Huge drop in fps and poor quality.

SRVs were already present in the previous versions of Horizons as well, so they definitely weren't the reason why fdev changed ship models and textures. 🤷‍♂️

No, but they did said that Elite needed a fresher look.
So apparently they felt obliged to up the quality of gfx on the entire game and give it a new UI too (for the entire client)
It's not only the same engine, it's literally the exact same game, byte-for-byte. But that does not mean that having to lose performance in space because of overdetailed models and oversized textures designed for on-foot perspective you cannot even access makes the slightest sense.
Whatever. Frontier made Horizons 4.0 to work as optional Odyssey demo, keeping 3.8 for those who don't want, or have problems running newer engine, which includes old console owners.

It would be perfect if they would be able to make Odyssey better looking while running on the same settings as Horizons (as I said Odyssey could use some optimization still), but usually there's some tradeoff.
(as I said Odyssey could use some optimization still)
it certainly does need more optimization.
but what it seems to happen is not optimization in the sense of: it looks the same, but is using less resources, but in the sense of: lets reduce quality to improve performance
(examples: less quality for fire in settlements, fog is lesser quality, stars reflection in srv canopy gone, etc )
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It would be perfect if they would be able to make Odyssey better looking while running on the same settings as Horizons (as I said Odyssey could use some optimization still), but usually there's some tradeoff.

Yeah exactly. Even a light fps tradeoff would be perfectly okay in exchange for improved graphics quality. And the potential is quite clearly there, I'm pretty sure it's just that some bugs prevent the game from looking the way it should.

And ofc they should get rid of the instanciing split between Ody and Hor 4.0.
it certainly does need more optimization.
but what it seems to happen is not optimization in the sense of: it looks the same, but is using less resources, but in the sense of: lets reduce quality to improve performance
(examples: less quality for fire in settlements, fog is lesser quality, stars reflection in srv canopy gone, etc )
Yep. That's the sad truth about ad-hoc optimization to get results fast and cheap. I hope it's temporary solution, but somehow I doubt they will work on something that they can cross out as "fixed".
it certainly does need more optimization.
but what it seems to happen is not optimization in the sense of: it looks the same, but is using less resources, but in the sense of: lets reduce quality to improve performance
(examples: less quality for fire in settlements, fog is lesser quality, stars reflection in srv canopy gone, etc )
Sadly I can only agree on this. When I look through my Odyssey screenshots, there seems to be a constant downgrade going on. Mostly subtle, but very apparent in the direct comparsion.
Min specs etc are not realistic for Odyssey. Never were.

well, the recommended gpu spec is a 1060 (what settings and at what framerate the game is supposed to run with that is anyone's guess). even my old 1660ti exceeds the 1060 by roughly 30%. but it already runs at capacity in 1080p@60fps. a recommended spec should still have headroom. i've mentioned this in another topic. shadow of the tomb raider also recommends a 1060. this game runs at 1080p@75fps without ever dropping below that and there's still some headroom with my gpu.

4.0 is poorly optimized. it doesn't just need a beefy pc. yea, and we've already talked about how some things even look worse than in 3.8. so, no need to mention that here again. it's bad and unfortunately it's a dealbreaker.
Gotta chime in.


It does take a powerful PC to run Odyssey full tilt.
That's a fact. Especially in VR.
And devs do play. But their obviously playing on beefy pcs. If I was a dev my pc would be cutting edge.
And there lies the problem.
Min specs etc are not realistic for Odyssey. Never were.
The requirements as well as the performances are misleading (now) considering that even in a closed environment such as in the stations there is a drop in framerate (in addition to the anti-aliasing which is broken), which does not happen even with next gen titles, it is just a code optimization problem.
More than anything I think it's unrealistic for it to ask for a lot more resources, I've had a drop of over 20fps in both PCs compared to before, both on the GTX 1080 and 3090.
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Listen guys the solution is easy.. just wait.. based on the time it takes Fdev to anything you all just need to wait for update 27 due in 2024 Q3.
I'm not saying performance will be fixed at that point but we will have 1537 new bugs to complain about... ooooowweeee
Performance seems to be greatly improved by the latest patch. I'm getting a smooth ~90fps on foot vs. 30ish with skips and stutters @ 1440p on a 1080Ti. Maybe they finally hired some competent programmers and implemented hidden object culling.

Be sure to turn off AMD FSR 1.0 and use Normal supersampling. FSR results in horrible aliasing along hard edges.
here are some hard facts about the vast difference in performance between horizons and odyssey. also, again a visual comparison of the so called "visual improvements". i don't see them. everything's just extremely bright.

these are the same settings. both run at 1.5x ssaa+smaa. smaa seems to be broken in odyssey. you can see it very clearly on the orange loading screen ship.

You people seem surpirsed? Didn't you read the forums since ody 'release' ?
It takes at least a 3080ti to run a ground combat zones with 40+ fps. We complaining about this since ody released.
Not correct. The current rig im on has a RTX 3060 and high intensity Comflict Zones on ground are usually at 50-60 FPS Except for planets with bugged Settlement assets that cause a drop to about 40 FPS + microstutters. (While Streaming). My Settings are all on Ultra with 1.25 Supersampling on the most demanding Setting. When Oddity came out it was as bad as you said. 20 FPS in some cases.

That said, it still takes a PC of about 2000-2500 Bucks (standard retailer) to run Ody smoothly and a lot of people can understandably not affort that currently.

Another Problem is that Ody never uses all the Ressources the PC has. My CPU and GPU are sitting there and wondering why Ody does not give them more to do while it is running below 60 FPS.

There is this famous quote from a Stream they had with Dr.Kai once where it was said that Odyssey would run almost like Horizons, but ofc they never said wich year that would be :)
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Yeh. I think it uses 1 star as light source. I have such feeling. Maybe engine limit for now.
About star colors .... that is deep topic to think on. For example, our Sun is in fact green. That's why all grass is green - it reflects most power otherwise it would kill it, Same for our eyes - lowest sensitivity to green because it has most power.
I want to understand how the part about the sun being green. If our sun is green why can't we see the green?

I never heard this one. Also why does grass have to be green just because the sun is? Why not other plant life? Or maybe they all are?
The game as it stands needs more optimising graphically that's 100% for sure. It's ongoing.
Did read something about them not pursuing it but l could be wrong..?
But I'm assuming their intent on fixing whats to me, the foremost issue ingame.
I can only speak for 4k VR. Its bloody awful. I've taken a hammer to fix it. Clearly that's not what fdev intended 🙄.
Having a monster gpu works trust me it does. Unfair yes. Unintentional yes I suspect. I'm talking all bells eye candy no compromise.
So Where's that leave us. We'll firmly in the hands of the next and subsequent patches which I'm told are mostly content related....sheesh!
What is your VR device?
I want to understand how the part about the sun being green. If our sun is green why can't we see the green?

I never heard this one. Also why does grass have to be green just because the sun is? Why not other plant life? Or maybe they all are?
Well, actually Sun and stars are all-waves. However, if you google for theory of "solar panels" here on Earth, they have pictures - power per color. And there green is most power. So grass reflects this "most power" otherwise it would be over-powered and die. Then our eye comes. Because green wave is most powerful in surrounding it can have less sensitivity out of 3 sensitive elements and have same quality of vision. But when you start to watch stars green vision element is not activated as it does not get enough of power from distant stars.
Some plants have double color, like I saw blue-red. I guess, sum of powers red + blue will be roughly the same as green.
And I think, some stars are green when pictured by camera, but not for eye. While you can clear see orange, red, blue (at least using telescope).
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If our sun is green why can't we see the green?

We can. Anything that looks green in sunlight is reflecting the green part of sunlight.

So grass reflects this "most power" otherwise it would be over-powered and die.

It's more complex than that:

Grass in northern Canada receives less energetic green light than grass at the equator recieves in red or blue light, so it's not simply a matter of the light being too intense at those wavelengths.
I want to understand how the part about the sun being green. If our sun is green why can't we see the green?

I never heard this one. Also why does grass have to be green just because the sun is? Why not other plant life? Or maybe they all are?
Already debunked here.
Quickly :
  • Since wavelength are in red-green-blue order, to see green star, it would require the star doesn't emit in red and blue wavelenth
  • Originally, the atmosphere was almost oxygen-free and plants probably used a photosynthesis process strictly anaerobic (oxygen was fatal to them) that exploited green wavelengths (by the way, there are still organisms nowadays that use a green photosynthesis process on Earth wherever there is no oxygen). When green plants appeared (using red+blue wavelength and oxygen-emitting), they decimated the other plants. And nowadays, plants are too well adapted to purple photosynthesis to allow the emergence of an another photosynthesis process.
Regarding aliasing in EDO/ EDH4.0: On the first boot of EDH 4.0 the graphics menu was claiming to show native rendering resolution of my screen in a borderless window, but in fact it was subsampling/ upscaling from some unknown lower resolution. Even though I set upscaling to normal and 1.0x (i.e. off). After I changed the rendering from borderless to anything else, I have not noticed a difference to EDH worth mentioning. What I am missing?

Be sure to turn off AMD FSR 1.0 and use Normal supersampling. FSR results in horrible aliasing along hard edges.
This is not a problem specific to FSR, but reducing rendering resolution in general. It is fundamental to rasterizer.
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