Hotfix 4 is a total horror!!!

A horrific experience for me..

Tried to load the game. I'm injured and off work since Nov22. I really need this game it's been keeping my sanity. But no longer. The following happens every time I try to load the game (Download seems to complete then fails when verifying).

1st Hotfix Attempt:

2nd Attempt and this time it seemed to complete the download but with a failure notice "Missing Files"


I do have a choice to sync with the cloud or sync locally. I don't know what to press, I assume if I click sync the cloud to my PC, the game will fail as it's trying to sync the hotfix also. If I sync my PC to the cloud I won't get the hot fix?

But right now, the hotfix has crashed my entire game into a state where it won't even load.

Please help. Dev's are awesome at replying on Steam but we don't get their advice here which is weird to be honest.

I'm going to need this game working again. Thank you!

3rd Attempt


Edit: Keeping my local version and trying to play does not work, it still tries and fails to do the update.
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my game runs great. have you checked your installed files on steam? there is a function like that somewhere. I know it from other games that have been updated. this function has often helped me on steam.
This sounds more like a steam issue than a hotfix issue.

Right at the bottom of steam is your download 'page' have you downloaded the fix: around 4 gb 400mb...for me for example it was scheduled for tomorrow, sometimes you need to force steam to download it.
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I've done the sync now but it makes no difference. Each time I try to launch it will still try to do the update and then completely fail when verifying. I'm glad your game is working well. At least that's something. Others are reporting a different kind of problem, huge reliability issues in previously saved parks. At the moment I am unable to test this.

@valdo 4gb? I got an update at 0.4gb !?!?!?


Yep the download definitely completes, it fails during the verify. And I can't do much that it says missing Files. I can't see Steam being responsible for that.

As you can see, now synched. The download does complete, but it won't verify.

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Cause steam should provide the missing files. This is literally steams job as distributor.

From what i see, steam doesn't even start your game. So this is all pre-Frontier framework. They could have provided of course a bad patch, but then everyone would have this issue. (which i for example don't)

Rightclick on the game in your library -> properties -> installed files -> verify integrity of game files, can do the trick and is probably what MissUniversum meant :)

At the size issue: mea culpa! i messed up the lines with marvel rivals which was around 3,8 gb....the update is 400 mb
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Cause steam should provide the missing files. This is literally steams job as distributor.

From what i see, steam doesn't even start your game. So this is all pre-Frontier framework. They could have provided of course a bad patch, but then everyone would have this issue. (which i for example don't)

Rightclick on the game in your library -> properties -> installed files -> verify integrity of game files, can do the trick and is probably what MissUniversum meant :)

K Got you, thanks. Yeah that makes sense. What doesn't make sense if you saying 4gb for the download. Mine seems to be 0.4gb.

I did the verify game file integrity just now and it passes 164 files OK

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Hey there. If the above advice from your fellow players regarding Steam files doesn't help, would you be able to reach out to our Support Team. They will be able to guide you through any necessary steps and offer additional support if those steps don't help.
Many thanks Paul. I really appreciate you commenting here and giving the advice. I am actually panicking.
I don't know why I keep letting it do the update for now the 83476239th time. It's not going work is it. I am totally gutted 😔
Maybe a brute sollution but what if you uninstall the game entirely and try with a clean install?
It's really not a bad idea Vampiro. Thanks. I've passed it to the support dept now so I'll wait for a reply first incase they have an easier idea. But yeah I think your idea will be happening before long. Thanks again.
@Vampiro @Digler

I'm giving it a try now. 5.5gb left remaining. I truly hope this works. I am sorry everybody for moaning. Just can't believe it. It's not so much an inability to play because, as we know, all problems get fixed in the end. My difficulty is psychological having kept up positivity this entire time whilst an army of other players ranted. I just feel bad and we play games to feel good.
Have you tried Steam menu bar... Steam/Check for steam client updates...? Also many people are using VPNs these days. VPN can sometimes cause update failures. Make sure you have any VPN turned off. I hope you get the problem solved soon
So I uninstalled the game following Vampiro and Digler recommends.

The installation is completed and the game now works so I have a couple of things to say.............

I am sorry. As I was saying above. I am on long term injury and this game has been saving me for this entire time. 840 hours so far in just about 2 months of being stuck at home. The thought of being stuck at home was the thing that likely gave me a horrified feeling. I do know Frontier are working hard to follow up complaints by other players and generally improve the game. I am also regretful about the tone of this post. I went into full on panic. But I hope it will all serve me and others when it comes to just slowing down and trying things.

Thanks Frontier, thanks Paul Crowther, thanks Vampiro and thanks Digler.

Going to take a break for a day or two and go talk to a tree or something.............

"But I hope it will all serve me and others when it comes to just slowing down and trying things"
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Volunteer Moderator
No appologies needed! The community is here to help :)

Glad to hear your problem seems to be solved!! And good to hear the game helps you in a difficult time as there are far worse options to burry your head in.

Hope you get well soon!
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