How to Build a Foreground Simulation (FGS) / How to Bridge Modes

As with all my suggestions, this is for Frontier staff to look at and consider for a (likely far) future update to Elite. I've been pretty critical of the "Disney animatronics" version of what I would call Elite's "Foreground Simulation" - that is, the generation and behavior of NPC ships that instance with a CMDR. The criticism is that these ships are purely eye candy that pop into and out of existence without any actual existential purpose or sense of being ships piloted by real people with real lives in the game. Compare this to a game like X4 Foundations, where every NPC is "real", and Elite's world starts to feel very shallow, staged, and predictable.

Now I totally understand that it's unreasonable to expect X4's "every NPC is tracked in real time in all systems, always" system, due to the hugeness of Elite's bubble and multiplayer nature. I'm not suggesting this. However, there is a way to "seed" the existing NPC generation system to make at least some NPCs more "real" - dynamically create NPCs based on actual CMDRs across all modes. Here's how it would work:

Frontier already tracks CMDR data on their servers - what ships they are flying, what systems they are in, their cargo, etc. All you need to do is have a bunch of CMDRs in your friends list to access this data. This data could be used to spawn unique NPCs that share a CMDR's ship type, name, cosmetics, cargo, and flight path. I'm not suggesting that the NPCs following a detailed "replay" flight path, but rather that CMDR data be used to set the already existing generic data that defines an NPC - the aforementioned ship type, name, cosmetics, cargo, destination, etc. The NPC would then behave just like a normal NPC does today, doing it's own thing based on these parameters. However, instead of just being some RNG parameters that exist for a short session, these parameters would be based on real CMDRs doing real things in the game. This means that if a CMDR was in the system hauling a specific cargo in a specific ship, the NPC would mimic that (again, using it's own automated NPC flight mechanisms). When it comes time for the NPC to jump out of the system, it will go where that CMDR went, thus giving the NPC the illusion of existing outside of the instance; in other words, you could follow a single NPC around the galaxy and get a sense of purpose behind that NPC's routes, because it would be based on an actual human. I think you get the idea.

For this to work, it couldn't be real time, but rather a "playback" of earlier traffic in the system. The idea isn't to create a live copy of a CMDR across instances and modes, but to instead use CMDR traffic to "guide" the creation of at least a portion of the NPCs in a system. Obviously not every NPC would be based on a real CMDR, but even if a percentage of NPC traffic was "real", it would greatly add to this thing I call the Foreground Simulation. If each system focuses on its own traffic, this itself would generate realistic cross-system traffic, since a CMDR jumping from system X to system Y would result in an NPC first appearing in system X and then appearing in system Y. So in some ways players would be seeing "ghosts" of CMDRs from all other modes and instances, but the NPCs would still be NPCs - flying their own specific tracks in space, but sharing the destinations of the CMDRs they are based on. This is what I mean when I say "Bridge between modes", because a player in Solo could see realistic NPCs created from all other players visiting their system in any and all modes. Conversely, players in Open could see NPCs based on players in Solo or even players in a different (console, for example) version of Open. Though I do recommend that NPCs not be spun up for any CMDR that could actually instance with the player, since that would be weird.

From a technical standpoint, I think this would be relatively easy to implement, since it's just tweaking the currently existing NPC model (I believe I could do it myself if the game were moddable). Basically I'm suggesting replacing RNG NPC stats with CMDR data. There are some obvious caveats that need to be considered. For example, if a player attacks and destroys an NPC based on a CMDR, that NPC should be removed from the pool for a period of time. It wouldn't be that long, assuming the NPC clone flies with a rebuy, but there needs to be a buffer to allow for the NPC's "reality" to differ from the CMDR it's based on (obviously destroying an NPC would have zero effect on the "parent" CMDR). There's also the issue of really busy systems, like CGs, where spinning up an NPC for every CMDR in that system would be too much. There should be a cap on the number of realistic NPCs, and when there are more CMDRs in a system than that cap, use an algorithm to pick every nth CMDR to model an NPC around. Another caveat is that so far I've focused mostly on more simplistic trade and mission-running traffic. How does an NPC behave when it's modeled after a CMDR who is bounty hunting in a RES or fighting in a combat zone, or "ganking"? But again, if the idea is to just seed NPCs with basic data from a CMDR (ship type and configuration, name, cosmetics, cargo, and destination), then an NPC need not be a bounty hunter itself, it just needs to show up in a RES like any other NPC. And if the CMDR is wanted, the NPC based on that CMDR should also be wanted and be programmed to behave like a typical NPC pirate. Oh, and I do see the benefit of making this system optional from the settings menu, since some people will not want even a hint of "real" players in their solo game.

So in conclusion, my recommendation is to create a "Foreground Simulation" where at least a subset of NPCs behave much more like actual humans rather than "animatronics", using existing human patterns to seed those NPCs. This would create the illusion of a "living, breathing galaxy" without the extra overhead of a game like X4 Foundations. It would also help bridge all the modes together while still keeping them separate (people in solo would get more realistic NPC traffic but ultimately NPCs are still NPCs, not humans). This idea is actually not that novel, as other games do something similar. For example, MSFS optionally generates AI traffic based on the flight plans of real air traffic. This traffic is still, strictly speaking, NPC AI, but in most cases it does an amazing job at simulating a real world "realism" based on relatively simple metadata. Another example is Dragon's Dogma, which is a single-player game, but it allows a player's customized companion to be shared automatically with other players, so that you'll see NPCs in the solo game world that were created by other players, adding a rich diversity to that world, and mirroring my suggestion to copy player ship cosmetics to their NPC "clones". I also recognize that only a subset of NPCs would be these more "realistic" NPCs, but it would still add to the overall experience (the woman in the red dress in the Matrix comes to mind). And someone more clever than myself might be able to use historical CMDR data and analytics to generate realistic, truly unique NPCs at a much higher percentage. Anywho, something to think about!
Single player games may have different perks than multiplayer ones.
So again comparing any single player game with a multiplayer one is flawed.

The X4 NPCs exists only on your PC.
The NPC that exists in my instance, will have their behavior and flight paths sent to everyone else that join my instance.
Make the NPC consume to much computing resources and it will affect too much the instancing (for example the SLF are still affecting instances pretty bad)

Then, making NPC mimic the player behavior? Which player behavior?
The game does NOT track, store and analyze the player behaviors. So it would need to do that in the first place (which would be quite a chore to track thousands of commanders over thousands of systems to make it remotely realistic)

Then it would need to map those traits to NPCs generated in those systems and in those systems only, making sure to pass this information to Client computers that happen to be in those systems.
Remember the NPCs are not centrally managed / server side, they are created and controlled on the client computers, then shared to anyone else joins the same instance with the instance holder, setting a burden on the computer that is holding the instance.
Then, when the current instance holder is leaving that instance, someone else needs to take over the role and keep those NPC moving - and this has to happen really fast.

Then, can this system be exploited?
I mean, i can have my small squadron filling up their cargo holds with platinum and faff around for a while.
Then we jump in our pirate ships and start to steal platinum from those NPC that start to be generated with their cargo holds full of platinum... :unsure:

All in all, i dont really see why a company should waste the dev resources with this instead of focusing on real problems
Its sort of like SC focusing on how sheets stay on beds instead of getting done the dam' game
dynamically create NPCs based on actual CMDRs across all modes
Wasn't it already in game in some form? I remember my friends tell me they saw an NPC with my name and I think I (very rare) saw them too. It was before Odyssey release last time as I remember.
you could follow a single NPC around the galaxy and get a sense of purpose behind that NPC's routes, because it would be based on an actual human
Not sure about following full route, but there should be some tracking of which missions were completed, where and by whom.
How about npcs made specific. Generated using fixed criteria ie smugglers smuggling pirates pirating etc. And of course ruthless npc bounty hunters which roam the bubble and beyond looking for wanted folks. In pimped kraits with G5 weps hehehe.
Or something of that order. Instead of ones generic as they are now.
Have em faction dependant.
Player factions can employ them to work for the wing.
Wasn't it already in game in some form? I remember my friends tell me they saw an NPC with my name and I think I (very rare) saw them too. It was before Odyssey release last time as I remember.
I'm not aware of any such mechanism. It should be very evident in busier systems, especially if NPC ship type and cosmetics were based on CMDR traffic.

Not sure about following full route, but there should be some tracking of which missions were completed, where and by whom.
Following NPCs around is what first showed me "the man behind the curtain" in my early days of playing Elite. I quickly realized that they were just going to random places with no purpose at all. I actually thought I might have found Raxxla at one point because I followed NPCs to this star that had nothing there, so I thought "Well maybe Raxxla is here cloaked or something." But no, it was just random NPCs being random.

So when I say following a route, I'm not saying that an NPC does a figure 8 in supercruise because a CMDR does this. All I'm saying that if an NPC is generated using a CMDR's metadata in a specific system, that metadata will include the system that CMDR jumps to. That means the NPC will also jump to that system. If you don't follow the NPC, it ceases to exist. If you do follow the NPC, you are jumping into a new system with new metadata, which includes the CMDR whose NPC you are following. This new metadata will include his destination in the system, which all current NPCs have (randomly set AFAIK). So the actual flight is still AI based, but the destination is derived from CMDR data. Leapfrogging from system to system will update that destination data, which gives the very strong illusion that you are following an NPC on a realistic (based on an actual human) route.

Again, the key is not to copy a 3D replay of CMDR's exact telemetry. The goal is to seed NPCs in a specific system with basic data derived from human CMDRs who earlier visited that system - ship, modules, cosmetics, cargo, and a list of destinations ending with the high-wake exit. This is all data that NPCs already are provided in the game today, but it's RNG and very primitive (though I suspect the BGS influences it). By seeding this data from actual intelligence (the patterns of human CMDRs), you "outsource" the flight plan AI to the players, thus adding "smart" NPCs (at least in routing and directives) with very little overhead. It gives you a more believable "foreground simulation" without the huge overhead of a game like X4.
Addendum - I address this in OP, but just to reiterate, it would "be weird" to have NPCs of CMDRs you can instance with. It would be like the Picard Maneuver from ST-TNG. So if you're in Open, the NPC spawning code should ignore all other CMDRs in Open and only generate NPCs from CMDRs in Solo and PG. Of course, you could still get around this by flying in one mode for an hour, switch modes, and then see CMDRs who were in Open with you now appear as NPCs. While weird, I don't see how this can be exploited. Blowing up an NPC of a CMDR would have no effect on the actual CMDR, and NPCs would still effectively be "eye candy", in that AFAIK NPCs do not affect the BGS through trade.
Again, the key is not to copy a 3D replay of CMDR's exact telemetry. The goal is to seed NPCs in a specific system with basic data derived from human CMDRs who earlier visited that system - ship, modules, cosmetics, cargo, and a list of destinations ending with the high-wake exit. This is all data that NPCs already are provided in the game today, but it's RNG and very primitive (though I suspect the BGS influences it). By seeding this data from actual intelligence (the patterns of human CMDRs), you "outsource" the flight plan AI to the players, thus adding "smart" NPCs (at least in routing and directives) with very little overhead. It gives you a more believable "foreground simulation" without the huge overhead of a game like X4.
Are player patterns actually that interesting though?

There's a lot of back and forth with trade routes and mission running which would just result in seeing the "Player Ghost NPCs" doing repetitive things.

I'm all for having more NPC variety (and more challenging NPCs to fight), but I think the question here is how to do it in a way that players actually have a chance to notice these things.
I'm not saying that an NPC does a figure 8 in supercruise because a CMDR does this.
Yes, I got this exactly as you meant. What I said was that missions stats could be a source of such seed information. I am not sure if the game stores all the information of systems visited by commander on the servers. If it does - even better.
It would be like the Picard Maneuver from ST-TNG. So if you're in Open, the NPC spawning code should ignore all other CMDRs in Open and only generate NPCs from CMDRs in Solo and PG.
I would say it should use data only from the players who currently offline.

There is still question how to "merge" same NPC from different player instances.
Are player patterns actually that interesting though?

There's a lot of back and forth with trade routes and mission running which would just result in seeing the "Player Ghost NPCs" doing repetitive things.

I'm all for having more NPC variety (and more challenging NPCs to fight), but I think the question here is how to do it in a way that players actually have a chance to notice these things.
I think they are, that's why I like playing in Open and mourn the decreasing number of player interactions over the years. It's also why I love X4 Foundations so much, because every single ship in that game has a purpose, a history, an agenda, a personality. It massively adds to the immersion of feeling part of a living, breathing galaxy.

On the other hand, I hear what you are saying, and that's why I'm recommending the easiest, quickest way to implement this feature, since not all players will appreciate immersive traffic patterns like I do. As I said, if I had access NPC variables via an API, I could build this "Foreground Simulation" myself in a couple of days, so I'm not asking Frontier to put 100 developers on a project that will take months.
Perhaps the reason players seem more interesting is often because you know they are people. They can be doing mundane things but you see a hollow square and know there is potential for a much more sophisticated interaction. Sometimes they can be doing something amusingly badly, like when you see some overshoot a station and do a loop of shame. There's recognition there.

That said it's a good idea to source CMDR data to de-randomise NPCs. It doesn't have to be a simple mirroring though and instead a model of CMDR behaviour, and preferably some inferred "aim" assigned to the NPC (travelling to a POI, travelling to steal data from a surface installation, travelling to sabotage a megaship, repeating a trade loop) that you could interact with, perhaps even as a way to affect the BGS, could be created, for instance. I guess I'm imagining some machine learning (I dunno) to create the model and then procedural generation constrained by that model (plus local factors). If the procedural instance of the NPC is seeded by timestamp and includes a schedule (with duration), then the NPC's location and travel should be reproducible for different CMDRs, etc. Two CMDRs interacting with the same NPC in different systems (e.g. one interdicting and delaying it at one waypoint) and then merging instances would see some inconsistencies though as that stands. And you'd need some logging of interactions so you didn't see the NPC you just blew up at it's next waypoint after jumping to it.

Incidentally, the use of CMDRs to regulate NPC behaviour in other instances reminds me of this suggestion:

Although that one was to decide how strong the NPC opposition you face in powerplay should be depending on the number of CMDRs in system that you happened not to instance with.
Two CMDRs interacting with the same NPC in different systems (e.g. one interdicting and delaying it at one waypoint) and then merging instances would see some inconsistencies though as that stands. And you'd need some logging of interactions so you didn't see the NPC you just blew up at it's next waypoint after jumping to it.
I think it maybe can be solved by creating some pool of offline players. When needed one of them could be taken from the pool (based on the location) to instance with online player and marked in the pool as unavailable until it is release by give client (e.g. when player jumps to another system or goes offline) or original player appeared in game online.
Two CMDRs interacting with the same NPC in different systems (e.g. one interdicting and delaying it at one waypoint) and then merging instances would see some inconsistencies though as that stands. And you'd need some logging of interactions so you didn't see the NPC you just blew up at it's next waypoint after jumping to it.
I think my suggestion of removing NPCs that have been destroyed for a period of time would address this, the idea that if it were an actual CMDR getting destroyed, they'd rebuy at the local station and return to their previous activities in relatively short order.

That said, it will still be a form of "smoke and mirrors" that anyone looking really closely at will be able to reveal in these very unique (and likely rare) situations. I still think it would be way more believable than the current RNG system. In suggesting this idea, I want to keep the mechanism as simple as possible, otherwise it devolves into a complex, convoluted system that's not worth the time developing.

I also confess that the main reason I'm suggesting this is because in my recent experience, seeing other CMDRs is extremely rare unless I'm at a CG. This is because we now have almost a dozen non-crossplay modes (Open x5, PG x5, and Solo), so I'm very dependent on NPCs for "population" in my game. If I were encountering actual CMDRs everywhere in Open, then I'd be less bothered by NPCs being animatronics on rails, because the CMDRs themselves would serve as that realistic population. As for CGs and busy places like ShinDez, I've actually advocated in the past that Frontier remove NPCs from those instances (at least traders), because NPCs at a busy CG just clutter space and are the number one reason for poor performance around stations. Of course if you're in Solo, having a large number of "realistic" NPCs at a CG would be an incentive, at least for me, to partake in the CG, because it would feel like a true community goal, unique compared to unvisited systems.
I would add that many npc's in the game do have purpose beyond what the average cmdr expects or sees or knows.
many are doing things to show you something
many are carrying things you need, maybe(story line assistance) this one is huge

there are ai levels they reach
there are mimicry levels they accumulate
there are numerous counters attached to various NPC's for some of the above levels and more.

I will say that sadly Odyssey implementation has interfered with this very badly though.
I have never seen 'Lost' NPC's before Odyssey. now they are everywhere, clueless, no purpose.

when Horizons was released I think the AI was cranked up to its maximum, that was special.
Npc's that would stay out of range, or run if they took too much damage too quickly, easily 10 times harder to kill than what we now have.

Odyssey's AI is not the same as Horizons and it shows. EDO is full of lemming style NPC's
But as I have said many times, we are on year 1 of EDO. EDO is a blank copy of EDH. took 4 years to smooth out EDH.

I have had Kraits following me for many years, like a shadow, but always there.
I play different than a lot of cmdrs
I usually play on 2 pc's at the same time
I noticed very long ago that each cmdr gets his own set of npc's

we all saw this in horizons clearly and fdev told us this would be the case.
each item, be it meteor, npc, whatever, gets another set added for every person in the wing
so hunting for materials in a wing doubles your odds or triples, etc..
same for bounty hunting.

this then extends to regular stuff

pop in the game, in a station and note all the traffic for an hour or two.
then log in with another account, same place
suddenly there are at least twice as many ships,
more than half are hanging in space, they are waiting to see what each cmdr does
they don't move till each cmdr does
knowing this is BIG when you play alone, you can see from npc behavior if there are or were recently cmdrs here...

right from the login, you are being copied, you are getting NPC's doing what you are doing

I also have anarchy security forces that follow me every where I go.
I fly with crimes OFF, yet they show up in soo many of my battles, to help me
Why do they do this?
I can tell you why, but you should discover this for yourself
Find out how to make npc's a part of your wing(fake wing)

I had a system authority viper(anarchy) follow me for hours a few days ago. he did most of my killing for me, I was in a vette being escorted from kill to kill by the same anarchist cop for half the day.

I learn something new from the NPC AI almost every day. it is far deeper than people suspect.
same for your NPC pilot, you can train it and it can learn YOUR fighting style
It will learn to become as accurate as you are, as tricky as you are.
my npc's can solo anything except Thargoids ofc. I don't fight Thargoids
in the slf.
in the fdl, krait, gunship, vette, conda, cutter I am very good, pvp deadly, all fixed weapons for many years. averaged 300 kills per day for 2 years during my NOVA war
yet my npc is better than I am at protecting cargo. and I can't fly that slf like she can.

You have barely scratched the AI surface from what I can see.

You should know too, the anarchy faction I refer to is always the same, they are a faction I control, but when Horizons released, these guys were my #1 enemy, my daily target. and they still are, yet we are not only allied, but I feed them billions in bounties and trade and they expand, over and over...bgs
This clearly shows an AI that is capable of having a split personality. humor?
I work with 1 other Anarchy faction that has the same behaviour as this faction.
other BGS players say each faction type is identical, I don't agree.
I have found 2 that are similar, all the rest in my area are not like them in any way except title.
this tells me the others are mimicking behavior and acts of other cmdrs instead of me or mine.

Fdev has tried to keep the BGS lo key and secretive for many reasons.
one of those reason I believe is they do not want to tell anyone all the AI levels that exist. Knowing this makes the BGS easy.
same reason they are nearly useless with any form of instruction, that is the fun of any mystery. figure it out
he who figures things out has an easier time

You may have noticed that I have a very different approach to the BGS than many others.
I work alone, so I have to test a lot of stuff, continually, to see if things still work, if things work at all, etc...
I am the one guy that has been trying to tell other cmdrs how to save their anarchy systems from falling down.
The guy that knows how to get anarchy bounties for any anarchy faction in any system, easily and make credits doing it.
I am also the guy that discovered in 2015 that yes, you can flip a nav into a CNB and reverse.(people seem to be trying to hide this info)
I push 3 factions around. I have all 3 in all of my main systems
There is a reason I do this.
I have not seen one other BGS player do the things I do with the BGS.
They go out of their way to destroy economy in every system they touch, I do the opposite, I improve the economy.
They do not know or care that this is what they are doing. all they want is their factions name on every station.
pretty lame goal that helps no-one.

That paragraph is simply to tell you, I see and I do things differently than others do.
Because I can, because I am very good at figuring things out.
And I am very good at testing things, irl and in games.
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I would add that many npc's in the game do have purpose beyond what the average cmdr expects or sees or knows.
many are doing things to show you something
many are carrying things you need, maybe(story line assistance) this one is huge

there are ai levels they reach
there are mimicry levels they accumulate
there are numerous counters attached to various NPC's for some of the above levels and more.

I will say that sadly Odyssey implementation has interfered with this very badly though.
I have never seen 'Lost' NPC's before Odyssey. now they are everywhere, clueless, no purpose.

when Horizons was released I think the AI was cranked up to its maximum, that was special.
Npc's that would stay out of range, or run if they took too much damage too quickly, easily 10 times harder to kill than what we now have.

Odyssey's AI is not the same as Horizons and it shows. EDO is full of lemming style NPC's
But as I have said many times, we are on year 1 of EDO. EDO is a blank copy of EDH. took 4 years to smooth out EDH.

I have had Kraits following me for many years, like a shadow, but always there.
I play different than a lot of cmdrs
I usually play on 2 pc's at the same time
I noticed very long ago that each cmdr gets his own set of npc's

we all saw this in horizons clearly and fdev told us this would be the case.
each item, be it meteor, npc, whatever, gets another set added for every person in the wing
so hunting for materials in a wing doubles your odds or triples, etc..
same for bounty hunting.

this then extends to regular stuff

pop in the game, in a station and note all the traffic for an hour or two.
then log in with another account, same place
suddenly there are at least twice as many ships,
more than half are hanging in space, they are waiting to see what each cmdr does
they don't move till each cmdr does
knowing this is BIG when you play alone, you can see from npc behavior if there are or were recently cmdrs here...

right from the login, you are being copied, you are getting NPC's doing what you are doing

I also have anarchy security forces that follow me every where I go.
I fly with crimes OFF, yet they show up in soo many of my battles, to help me
Why do they do this?
I can tell you why, but you should discover this for yourself
Find out how to make npc's a part of your wing(fake wing)

I had a system authority viper(anarchy) follow me for hours a few days ago. he did most of my killing for me, I was in a vette being escorted from kill to kill by the same anarchist cop for half the day.

I learn something new from the NPC AI almost every day. it is far deeper than people suspect.
same for your NPC pilot, you can train it and it can learn YOUR fighting style
It will learn to become as accurate as you are, as tricky as you are.
my npc's can solo anything except Thargoids ofc. I don't fight Thargoids
in the slf.
in the fdl, krait, gunship, vette, conda, cutter I am very good, pvp deadly, all fixed weapons for many years. averaged 300 kills per day for 2 years during my NOVA war
yet my npc is better than I am at protecting cargo. and I can't fly that slf like she can.

You have barely scratched the AI surface from what I can see.

You should know too, the anarchy faction I refer to is always the same, they are a faction I control, but when Horizons released, these guys were my #1 enemy, my daily target. and they still are, yet we are not only allied, but I feed them billions in bounties and trade and they expand, over and over...bgs
This clearly shows an AI that is capable of having a split personality. humor?
I work with 1 other Anarchy faction that has the same behaviour as this faction.
other BGS players say each faction type is identical, I don't agree.
I have found 2 that are similar, all the rest in my area are not like them in any way except title.
this tells me the others are mimicking behavior and acts of other cmdrs instead of me or mine.

Fdev has tried to keep the BGS lo key and secretive for many reasons.
one of those reason I believe is they do not want to tell anyone all the AI levels that exist. Knowing this makes the BGS easy.
same reason they are nearly useless with any form of instruction, that is the fun of any mystery. figure it out
he who figures things out has an easier time

You may have noticed that I have a very different approach to the BGS than many others.
I work alone, so I have to test a lot of stuff, continually, to see if things still work, if things work at all, etc...
I am the one guy that has been trying to tell other cmdrs how to save their anarchy systems from falling down.
The guy that knows how to get anarchy bounties for any anarchy faction in any system, easily and make credits doing it.
I am also the guy that discovered in 2015 that yes, you can flip a nav into a CNB and reverse.(people seem to be trying to hide this info)
I push 3 factions around. I have all 3 in all of my main systems
There is a reason I do this.
I have not seen one other BGS player do the things I do with the BGS.
They go out of their way to destroy economy in every system they touch, I do the opposite, I improve the economy.
They do not know or care that this is what they are doing. all they want is their factions name on every station.
pretty lame goal that helps no-one.

That paragraph is simply to tell you, I see and I do things differently than others do.
Because I can, because I am very good at figuring things out.
And I am very good at testing things, irl and in games.
You are making a whole lot of claims that I just don't believe. Observing NPCs is something of a hobby of mine, and I've never seen any evidence that NPCs "learn" how to fly by observing actual CMDRs. Sure, NPCs get better as their rank goes up, but it's still just a preprogrammed skill tree. Every Elite FAS flies like every other Elite FAS, all other variables being equal, to the point I can fully predict exactly how they will fly and what they will do. Now obviously different weapon loadouts bring some variety to the joust-and-dance of PvE combat, but there is no machine learning AI in Elite.

And you'll also notice I'm not even focusing on how ships fly (which, compared to X4, is pretty darn impressive all-in-all). I'm focusing on "why" ships fly - "why" is the NPC going from system A to system B hauling X? And that assumes the NPC actually does go from A to B (usually the only way you see this is if you scan a high wake and follow it). Now I will admit that perhaps I'm being a bit too dismissive by calling NPC behavior RNG, as I'm sure there is some intelligence behind things like what an NPC is hauling in and out of a station. On the other hand, even this "intelligence" can be extremely simple and animatronic. For example, why is it when I pop out at any tourist beacon, there's always the same type of "cruise ships" and "taxis" there? It's a simplistic RNG "spawn some tourist traffic here" logic. These ships were not in supercruise with me, they just appear out of nowhere. Another example is the endless and mostly-pointless NPC traffic to and from my fleet carrier, despite which services (including none at all) that I'm offering. Again, if I sit in supercruise by my FC, I won't see any of this traffic. It's just spawned in out of nowhere, and it disappears off to nowhere.

Now if a Frontier employee pops in and says, "Hey Duck, this is actually what we do, and it's more complex than you think!" then I'll happily jump in to observe that behavior myself. But I'm just not buying what you're selling.
Another example - large ships at outposts where they cannot even land.
so you have never noticed a port on the side of outposts.
and you have never seen any powerplay ships transferring goods there

this is actually one of the reasons many of us have asked frontier for bigger ships and not to wait because of the letterbox, outposts already do this, we want the same for full size stations.

Frontier won't even go as far as to suggest how you do you.
there are many reasons for this.
One is glaringly obvious
many more are similar, but obvious.

I say it this way for a reason.

If we all thought alike, there would be no reason to live.
If we all saw exactly what everyone else saw, we might as well all be blind.

If I thought for a second that you know what I know, I would never have typed anything in here.

If we all had the same mind, none of us would ever leave the womb
We each view things differently
in this game, the word test, is a concept most people can't spell.
The BGS is a beauty of an example.
I can list a lot of things here that we are told are not so, can't be done, etc...mostly other know it alls, not, ever fdev.
and I can tell you how those things actually work.

I am that guy, when you say it can't be done, I will show how it is done.

Of course you and everyone are free as I am to do and believe what you think.
I simply offered a few note for a few things that I see and they fit in a bit with your topic.

If you, like most , think fdev did not do something, that's ok.
Our game's are nothing alike, this I already knew.

There is a Raxxla clue that is helpful for everyone to ponder

with eyes that see.

no real effort here, the only point is this, are there reasons to view anything with narrow vision?
All the bad and negative chatter all the time about fdev's fault, rarely does anyone ever applaud them.
I find it fascinating that every time I take a view like this, people shoot it down.

Yet, I went in with no thoughts on the topic and this is what I saw.
I am a programmer, so I see gaming and all programs a bit different than non programmers.
and as a programmer, I am more capable of testing things than most people are.
I have proven this in real life and in this game.
I have changed the way many pmf's do their BGS.

Shades are of no value when they only let in what is desired.
I like the idea in that it offers a way for NPC's to feel like real people instead of just randomized data. Relying only on this could make for overly busy or overly quiet areas, but pepper a bit of this in and suddenly the galaxy has more life to it.

I wouldn't make these new NPC's too specifically based on the actions of specific CMDR's, as in not a direct replay of the last 500 systems that commander visited, but using that info as a guide to direct what a more realistic path around the galaxy.

Would it make sense then that these... Replay NPC's(?) be recent or be pulled from random plots of past CMDR activity?
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