How important is CPU for Elite?

but why would an instance with many CMDR's stress the CPU so much?
A GPU handles graphic generation, but relies on the CPU, (along with mobo and RAM to a lesser extent) to get the necessary info from RAM or the HD/SSD into the GPU. Things like planet / moon textures, ships, stations, weapon visual & sound effects and other needed info needs to be loaded or calculated before they can be displayed.

When you have multiple CMDR's in an instance, the CPU needs to do the above for the additional ships, plus handle the additional network traffic input and output, assign it appropriately in-game and update various info in real time, along with all other PC tasks in operation at that time. Anti-virus, firewall, Shadowplay, Firefox, NetFlix, BitTorrent, Windows updates, whatever you have active. It's also coordinating mouse, kb, HOTAS, track IR, VR information et al and getting it where it needs to go.

I disagree with the opinion that a CPU has no effect on gaming. The less your system is bottlenecked by hardware overall, the better. A decent multi-threaded CPU can keep up with the multitude of things it needs to do and prevent congestion. All major components (CPU, GPU, mobo, SSD/HD, network card, RAM, etc.) can have a negative impact if they are slow/old, not set up correctly, have bad drivers or firmware. The more headroom you have on the system, the better you will handle intense periods of activity.

Slapping an 800 HP engine into a car with a transmission that is rated for 250 HP won't get you far. All parts of a PC have to work together and any shortcomings in any one area will be felt in overall performance. I suspect a lot of peoples issues come from dated hardware, poorly set-up hardware and overstressing their systems beyond what they can comfortable handle. They then blame Frontier for the resulting issues instead of taking a hard look at their systems and their usage habits.
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I have a i7 2600k (Quad core OC to 4GHz). This is a 4 core CPU (8 threads). I also have nVidia GTX 980 Ti. I will soon upgrade this system with new motherboard, RAM, CPU and GFX card. I will get the GTX 1080 Titan X (Pascal) or/if the GTX 1080 Ti. But what about the CPU?

LGA 1151 (270Z) vs LGA 2011 v3 (X99) ?
4 core vs 6 core vs 8 core CPU ?
i7 7700k (4 cores) vs i7 6800k (6 cores) vs i7 6900k (8 cores) ?

I would like to know if ED will benefit/use a multicore CPU with more than 4 cores (like the i7 6800k/6900k).
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but why would an instance with many CMDR's stress the CPU so much?
For this game, I really don't know, especially considering that I wasn't really interacting with other players while observing slowdowns. It's possible that my system was picked as instance "authority" and did more funny business than met the eye at those times.

Looking at CPU load numbers, not a single core was actually showing 100% busy, I'm more suspecting that it's a threading issue. The FX-6300 does 6 cores and 6 threads, ED is rather heavy on parallel computing itself, their p2p authority parts may be doubly so, recent graphics drivers will keep a bunch of threads alive to feed the GPU, so it may be a mix of bad circumstances and switching penalties on a rather weird architecture (can haz Ryzen please?) that lead to the whole mess choking a bit.

- - - Updated - - -

I would like to know if ED will benefit/use a multicore CPU with more than 4 cores (like the i7 6800k/6900k).
Very likely yes.


CPU power tend to be use for games like Civilization 5 6 or Star ruler when it dealing with muliple AI. Elite Dangerous is more graphics base. I think they have it set for Quad core just so it don't stress the cpu
I have an i5 2500k which seems to work ok, but it is overclocked to 4.4.

My next update will likely be the new AMD cpu as I think my sandy bridge is getting a bit old and is only capable of PCIE 2 not 3. If I get a Vega GPU I can see it bottlekencking the system.
I was in an instance with 20 other ships at the CG last night.. My i7 CPU was a level 30%. I really think it only makes a difference in the most extreme of circumstances. I expect that the lag people sometimes see in heavy instances isn't a CPU thing anyway, it's more likely network latency relating to the many-to-many relationship of the players when playing peer to peer.
My i5 4690k seems to run around the same usage as my 1080 most of the time around 50/60% only time it changes slightly is around stations where the gpu jumps to around 97% cpu seems to sit around the 80% mark. Never had the cpu hit 100 % so don't think it a bottleneck for the 1080. But at the moment the cpu is only running 3.5 MHz. As some numpty managed to overwrite the 4.5 mhz over clock with the original 3.5 mhz standard. Il get my coat :D

My i5 4690k seems to run around the same usage as my 1080 most of the time around 50/60% only time it changes slightly is around stations where the gpu jumps to around 97% cpu seems to sit around the 80% mark. Never had the cpu hit 100 % so don't think it a bottleneck for the 1080. But at the moment the cpu is only running 3.5 MHz. As some numpty managed to overwrite the 4.5 mhz over clock with the original 3.5 mhz standard. Il get my coat :D


3.5MHz is pretty slow :p should be a 'G' in there somewhere!

If you know which motherboard you have it should be fairly easy to re-instate your overclock.
I was in an instance with 20 other ships at the CG last night.. My i7 CPU was a level 30%. I really think it only makes a difference in the most extreme of circumstances. I expect that the lag people sometimes see in heavy instances isn't a CPU thing anyway, it's more likely network latency relating to the many-to-many relationship of the players when playing peer to peer.

Yes i agree! At one time I had set all my graphics to minimum, cpu usage showed 40% and graphics 50% max(gtx970), and still I would get occasional stutters(every few seconds when close to planets). When playing in solo mode all is good. Seems very much network server related to me and depends where players are located in the real world(with respect to each other). I found other online VR games like Warthunder has exact same issue. But I may be totally wrong and could just be game software optimization
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3.5MHz is pretty slow :p should be a 'G' in there somewhere!

If you know which motherboard you have it should be fairly easy to re-instate your overclock.

You get the gold star well spotted your right I lost my G. The company I brought my mono and processor from are going to talk me through it. As you might have guessed I know very little about computers beyond the power button :D

I have a 1080, but I only have an i5 3570K CPU, barely overclocked. I just ordered an i7 7700K and I'd like to know how much of a difference it is going to make to Elite, especially in VR. Plus I record and stream so it should boost the performance then too right?

Also will DDR4 3000MHz RAM make a difference over DDR3 1333MHz RAM? How much? I ordered that too.

Unfortunately for you, I guess, the i7 7700k is really just a waste of money. The i5 3570k is a very good, very competent CPU, even still. Even in CPU demanding games like Guild Wars 2, you wouldn't see a very big difference at all between those two. So basically you just paid ~$350 for maybe a 3%-5% increase in games. For gaming, i5's are hands down the best CPU, however, if you do other things like streaming or recording, editing stuff like that, i7 is your best friend.
My next update will likely be the new AMD cpu as I think my sandy bridge is getting a bit old and is only capable of PCIE 2 not 3. If I get a Vega GPU I can see it bottlekencking the system.
I wanted to get a RyZen as well, but the forced Win 10 gives me pause. Been considering moving to Linux full time. This may force my hand to do so. RyZen will work with Linux and and I can run my current Win 7 install in a VM for Elite when necessary. I shouldn't see any performance drop, given the additional horsepower. I'm hoping VR works natively on Linux, but have not tried it yet. The Steam client certainly does so decent chance for Steam VR (fingers crossed).
I wanted to get a RyZen as well, but the forced Win 10 gives me pause. Been considering moving to Linux full time. This may force my hand to do so. RyZen will work with Linux and and I can run my current Win 7 install in a VM for Elite when necessary. I shouldn't see any performance drop, given the additional horsepower. I'm hoping VR works natively on Linux, but have not tried it yet. The Steam client certainly does so decent chance for Steam VR (fingers crossed).

I am on Windows 10 anyway. So it's not a problem for me.
I have a 1080, but I only have an i5 3570K CPU, barely overclocked. I just ordered an i7 7700K and I'd like to know how much of a difference it is going to make to Elite, especially in VR. Plus I record and stream so it should boost the performance then too right?

Also will DDR4 3000MHz RAM make a difference over DDR3 1333MHz RAM? How much? I ordered that too.

Please can you let me know how this pans out for you, especially CPU use when in stations at 90FPS? I'm becoming convinced (as you have seen from an earlier post) that the number of threads makes a big difference. I don't want to have to start again with my system and there are still a few i7 4790K's in stock but they are not gonna be around for long. Ta
Ok test complete. I went into an instance of 10+ CMDRs and didn't see any frame drops. This is AMAZING. I was also streaming and occasionally it dipped below 45, but overall I am extremely please. Haven't even overclocked it yet.

I will continue to test things like stations, etc. and report back. Everything will be copied to the OP

Here is the stream:
What is this witchcraft? A motherboard that takes a 3570K, AND a 7700K? Then doubles up with DDR 3 AND DDR 4 RAM?

lol no I upgraded the mobo too you silly

speaking of which, need to ebay the old mobo and cpu and ram. Should I sell them as a package?
I would like to add that the target FPS is a huge factor in all games. ED. at 60 frames uses up to 50% of my CPU (2600k @ 4.4GHz) but if I go up to 144, it pounds my CPU into the ground at constant 100%.
Unexpected benefit of the new CPU: VorpX and Skyrim work fantastically again. Looks like I'm gonna get back into Skyrim...and fallout, and well I have to go through the whole VorpX library again :D
I am on Windows 10 anyway. So it's not a problem for me.
No worries. Do be aware there is a hidden Linux kernel working continuously on your Win 10 box whose processes don't show up in your Windows task manager. There is little documentation on this, little idea what it is for and a potential nightmare if taken over by black hats. They know all about it.


The tin-foil hat brigade speculate even wilder, but I'll leave it there.
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