Horizons How does one purchase Beta Access at this point?

If they were selling beta access...
...accusations of money-grubbing, people who already paid for Horizons incensed at the mere idea of paying for it twice, claims of clear financial desperation and end-times, beta-testing being a service not a reward, on and on it would go...

No-matter what Frontier does, they can't win :)

Heheh, called it :)

(But I'm glad FDev is offering it. Good stuff!)
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.....and just my luck, they offer Beta access at *exactly* the same time as I was forced to cancel my credit card due to a wonky transaction turning up in my account....probably won't have a new one until Monday now!
Awesome just purchased hopefully they will do another life time pass and I will throw them my money

Yep, next time they offer a life-time pass, I am so going for it. Sadly, my blasted debit/credit card *still* hasn't arrived.....so I'm still without Beta access :-(. I wish they'd do EFT.
Haven't a clue. Bought Elite during beta, thought I had the lifetime pass. Probably depends if FD likes you are not. Missed the lifetime pass by one day, even though I paid more than those who got it the day before while I only got the beta access. Then paid for the Horizons package and FD wasn't offering a lifetime pass at that point. Think they just want a bunch of idiots to bend over and take it up the behind. FD does know how to      people off.

Your right. Seems they had a sale at some point I missed right before the end. Then like an idiot I missed it and the Lifetime expansion. More peaved at myself for waiting. Watched and waited as both ED and SC progressed, watched and waited to long. It's all good. As long as the content and features progress it's worth it. Can't say that about to many other games.
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So hang on:

1) You were late for the Lifetime pass (presumably kickstarter) yet paid more than those with the pass? That doesn't make any sense:


Kickstarter backers paid £80+ to get the lifetime pass (Premium Beta/Alpha). The base game + beta retailed at around £50 same as the Horizons expansion mentioned above..
From what I read that makes your story an impossibility, It's possible you bought the base game + beta post release so you paid less. Anyway, lets chalk that up to bad luck and move on to #2.

2) When Horizons first went on sale the lifetime pass was offered, it was £130 (arguably very inflated but hey ho). I know this because I agonised for over a week since at the time I was on a student budget and it would mean very limited "study related alcohol" for a long time. Either you missed the news and therefore bought the horizons upgrade after the LEP had been withdrawn or you didn't see it offered.

This was on sale for 4-6 weeks around 5th August 2015 (from my store receipt and here: The Lifetime Expansion Pass was removed from the Store on September 14th 2015). https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=172800
Assuming you were unlucky with the timing (lets say you missed it by a few days again) you could have sent support an e-mail, they are generally pretty nice people and if you'd explained your problem with missing the kickstarter etc they may have made an exception. If you were after October you have only really yourself to blame for not keeping up with the news, I mean 4-6 weeks isn't exactly a short time, I was in the same boat having missed kickstarter but reading the newsletter every week kept me in the know.
In any case you could have held off on the expansion altogether, sure you'd have missed out on content this year but if you were determined to get the Lifetime pass it'd have been the logical route to hold off for 12 months and splash out once.

Overall though you've paid probably ~£100 for 2 years content. It's not exactly a rip-off compared with other relate-able games (mentioning no names). From my perspective bad luck + your own fault is to blame here not Frontier, I may be wrong but that's my impression based on my analysis above.
One thing I can say 100% for sure is that you originally paid less than backers did, either you backed at a lower level or you bought the base game, both of which were cheaper than the minimum backer level for the LEP..
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