How about some icy caves..

Already have those, those asteroid bases in hollowed out asteroids don't just grow like that ;)

Current planet tech I seriously consider to only be a first stage, it uses a height bitmap for surface features so it can't have caves or overhangs, I expect, if new era is atmospheric planets, they will use that opportunity to revamp the planet generation tech to cope with more variation.

I think it's reasonably certain at this point that New Era is not atmospherics, there's been no hints of it anywhere including in that leak that had every prediction come true, the data mining from the game, and the ARX store leaks. I think it's as close to confirmed as is possible for a pre-announcement DLC that the expansion is for space legs, FPS with Thargoids, and base building.

It doesn't seem to me like there's much scope in that to rework planetary generation unfortunately, so maybe the next expansion after that.
I think it's reasonably certain at this point that New Era is not atmospherics, there's been no hints of it anywhere including in that leak that had every prediction come true, the data mining from the game, and the ARX store leaks. I think it's as close to confirmed as is possible for a pre-announcement DLC that the expansion is for space legs, FPS with Thargoids, and base building.

It doesn't seem to me like there's much scope in that to rework planetary generation unfortunately, so maybe the next expansion after that.

I don't think that's a supportable argument. For a starter the roadmap leak wasn't an official release and much has changed since then, the "New Era" wasn't even a thing when the roadmap was released. Data mining won't tell you anything, the "New Era" is claimed by FDEV to be a game changing update, so it's unlikely any of the data from that update already exists in the game files, the same with ARX store leaks.

Space Legs, FPS (seriously that's just not going to happen, they would need to write an entirely new game and have dedicated servers) and base building aren't in any way game changing, unless Space Legs comes with atmospheric planets. Arguably Space Legs is just another container like an SRV with the correct animations, without any actual content to back it up it's not really game changing.

My opinion is atmospheric planets will be part of New Era.
I don't think that's a supportable argument. For a starter the roadmap leak wasn't an official release and much has changed since then, the "New Era" wasn't even a thing when the roadmap was released. Data mining won't tell you anything, the "New Era" is claimed by FDEV to be a game changing update, so it's unlikely any of the data from that update already exists in the game files, the same with ARX store leaks.

Space Legs, FPS (seriously that's just not going to happen, they would need to write an entirely new game and have dedicated servers) and base building aren't in any way game changing, unless Space Legs comes with atmospheric planets. Arguably Space Legs is just another container like an SRV with the correct animations, without any actual content to back it up it's not really game changing.

My opinion is atmospheric planets will be part of New Era.
Huh, you're the first person I've met with that opinion.

the roadmap leak wasn't an official release

Of course, never said it was. It was a leak, and whether intentional or not it was certainly not official.

and much has changed since then, the "New Era" wasn't even a thing when the roadmap was released.

What has changed since then? In the leak New Era (we don't know this is the official name, it hasn't been announced, just referred to this way by staff) was referred to as Project Watson, it's not correct to say it wasn't a thing when the roadmap was leaked or that it's something that has changed since then; if the leak is correct then New Era is Project Watson.

How do you explain the leak being correct about several other detailed predictions it made, down to IP, timeframes, etc? It predicted the launch of Planet Zoo before there was any other indication of it, predicted Planet Coaster DLC and the exact content it would contain that had no prior leaks or hints (Ghostbusters), predicted Jurassic Park DLC with the exact scientific names of the dinosaurs that would be included in the DLC (seems... unlikely to be a coincidence), predicted the Jurassic Park survival game that people have found secondary evidence for now. In Frontier's recent (last few weeks or months) financial statement they announced they were going to be producing a Warhammer 40k RTS which was predicted by the leak, how could the leak be out of date if it's still making accurate predictions at this point? I'm not sure what your alternative idea of events is, do you think it was not a real leak and it was only coincidentally correct in all those specific predictions, that 90% of it was correct but the Elite Dangerous space legs information was incorrect for an unknown reason or as disinformation (why?), or that it was correct and Frontier have since then changed their roadmap away from space legs specifically (but not away from the other things in the roadmap)?

Data mining won't tell you anything, the "New Era" is claimed by FDEV to be a game changing update, so it's unlikely any of the data from that update already exists in the game files,

That doesn't really make sense, data mining based leaks happen because game developers are dealing with multiple different versions of a game as well as a live build, and sometimes things that are being worked on for one build end up in another build that eventually gets pushed to live, or are intentionally included as part of prep work for that eventual update. This happens in all software projects (I know it from Blender, where the code is open source and the devs will just say so if something is in the code that's not to be implemented yet). There's no reason that data mining leaks would be impossible for a "game changing update", unless you're assuming that means they're going to throw out their code base and start completely fresh, which seems unlikely.

the same with ARX store leaks.

If we accept for a moment that data mining and ARX store leaks could not reflect New Era content because it's too game changing, what is your alternative explanation for why elevators and station interiors were found in game files and the categories for cosmetics for personal weapons and buildings were included in the ARX store's data? I'm struggling to think of any other reason why that code and data could be in there.

Space Legs, FPS (seriously that's just not going to happen, they would need to write an entirely new game and have dedicated servers)

Why do you think that? Their engine has already demonstrated it's very versatile in the types of games it can manage, everything from theme park management to shooting dinosaurs with a tranquiliser gun to flying spaceships and an upcoming RTS game. They already have a zero-g first person physics system with collisions, weapons systems including hitscan and projectile travel, and a varying-g first person physics system with collisions and locomotion across surfaces was added after release that didn't require a whole new game or dedicated servers. I can't see any technical reason why FPS gameplay would require a complete code rewrite to implement, it's not that different from the current gameplay, technically. Certainly not more different than Planet Zoo.

Also, you say it's just not going to happen, how do you square that with the Devs stating before the game was released that it would happen, and reiterating multiple times after the game was released that it would happen? I'm unsure as to why they would say that if it was technically impossible without a full code rewrite, which presumably they would know better than either of us.

and base building aren't in any way game changing, unless Space Legs comes with atmospheric planets. Arguably Space Legs is just another container like an SRV with the correct animations, without any actual content to back it up it's not really game changing

Out of all of these this is the one I'm struggling to understand the most. What could possibly be more "game changing" than taking a game where you only pilot spaceships (and a rover) and adding FPS style gameplay to it? It's a completely different genre. It's not as different as, say, a management game or an RTS game, and I would argue it's not going to make the game a completely different game in a negative sense (it can still integrate perfectly seamlessly because the ships are flown in first person view already), but in terms of fulfilling corporate-speak-promises of a "game changing" experience, that's like as close to perfectly fulfilled as you could get.

Obviously you would need content for the gameplay to be actually good and enjoyable, it's not just going to be walking around your ship (the FPS Thargoid leaks suggest there will be at least some content), but that's not an argument against space legs, that's an argument about whether you think Fdev can deliver a high-quality DLC. Base building is also dramatically different from what we can currently do in game (enough to qualify as "game changing" on its own) and would likely provide the "things to do" with your space legs.

My opinion is atmospheric planets will be part of New Era.

Okay, do you have any evidence in favour of this viewpoint or reasons for thinking it?
The same amount you have for yours.
Have there been any roadmap leaks confirmed by other predictions being correct, data mining, or ARX store leaks predicting atmospheric planets?

Edit: Or any other form of evidence, of course, I'm just curious because I haven't heard of any of them and I would like to if they exist
..while we wait for the official news about the (assumed) ice planet upgrade in, what would be the second instalment of my DIY concepts of things possibly not to come.

It started as a regular cave but I then thought that's boring, I should make it yuge. So yuge, you could fly a ship into it 😄 Threw in some mysterious structures as well, since caves need secrets 🤨🔎

my new wallpapper, i love the phanton and i love caves
I wonder if its genuine raising of the dead or perhaps the forum is suggesting threads to people who don't look at the dates.
..while we wait for the official news about the (assumed) ice planet upgrade in, what would be the second instalment of my DIY concepts of things possibly not to come.

It started as a regular cave but I then thought that's boring, I should make it yuge. So yuge, you could fly a ship into it 😄 Threw in some mysterious structures as well, since caves need secrets 🤨🔎

Well frontier say no 'overhangs' or 'caves' in Odyssey for 'technical' reasons... but they did a fine job with the Thargoid base (Caverns).... so the caves for Odyssey; even like your fantastic cave above, will need less detailing/procedural generation than did the 'Thargoid Cavern'.... so I'm hopeful that in the fullness of time we might get 'underground' vista's in Odyssey on all planet types including Icy ones.

P.S. The interiors of asteroid and Thargoid bases are in fact 'caves' in the simplest sense.. surely the tech could be adapted?

Thargoid cave.JPG
Asteroid port.jpg
asteroid base 2.jpg
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