated his alien blasting skills with a high score on Arcadians at Lavecon of over 13000 (twice that of the next participant)
3. Hutton Live from Lave had an entire segment dedicated to asking the question - so, Thargoids, are we going to do this round and round for ever starring members of the Pilots' Federation Management Team (a.k.a. Frontier) - ok, so it was tongue in cheek

4. We speculated that Hutton Orbital was the safest place in the galaxy as Thargoids are actually cross eyed and can't see little orbitals and we're all heading there when the biowaste hits the fan and having a nice CMG until it all blows over.

I know you are right and this will fizzle like a damp teabag but I want to at least have hope.
If there is a Thargocalypse out in Witch Head even less people will care than if there was one in the Pleiades. More likely we'll get 3 competing 'deliver MA to our new station' CGs to win a new module that looking surprisingly like an existing one...
If there is a Thargocalypse out in Witch Head even less people will care than if there was one in the Pleiades. More likely we'll get 3 competing 'deliver MA to our new station' CGs to win a new module that looking surprisingly like an existing one...

You mistake my dream- when I mean apocalypse, I mean Brando levels of insane. Thargs go real-time all over the human bubble- this is the last time humans drink up the Thargs milkshake. The very last.

Scouts at navs. Medusas around stations, tentacles metaphorically squeezing humanitys collective balls and making us squeal like the monkeys we are. All players living in fear, desperate for some shred of hope. And then FD give it to us, only for us to realise that it might be worse than the Thargoids themselves.

And in that cauldron of molten explosiveness everyone must choose who to side with, do you go with the Thargs, the AI or do you scarper like a coward? Is the Club right and humans are stuffed staying in the bubble, or should you stand up and tell both to get the hell out?
Thargoids Withdraw from Core Systems
Reports indicate that the Thargoids have abruptly withdrawn from the majority of human-occupied space.
Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison for Aegis, announced:
“Multiple reliable sources have reported a mass departure of Thargoid craft. Their forces vanished from dozens of locations within hours of each other. Only the Maia and Merope systems are still reporting Thargoid activity.”
“Our theory is that the Thargoids have retreated due to our defence operations depleting their numbers. Then again, they may simply be reconsidering their strategy. Either way, Aegis will continue to monitor the situation.”
In response, Professor Ishmael Palin of the Palin Research Centre offered words of warning:
“Celebrating any kind of victory over the Thargoids would be premature. We have no proof that their withdrawal was a result of human activity, and this action is at odds with their highly territorial nature. Nevertheless, this is still a significant – if mysterious – development.”


Just like the sea retreating before a tsunami, hopefully.
The parallel is very relevant.

Deleted member 38366

Thargoids ?

Newsflash :

Metallic Meteorite toppled, Situation unclear

A recent discovery indicates that a Metallic Meteorite has been found toppled on Planet B5 of the Puekee ZD-Y c2-19 System.
As the Situation on the Ground remains unclear, Alliance, Federal and Imperial Expedition teams are being prepared to investigate the phenomenon under the central coordination of AEGIS.

A spokesperson said :
"While we don't know yet what to expect on the Ground, we urge independent members of the Pilots Federation to remain clear of the area until we have completed our risk assessment. We do understand the natural interest of the Galactic Community into this phenomenon but our Operations must not be interfered with."

When questioned if the situation might have been caused by human actions, he stated "Our organization is aware of the rumors but at this point we must not jump to conclusions."

The Pilots Federation is reportedly considering to Permit Lock the B 5 Planet, although noone could be reached for a comment.
At the time of writing, travel into and out of the System remains unrestricted but independent Researchers should proceed with extreme caution.
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