Proposal Discussion I do not like free stuff

:eek: Yes you read it correctly - here is my concern.

I just bought the Premium Beta because the idea of supporting the game and getting all future expansions for free seemed like a very good deal.


Then it hit me, for this game to flourish, I would assume that Frontier(the company) would need some kind of incentive; money has proven to be a superb incentive.

Here is my Proposal -> Future expansions could come in at-least two varieties.

  1. Standard expansion
  2. Improved expansion

The improved expansion would only be improved in the sense of giving you extra cosmetic items, such as different ship textures or the like. So you don't run into the Pay to win conundrum.

This gives us the ability to throw our money at Frontier, while at the same time getting some extra value, supporting the developers by enabling them.

If successful, Frontier would be incentivised to create plenty of expansions. It would be a Win Win situation for everyone.

Or am I totally crazy ?
I don't think you're crazy but maybe your missing the true motivation for the expansions.

This game was crowd funded so that David Braben could make the ELITE game he's always wanted to play.

That includes out of cockpit and walking about and also Planetary landings.

So their motivation is driven on by the positivity in the forum, by the enthusiasm in the DDF, by the reactions to the Alpha and SOON premium Beta.

Selling added value to keep themselves motivated would in my honest opinion end up short lived and ultimately lead to a product that would be as good as the level of money raised.

Currently the game is aiming for the moon, and then some purely for the love of the game and driven by the fans.

Getting involved in the forums, live streams and interacting is the best way to keep Frontier Motivated.

Ulitmately profits will decided so there is an element of truth in what you say... but I don't think motivation needs massaged as yet.
:eek: Yes you read it correctly - here is my concern.

I just bought the Premium Beta because the idea of supporting the game and getting all future expansions for free seemed like a very good deal.


Then it hit me, for this game to flourish, I would assume that Frontier(the company) would need some kind of incentive; money has proven to be a superb incentive.

Here is my Proposal -> Future expansions could come in at-least two varieties.

  1. Standard expansion
  2. Improved expansion

The improved expansion would only be improved in the sense of giving you extra cosmetic items, such as different ship textures or the like. So you don't run into the Pay to win conundrum.

This gives us the ability to throw our money at Frontier, while at the same time getting some extra value, supporting the developers by enabling them.

If successful, Frontier would be incentivised to create plenty of expansions. It would be a Win Win situation for everyone.

Or am I totally crazy ?

Honestly, this is already a thing, DLC and expansion packs are separate things for a reason. DLC is byte sized expansions, skins etc and Expansions flu new game changing content, planetary landing in Elite, New campaigns w/e in Diablo etc.
If Frontier need more money in the future to expand the game they cud always start a new pledge for a particularly expansion.

Would you support it?

I would definitely do it :)
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