How do visiting players work?

Hello guys! Here I am again, I wanted to know how these visiting players that enter my zoo work, I mean, are they real players? Can they see my zoo?
How can I see their zoo (I only play in Sandbox mode).


I would like to clarify some doubts about this, because I feel lost about it.

Thank you so much!
Best Regards,
From my understanding, there's a random chance of another player's avatar entering your zoo as a guest. It's not the actual player exploring your zoo live, just a regular guest that looks like them
From my understanding, there's a random chance of another player's avatar entering your zoo as a guest. It's not the actual player exploring your zoo live, just a regular guest that looks like them

Now I understand, I thought players could access and see your map live. Lol, thanks for the info! 😊
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