I kinda have a bad feeling about Space Legs.

Funny I asked myself what was the point in reviving a near two month old thread when you could shoot your load in one of the other I haz a bad feeling about this threads.
In some ways I approve of people having their own personal DOOM threads - then we can all get together and have a laugh looking back over all the past times when doom was predicted and yet never came to pass. I could add then eventuality into my own personal doom diary.

C'mon fdev make it so - give us a sub-forum to keep all our personal dooms in!
I wanted them for myself for quite some years, in fact: when i first bought Elite years ago i tried for one hour to find the button to leave the Seat. The Trailer tricked me quite a bit.
This bringing me to my concerns: I fear that spacelegs will be restricted to a bare minimum. I really hope im wrong here but letting us run around on barren planet surfaces just to be able to say "we have Space Legs" won't do it for me. I would like to walk around my Cutter, have a chat with Multicrew CMDRs in my Cutters Crewquarters or just rest at my Captainsquarters after i fought a War for a Faction that pays me 500k for risking my life.

Im absolutely sure that we wont ever be able to walk around our Carriers since those things are basicly a Flying City and its pretty much safe to say that Frontier isn't capable of delivering on that part.
For my Part: i dont need Space Legs for Barren Planets, we have a SRV for that. Id like to have them for Ships and Stations, Public Hubs or Clubs. The only Worlds interesting to Explore on Legs would be Earthlikes, Ammoniaworlds, something like that.

What do you think about this upcoming Feature? Do you have Expectations or even set requirements before you buy it? I know some already wont open their pocket because there is no VR.

Have a good Day.
They have already said that it's more then that. Maybe you should re-read the initial announcement to remind yourself.

Sure if you go out exploring there maybe not that much more to do, but in the bubble and other areas of civilisation, it looks like there could be plenty.

Personally I'm going to wait and see what the other Dev diaries are like and seeing it in action before I pass judgement.
Frontier "We may not be able to deliver some of the things you want immediately in the new update. However here is a whole bunch of stuff you will get."

Forums, "Not having one thing I want is identical to not getting anything at all!!!! One eleven!! Doom Elite is dying frontier are criminals!"

Cheers mate :)

No worries.

I plan to run an in game business leaving them lying around with the keys in the ignition to flummox the exclusivity clause if we ever get ship piracy.

In my private group by pre-arrangement only for either an eye watering quantity of void opals deliverable in advance, totally free or maybe not at all.

Depending on the cut of their jib.
No worries.

I plan to run an in game business leaving them lying around with the keys in the ignition to flummox the exclusivity clause if we ever get ship piracy.

In my private group by pre-arrangement only for either an eye watering quantity of void opals deliverable in advance, totally free or maybe not at all.

Depending on the cut of their jib.

It'll be like cmiv roulette!! I like the idea a lot! :D
Kinda disappointing if you think about that Braben said that the game was designed to implement all these things since the beginning.
I start to think it was just a bunch of lies to get as much money as possible from the backers.

Two options here:

1) or fd was lying for merchandising purpose;

2) or fd) wanted to do that but missed the point making them incomptent in planning a project.
There is a rumour that Frontier is shelving the expansion and will be shutting the ED servers down next July....

(There isn't, I'm lying through my teeth, but at least it should raise a chuckle!)
Frontier "We may not be able to deliver some of the things you want immediately in the new update. However here is a whole bunch of stuff you will get."

Forums, "Not having one thing I want is identical to not getting anything at all!!!! One eleven!! Doom Elite is dying frontier are criminals!"

View attachment 184880

Looks like a big poo is on the way :D Get ready for a biowaste production run.
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