I feel I'm completely excluded from material and data gathering in Odyssey šŸ™

I have a good selection of suits (and weapons) now in Odyssey. I caveat the weapons because, while I looked for them when I was buying suits, I just can't stand combat in games...

I haven't got the reflexes for it, I find that it causes me genuine anxiety, and it's just not my bag.

This is why I feel I'm completely excluded from material and data gathering in Odyssey (so far). In the rest of the game there's not a single material or data type that cannot be gathered completely safely, or traded for, with no possibility of combat. I'll caveat this as everything you need to upgrade your ships and that doesn't involve Thargoid or Guardian sites, but even much of that is perfectly safe to gather.

Even the safest methods of gathering materials and data in Odyssey still have a risk of combat, or an element of combat. For someone who, like I said, gets genuine anxiety from combat in games this isn't good. I feel there's FAR too great an emphasis placed on the FPS element of Odyssey and the rest of us are being completely forgotten. So much for the "play it your way" approach.

I'm wondering how many more of you feel the same way, as I seriously hope this gets fixed at some point.

Well, i remember Commanders in Horizons taking a really peaceful path and not firing a single shot.
Yet, i did not remember any of them complaining they're excluded from data and material gathering while they were definitely excluded from guardian and thargoid content plus some engineers too.

If you dont want to combat, you can still visit various settlements and get data and materials without getting involved in combat.
You just need to make sure you are not seen while raiding those storage lockers - and that's quite easy - there are a lot of habs or storage, warehouses, industrial or extraction buildings that have data ports and lockers that are not restricted or supervised.

Nobody is excluding you from getting materials.
Proving the other person is wrong will rarely work, as they are unlikely to concede such a net defeat even it is obvious, so why bother?
Rather than taking things to their logical extremes I was sympathizing with the OP in that there are very few zero combat mission in settlements, which is a comment I have seen in other threads.
In odyssey we have a COMBAT mission type, which to me implies that the others do not include combat. Itā€™s a misleading title in my view.
Are there zero no combat missions? NO. But to say the OP is simply wrong is rather pointless.
By the way, I personally applaude the change from the purely opt in combat we have in ships.
@Cmdr Travers , I'll concede EDO is too combat focused and that Salvage/Exploration gameplay and rewards needs some work.

However, your absolute assertions that Horizons has 0 combat risk is ridiculous. In a game world where "Loitering is a crime punishable by death" you run the risk of being on the wrong side of the stations guns anytime you click launch.

As for your EDO concerns, aside from the strategies the others pointed out you could check out this thread below or make a friend and trade mats with them:

I have a good selection of suits (and weapons) now in Odyssey. I caveat the weapons because, while I looked for them when I was buying suits, I just can't stand combat in games...

I haven't got the reflexes for it, I find that it causes me genuine anxiety, and it's just not my bag.

This is why I feel I'm completely excluded from material and data gathering in Odyssey (so far). In the rest of the game there's not a single material or data type that cannot be gathered completely safely, or traded for, with no possibility of combat. I'll caveat this as everything you need to upgrade your ships and that doesn't involve Thargoid or Guardian sites, but even much of that is perfectly safe to gather.

Even the safest methods of gathering materials and data in Odyssey still have a risk of combat, or an element of combat. For someone who, like I said, gets genuine anxiety from combat in games this isn't good. I feel there's FAR too great an emphasis placed on the FPS element of Odyssey and the rest of us are being completely forgotten. So much for the "play it your way" approach.

I'm wondering how many more of you feel the same way, as I seriously hope this gets fixed at some point.
I also felt that anxiety when I started playing. It was my first modern FPS too. I had no interest in combat and didn't want to do it.

I would get extremely nervous, hands shaking, making blatant (and awful) mistakes with key presses; heart rate was up. In short, I was absolutely terrible at it.

However, I stuck at it. Might sound strange advice, but low-level on-foot CZs are the place to start. You've got a team you can run around with who will help you feel like you're not the only target (VERY different to when the only person to shoot at is you!). After I'd done 10 of those to unlock Hero Ferrari, actually surprised myself how I'd got better at it! I still had the nervousness but I was a bit better at shooting. Use ADS (Aim-Down-Sites) when you can - default right mouse click. It slows your combat speed but increases your chance of a hit.

After that I did a lot of power up/restore and exterminate scavenger missions. Generally they were going badly. With just 5-6 of them I could usually manage it, but at 12+ I always had to resort to air-strikes using missiles and/or SRV support. Then I watched Stealth Boy's Combat Stealth Basic Training - Elite Dangerous Odyssey - and honestly became a terror of the night with my (then) G3 Executioner.

I then started to mix in missions for Hidden Caches and Salvage where there would be 4-5 on-foot soldiers waiting for me. Great advice here - prep your shield booster grenade so it is ready to throw before you even head in. Then, when they come at you, toss one forward (low, not too far away), step in, then let them have it. Also head in where there's cover like a boulder to crouch behind. Never go in full-open, unless there's no other option.

Same happened for infiltration missions. I was a bag of nerves sneaking around, sometimes getting caught red-handed.

The thing is - it's like immersion therapy for psychology - you need to immerse yourself in it to become better at it. You'll make mistakes. You'll end up in the ambulance, possibly on a prison ship for your crimes.

Now? Yeah, still not the greatest at combat - BUT - when the heat is on, I keep a cool head, spin through my options and figure out the next best move to save my hide - rather than going all nervous, making bad key presses and messing things up.

Probably not what you want to hear but there is light at the end of the tunnel - you just need to persevere. You are not being prevented from gathering these materials - the only person stopping yourself gathering these things is YOU. Get over it, try some combat and come back here if you want more advice :D
I also felt that anxiety when I started playing. It was my first modern FPS too. I had no interest in combat and didn't want to do it.

I would get extremely nervous, hands shaking, making blatant (and awful) mistakes with key presses; heart rate was up. In short, I was absolutely terrible at it.

However, I stuck at it. Might sound strange advice, but low-level on-foot CZs are the place to start. You've got a team you can run around with who will help you feel like you're not the only target (VERY different to when the only person to shoot at is you!). After I'd done 10 of those to unlock Hero Ferrari, actually surprised myself how I'd got better at it! I still had the nervousness but I was a bit better at shooting. Use ADS (Aim-Down-Sites) when you can - default right mouse click. It slows your combat speed but increases your chance of a hit.

After that I did a lot of power up/restore and exterminate scavenger missions. Generally they were going badly. With just 5-6 of them I could usually manage it, but at 12+ I always had to resort to air-strikes using missiles and/or SRV support. Then I watched Stealth Boy's Combat Stealth Basic Training - Elite Dangerous Odyssey - and honestly became a terror of the night with my (then) G3 Executioner.

I then started to mix in missions for Hidden Caches and Salvage where there would be 4-5 on-foot soldiers waiting for me. Great advice here - prep your shield booster grenade so it is ready to throw before you even head in. Then, when they come at you, toss one forward (low, not too far away), step in, then let them have it. Also head in where there's cover like a boulder to crouch behind. Never go in full-open, unless there's no other option.

Same happened for infiltration missions. I was a bag of nerves sneaking around, sometimes getting caught red-handed.

The thing is - it's like immersion therapy for psychology - you need to immerse yourself in it to become better at it. You'll make mistakes. You'll end up in the ambulance, possibly on a prison ship for your crimes.

Now? Yeah, still not the greatest at combat - BUT - when the heat is on, I keep a cool head, spin through my options and figure out the next best move to save my hide - rather than going all nervous, making bad key presses and messing things up.

Probably not what you want to hear but there is light at the end of the tunnel - you just need to persevere. You are not being prevented from gathering these materials - the only person stopping yourself gathering these things is YOU. Get over it, try some combat and come back here if you want more advice :D
Great post sir!
I pointed that out. But you can buy a suit with nightvision
Oh! That's news. Where?
I'm an explorer with no FPS combat skill, and had pretty much resigned myself to never unlocking the engineer who sells night-vision.
Will return to the Bubble in January or February -- this will be on my shopping list.
Oh! That's news. Where?
I'm an explorer with no FPS combat skill, and had pretty much resigned myself to never unlocking the engineer who sells night-vision.
Will return to the Bubble in January or February -- this will be on my shopping list.
Unfortunately it's completely random. You'll just have to search every station for it.
Oh! That's news. Where?
I'm an explorer with no FPS combat skill, and had pretty much resigned myself to never unlocking the engineer who sells night-vision.
Will return to the Bubble in January or February -- this will be on my shopping list.
The Great Pre-Upgraded Gear Sharing is Caring Thread

Best advice - take a taxi to as many different systems as you can. Server reset is every week on a Thursday morning, new items spawned.

It will take many attempts at RNG but can be done.

I found a Maverick and Dominator with NV on my first week of searching - both G3, too.
Thanks StormFury and Comandante.
No worries. I said take a taxi because you can do other things while not worrying about being shot at!

As another poster on this page mentioned, never dismiss systems where the stations is a massive distance away. Also don't disregard large surface installations on planets - a lot of CMDRs do miss these - they can have some lovely treasures in.


If you arenā€™t going to do combat, thereā€™s no reason to upgrade your suits or weapons.

I can sympathise with the OP but this is, basically, how I feel about it.

I don't have the OP's aversion to FPS's but, so far, it kind of feels like the whole Odyssey pew-pew thing is a bit of a vicious circle; you need to do the pew-pew so you can gather mat's and engineer your kit so you can do the pew-pew better.

The OP makes some reasonable suggestions as to other benefits that suit-upgrades provide, though.
I dunno.
Maybe there'll come a point when I realise I need some of those upgrades and I'll feel compelled to upgrade my suits but it hasn't happened yet. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
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