Spoilers I don't think frontier intended to reveal this.

Just to note the whole groupbox has a caption titled "Allegiance" and at least currently filters systems. So I think it is safe to assume that there will be Thargoid systems (well, we kind of know that already, Col 70 and so) and the Guardians may not quite be as vanished | dead as we might have thought...

Somewhere, out there in the black and beyond our reach, there's a huge conflict between Thargoids and Guardians going on, and the latter drive (or draw?) the former to the bubble :D

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Yeah, i don't think there's more to say about this than.. get prepared!

What could it mean?

Does it just highlight Guardian Ruins and Thargoid stuff or more such as:

- Indicate which systems are occupied by Thargoids.
- Liberate those systems by killing X amount of Thargoid ships.
- Visit Thargoid stations and bases to interact with them.
- Systems with Guardian rogue AI machines
You really want to know what I want? You really want to know the truth?

I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the galaxy. I want to see the Thargoids stretch forth their hand again and command the stars. I want a rebirth of glory - a renaissance of power.

"I see a great hand reaching from the stars. Millions of souls screaming your name"

"My followers?"

"No! Your victims..."
What do I want?

A future suit and a 90's hairstyle, dripping with smug self satisfaction. And my bosses being psychotic insect aliens fighting other aliens because of reasons.
Nice to see from a brief skim through just how many of us are Babylon 5 fans [cool] *

However what the spoiler sceenie reveals is this :

Known thargoid sites, and known guardian sites.

We know the thargoids were fleeing something when they ran into human space 100 yrs ago.

Human fought back nearly killing the thargoids...... now the thargoid have rebuilt/replenished their supply of ships.

Which begs the questions : where are the thargoid bases/hives (remember the wrecked hives are nearly 7Km across :O)

And how long until what they are fleeing from arrives in the bubble?, and humans are just in the way as the giants fight in our playground....


* we walk in dark places no others will enter, We live for the one, we die for the one
I've mentioned this several time already. "Thargoid" as a faction has existed within the game for a long time.
That the number of incidents and reputational factors are tracked (some of which have been apparent on thre in-game status screen for weeks now) highlights at least one aspect of this implementation.
How it will be used for future expansion and the extent to which the Thargoids will be interacted with as compared to human factions has not been revealed and may well not yet be a defined outcome.
"There are things in the Universe billions of years older than either of our races. They are vast, timeless, and if they are aware of us at all, it is as little more than ants and we have as much chance of communicating with them as an ant has with us. We know. We've tried and we've learned that we can either stay out from underfoot or be stepped on. They are a mystery and I am both terrified and reassured to know that there are still wonders in the Universe, that we have not explained everything."

Ambasador G'Kar .... Babylon 5 : Mind War
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If it was marking the ruins it would not be under the 'Allegiance' filter. Besides, the devs don't need a marker for the ruins... they (probably) use hardcopy spreadsheets to list where all the secret stuff is. Wouldn't want Ed flying the Panther Clipper on Raxxla by 'accident'... Would they?
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Still it could be just a marker of

System with known Thargoid Site
System with known Guardian Site

I do not think devs will manually add each and every system following forum to check if users discovered them. Could be done by searching the database for sold exploration data though.
I do not think devs will manually add each and every system following forum to check if users discovered them. Could be done by searching the database for sold exploration data though.

It could also function similarly to how the "Visited Stars" filter works now, you'd just need to visit and/or scan the system to detect the site(s) for it to show up.

Who knows though, we'll just have to wait till at least beta to test it out.
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