Holding Umbrage with Huayangosaurus Being Resold

The 3 pictures you posted are identical. And does NOT represent the gameplay. Look at the pictures posted above directly from the games. It debunks your comparison right away. So no you didn't post a qualitative comparison. You completely ignored the in-game pictures and all the changes made to the model because it debunked your entire thread. Stop reaching so bad... It's getting more and more ridiculous at this point.
The point of me posting the direct models is to present a more qualitative and objective comparison.

The "differences" you see in-game are illusions caused by even the most subtle of angle and animation frame changes. Essentially, they creates differences that don't actually exist because of human error. This is why all comparisons solely relying on in-game screenshots are flawed.

Meanwhile, pulling the exact models up in Blender at the same poses and scales allows for a much more direct comparison, while also eliminating human error.

Any chance we could get the source files you used to make this, if it was made by someone else could you link us to the primary source. All of the images involved in this comparison are far too grainy for me to believe they are actual in-game models from the source code. In which case I'm curious to know how they were captured.
The forum rules unfortunately prevent me from discussing the modding tools in much detail. You might be able to get help if you're on the right Discord servers.The most I can say is that they're in .ovl files, which you can open and unpack with the proper tools. My images are a collage from others who have performed that work. I apologise for the inconvenience and for the low-quality images.
There are some pretty clear differences in these meshes, though. Yeah they're similar, but one would expect them to be. Huayangosaurus has a known skeletal structure and straying too far from it would be questionable.
The least they could've done was add a tail club, which it both had in real life and would've helped further distinguish the animal from the other 2 Asian stegosaurs.
For interest's sake, what's the poly count for each mesh? Because the JWE1 mesh looks "grainier", even with the JWE2 mesh being upscaled, so I'm wondering if the poly count is different between them.
I'm no expert on the finer model details like polygon counts. You'd have to ask around outside the forums to get that kind of information.
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