Huge decline in console player numbers, Hull Seals consider disclaimer & drop support.

As is referenced here:
and here:

And here from Fuel Rats:

PlayStation is hit largest. I believe this is largely due the fact that there is no clear indication of when Odyssey will be available, coupled with Frontier not implementing 4K support for ED on the PS5 (now the only platform without a 4K option).

Frontier need to do something to revive the console player-base, and fast.


Edit: Individuals purporting to speak on behalf of the Fuel Rats have stated further on in the thread that they have no plans to drop support for console players. Good news!
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As is referenced here:
and here:

And here from Fuel Rats: View attachment 252554

PlayStation is hit largest. I believe this is largely due the fact that there is no clear indication of when Odyssey will be available, coupled with Frontier not implementing 4K support for ED on the PS5 (now the only platform without a 4K option).

Frontier need to do something to revive the console player-base, and fast.


Wow, what happened at the end of Nov last year?
At least wait until the heatwave infested summer is over before drawing conclusions... I've been able to play around 2 hours last week because of the heatwave alone... :/ (PC player btw). Also, isn't this time where people have vacation in most european countries? Most likely large parts of North America as well?

EDIT: And lets not forget... COVID restrictions being lifted...
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At least wait until the heatwave infested summer is over before drawing conclusions... I've been able to play around 2 hours last week because of the heatwave alone... :/ (PC player btw). Also, isn't this time where people have vacation in most european countries? Most likely large parts of North America as well?

EDIT: And lets not forget... COVID restrictions being lifted...

All good points, even though Odyssey is something I wouldn't touch with a 50 foot pole, it might be a little premature to start ringing the church bells. Although one should certainly make sure they are functional.
There's plenty of correlating stats out there showing a drop in player numbers, particularly on console - if you know where to look and who to ask.

Why don't you list them all though, so the forum has an opportunity to look at all the statistics that you are referring to?

It does make you sound very important though making a statement like that.

And for clarity, I'm not arguing against your supposition, I just think one of two statistical examples is a poor effort to draw a conclusion from - in case you think I'm having a go at you like you normally do.
At least wait until the heatwave infested summer is over before drawing conclusions... I've been able to play around 2 hours last week because of the heatwave alone... :/ (PC player btw). Also, isn't this time where people have vacation in most european countries? Most likely large parts of North America as well?

EDIT: And lets not forget... COVID restrictions being lifted...
Kk. Hear that @Zac Cocken ?! Better fix console things, and fast! Better get on that 4k support on PS5, and adding odyssey to consoles, otherwise, I don't know man...Elite might not have any PS5 console players left!

P.S. Don't forget to warn Braben! This is too big to get lost in the shuffle of other priorities.
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Kk. Hear that @Zac Cocken ?! Better fix console things, and fast! Better get on that 4k support on PS5, and adding odyssey to consoles, otherwise, I don't know man...Elite might not have any PS5 console players left!

P.S. Don't forget to warn Braben! This is too big to get lost in the shuffle of other priorities.
Zac is on vacation. He probably won't see this. If you are actually part of the community, you would've seen that in the community schedule. So this just confirms that this is a doom account.
At least wait until the heatwave infested summer is over before drawing conclusions... I've been able to play around 2 hours last week because of the heatwave alone... :/ (PC player btw). Also, isn't this time where people have vacation in most european countries? Most likely large parts of North America as well?

EDIT: And lets not forget... COVID restrictions being lifted...
Every year we have the same discussions during the same months. It's tradition. :)
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