How to get Mbooni permit? For anti-thargoid weapons

well if FDEV aren't going to update the console content hopefully they drop the permit for Mbooni so everyone can have access to the modified guardian weapons
This would be new content tho and that’s why I don’t see anything coming from all of this for console.
It’s logically why they are moving all PC to 4.0 as BGS and other items will case to make sense absent of content updates.
Glorious Prospect Megaship has currently no missions available.
Its also greater than the 10Ly range to issue the system permit to...
Once they jump back home with in the range limit any one allied can get a follow up mission slot opened which gives the permit...
Mega ships jumped but mbooni permit will not be issued by them as they jumped greater than 20ly from Mbooni...
So for now the narrative is salvations dead and the megaships are on there own leader less...
Megaships have now moved. Musashi is in T tauri no permit mission on ship or station. Glorious prospect is in LHS 157 20.93Ly from Mbooni and no permit missions. sucks.
And cue the cries for a permit megaship be placed in a system next door.

Though, systems with megaships for permits such as Peregrina were called for as it was LITERALLY impossible to earn the permit by normal means thanks to BGS.
Gee it's too bad the wych hunters drove Azimuth out of Qarato, making it impossible to get the Mbooni permit... of course most of them already had it due to previous work they'd done for Salvation and they weren't concerned with how other players would be affected...
Gee it's too bad the wych hunters drove Azimuth out of Qarato, making it impossible to get the Mbooni permit... of course most of them already had it due to previous work they'd done for Salvation and they weren't concerned with how other players would be affected...
If Fdev want to reenable access to Mbooni (and I'm fairly confident they will) the Glorious Prospect will move within range once things settle down.
Current CG
So......I'm late to the party.....
I'm allied with Azimuth Biotech - I got all my mats ready for the tech broker.....
.....But I seem to have missed the CG.
How do I get the Mbooni permit now?
You don't. I guess you wait until they open it up again - if they do 🤷‍♀️
It may not even be mbooni.. the CG was for AB to get new expansions and growth AB may even leave Mbooni for another location... Or move back to there real home base in EDO based narrative cut scene... Now 3.8 is dumped they said there hands would no longer be tied by 3.8 and console restrictions...
I'm a little slow. Could someone explain what faction I need to be allied with and then how to find the megaship I need to gain access to Mbooni? Also, Is this available for console version?

Thank you.
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