To give my cents in one word:
Frustrating !
- Benches are nice, but something that is a basic for such a game, like turning cars for a racing-game. Even if they did not animated them (like rides), it is something that should have been in the basic game, and nothing that is very hard to implement at a basic level.
- Water-coaster: Nice one, love it, some new stuff.
- Music-express: Well, never ever seen this tube-version, looks awfull to me as a tube, also track is too flat, in Germany we have "better" ones, with a seperated room in the back.
- No weather
- NO UGC ?????
- Nothing gamebreaking ?
- No better control for building / paths ?
- Still no way to use generic rides and do decoration by yourself with the possibility to build your ride in a different version (with no roof, ...)
- 3 new coasters and only 1 flatride ? Sell it as No Limits 3 ...
- No telling about future plans (I belive they dont have ones, that would match their silly update-politic / DLC / handling).
Overall again, very overhyped, as usual for them now, of course there are "tons" of stuff to come, but I am angry now about this merchandise talks, a ton is a mass if you count rides as gramm and little less if count as kilo, so if you count a ride / feature as ton we get exactly 1 single new feature. They used this phrases so often now, I am getting really *not allowed to write that word here* about that. Basically it says NOTHING like most of the stream yesterday ... Wait for more to come, ... later ... futher streams ... no we cant say anything about that ... Smart people can count, so why not use more realistic words like "about 20 new features" ?
I have enough guys, if this game is SO secret, take it back to your cave and dont release it.
So for me it seems to come to the end of supporting this game. Last update was hard, because of high price and lack of changing speed of Huntsman-ride., but it costs a third of the whole game ... Sorry Frontier, it does NOT look like your listening and again, the way you communicate is a total failure, but as always in the world, you cant win a fight against something wrong, so go on, but without my support in future until there is some interesting in the rest of that "tons of new features" comming at release of that anniversary update.
The team is way too small to get the job done, its like RCTW, they give you tons of pieces that can be made by community with UGC, but they lack of features that ONLY THEY can implement (because of missing game source-code). Wrong way Frontier.
Also I hated very much this applause-stuff. What a freaking show that was. Why praising for their work ? Did you also applaud at the backery ? Do you applaude to the bus-driver if he carried you home ? They all do their work and many of them may get less money than those frontier-developers for their job, always crying how hard it all was. You are sitting in a warm, closed rooms, with nice chairs, no healthy risks in your job, no risks in general, so what ? Its a job.
Also the audio-guy of the show has to be fired, this was one of the baddest streams ive ever seen. Audio too low, music too loud, wrong missmatched cutting / blending ... uahhh .. fire this guy.
For a planed show it was way to bad.
With the paid DLC for silly build-pieces you started the end of PC ... what a shame.