I kinda have a bad feeling about Space Legs.

Jmanis opinion on Elite is no less valid than yours Max.
Where did I say it wasn't? But there are times when opinions are contradicted by facts. I would take the facts over someones opinion anyday.

He does make some very good points about the core of the game being a patchwork of various "amusement rides" with very little connections between them. I'd love to see the core features of the game improved and expanded upon too before adding NEW features like Space Legs. It's not going to happen, Frontier keeps tacking more things onto the underdeveloped foundations they have done in the past.
I wouldn't call the core of the game like that at all. It's the peripherals that are like that, like powerplay, multicrew, wings etc. But the core: Combat, mining, trading and even exploration are all connected via the BGS.
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Except it isn't. It's a great game which could be better that isn't to your taste. Maybe find one that is.
I think what throws me with your comments is you've clearly played this game a ton and yet you describe it as " a pile of biowaste " :)
Let me clarify. It was a good game. The path FCs took had me disappointed. Announcement of Odyssey was the point I had any hope of the core game actually getting fleshed-out, and the great mechanics that have been implemented actually being used, since those mechanics revolve around space activities, not walking around... that hope got wrecked.

FD have a very predictable design pattern, and this is no different.
I wouldn't call the core of the game like that at all. It's the peripherals that are like that, like powerplay, multicrew, wings etc.
Frankly, if you consider all those features "peripheral" then I can't really have an objective discussion with you about this. But even Combat, Exploration, Trade, they all have fundamental design issues, the most prominent being the effects of Mining on Trade as an activity.
You make some good points about requiring the existing game to be addressed, although I would not say to the exclusion of Odyssey.
FC's have proven what happens when you build on top of a fundamentally bad core design. As much as I hate the effect new-mining had on the economy, at least it was innocuous in that all it did was really spin you yet-more-credits. Now a major update hinges entirely on it, both in terms of obtaining credits, and operating FCs outside the bubble. And that's not going near all the networking/UI/other issues that have come with FCs.

Let me boil it back to my broken record example.
  • How could there be any "smuggling" gameplay hooked off Odyssey, when Smuggling as an activity is currently completely broken?
  • How is "Xenobiology" as a new rank going to work when tissue sampling using Research Limpets was broken, then fixed, and then broke again and has been summarily ignored since?
  • How is any surface-combat going to reward in any adequate way when seal-clubbing Novice pirates gets you hundreds of millions of credits and plenty of materials.

You can't build Golden Palaces on sinkholes and rubble.

PS. None of this is "hating the game for what it's not". If FD hadn't announced Odyssey and just gone "that's it, game's done", I might actually still be playing, because then I could at least have some assurance that "maintenance mode" might actually involve some, y'know, maintenance, to fix the things that are still broken, like smuggling.

Instead, it's all-hands-on-deck to deliver a whole new major update to a game with major aspects in dire need of correction.
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Let me clarify. It was a good game. The path FCs took had me disappointed. Announcement of Odyssey was the point I had any hope of the core game actually getting fleshed-out, and the great mechanics that have been implemented actually being used, since those mechanics revolve around space activities, not walking around.

FD have a very predictable design pattern, and this is no different.

Frankly, if you consider all those features "peripheral" then I can't really have an objective discussion with you about this. But even Combat, Exploration, Trade, they all have fundamental design issues, the most prominent being the effects of Mining on Trade as an activity.

FC's have proven what happens when you build on top of a fundamentally bad core design. As much as I hate the effect new-mining had on the economy, at least it was innocuous in that all it did was really spin you yet-more-credits. Now a major update hinges entirely on it, both in terms of obtaining credits, and operating FCs outside the bubble. And that's not going near all the networking/UI/other issues that have come with FCs.

Let me boil it back to my broken record example.
  • How could there be any "smuggling" gameplay hooked off Odyssey, when Smuggling as an activity is currently completely broken?
  • How is "Xenobiology" as a new rank going to work when tissue sampling using Research Limpets was broken, then fixed, and then broke again and has been summarily ignored since?
  • How is any surface-combat going to reward in any adequate way when seal-clubbing Novice pirates gets you hundreds of millions of credits and plenty of materials.

You can't build Golden Palaces on sinkholes and rubble.

PS. None of this is "hating the game for what it's not". If FD hadn't announced Odyssey and just gone "that's it, game's done", I might actually still be playing, because then I could at least have some assurance that "maintenance mode" might actually involve some, y'know, maintenance, to fix the things that are still broken, like smuggling.

Instead, it's all-hands-on-deck to deliver a whole new major update to a game with major aspects in dire need of correction.
You put it well. Please don't write an Open Letter about this, or FD will listen, delay any further DLCs and take forever attempting to 'fix' the existing game ! I want to get out of my ship :D
Interestingly, FD has likely 'bought' the allegiance of Internet Influencers, so we won't see many well reasoned Youtube videos expressing this point of view any more ... it will be "All Youtubers on Deck !" emphasising the coming of Odyssey and no looking back at the poor state of several game mechanics !
While I do want space legs, I dont think we are going to get them in this expansion. While it hasn't been 100% confirmed, it's looking pretty unlikely that we are getting space legs in Odyssey. Without space legs, the ability to walk around ships, carriers and stations are all but gone.

We are however getting planetary legs to some degree, the ability to walk around planetary surfaces. I'm curious to see what this will entail, and look forward to see what FDev has come up with.
Frankly, if you consider all those features "peripheral" then I can't really have an objective discussion with you about this. But even Combat, Exploration, Trade, they all have fundamental design issues, the most prominent being the effects of Mining on Trade as an activity.
So, because someone feels differently to your way of thinking, you can't discuss it with them. I find that a bit sad.

Also what your are saying is not objective. It's your personal subjective feeling, others may feel differently.
Let me clarify. It was a good game. The path FCs took had me disappointed. Announcement of Odyssey was the point I had any hope of the core game actually getting fleshed-out, and the great mechanics that have been implemented actually being used, since those mechanics revolve around space activities, not walking around... that hope got wrecked.
That's just your subjective opinion. Personally I think they made a mistake with fleet carriers and they should have stayed very expensive and stayed as Squadron carriers only. But that's just my opinion. Others love then just as they are.

As to the core game, it has been fleshed out in many ways, whether you like the fleshing out is subjective though. Think of Odyssey as fleshing it out even more if you get the expansion. That's how I will be seeing it.
While I do want space legs, I dont think we are going to get them in this expansion. While it hasn't been 100% confirmed, it's looking pretty unlikely that we are getting space legs in Odyssey. Without space legs, the ability to walk around ships, carriers and stations are all but gone.

This is possibly the biggest disappointment (already !) about Legs, because while FD have said they are "considering it," it is therefore unlikely they've devoted sufficient resources to have it working at all soon, if they decide to move ahead with it. I hope they tell us why it's an excluded feature at this stage ... not feasible, instancing issues, too much work to include interesting gameplay loops ? I hope they don't keep silent about the problems they are facing with introducing legs in ships and space.

It's nice to get out of the ship onto a planet, but the preceding teaser videos have very much pushed legs in ships (and even a station ) as something they were working on. Something very big must have pulled them back from that. I wonder what it was :unsure:
The Odyssey is Homer's epic of Odysseus' 10-year struggle to return home after the Trojan War. While Odysseus battles mystical creatures and faces the wrath of the gods, his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus stave off suitors vying for Penelope's hand and Ithaca's throne long enough for Odysseus to return.

Is that what space legs is bringing?
Gameplay-wise I've always thought that zero g combat and entering space wrecks might be the most fun.

I was hoping for some of the feel of Boundary or hardspace:

FD could really do with increasing the amount of things to do on surfaces though so we'll have to see.
Will you need Horizons AND Odyssey to walk on planet surfaces?
If you just have Odyssey and the basegame surely there must be things to do in space?
"I turned it off after I saw effort in use"
I think what's happened with space legs is FDev have heard the opinions of the community, with some saying that they want space legs (specifically walking around ships) first and others saying that they want atmospheric landings first, and tried to compromise while keeping both parties happy by giving us the ability to walk on atmospheric planets.

So you get legs and atmospheric worlds, but both in a more watered down style than they would have been if they'd been done individually.
If Frontier dropped every feature ever discussed since kickstarter, fixed every bug and built all of the gameplay on both existing features and new ones being introduced, the same members of the community would still complain...

If Frontier fixed every bugs, imbalances and bad game design elements, I'd encourage them to forget stupid addons like space legs and go enjoy their well deserved cocktails on an exotic tropical island.
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I think what's happened with space legs is FDev have heard the opinions of the community, with some saying that they want space legs (specifically walking around ships) first and others saying that they want atmospheric landings first, and tried to compromise while keeping both parties happy by giving us the ability to walk on atmospheric planets.

So you get legs and atmospheric worlds, but both in a more watered down style than they would have been if they'd been done individually.
Why would either of those features be better, if developed independantly, considering, that FDev has to find a way to gate content between DLC owner and the rest of the game? How would you board someones ship, who does not have the "legs" DLC? Thinking about that, how would you realistically board someones ship at all, looking at the game ED currently is?
I think what's happened with space legs is FDev have heard the opinions of the community, with some saying that they want space legs (specifically walking around ships) first and others saying that they want atmospheric landings first, and tried to compromise while keeping both parties happy by giving us the ability to walk on atmospheric planets.

So you get legs and atmospheric worlds, but both in a more watered down style than they would have been if they'd been done individually.

Quite possible, and also quite sad.

Just grow a nut-sack and make your game properly.
I wanted them for myself for quite some years, in fact: when i first bought Elite years ago i tried for one hour to find the button to leave the Seat. The Trailer tricked me quite a bit.
This bringing me to my concerns: I fear that spacelegs will be restricted to a bare minimum. I really hope im wrong here but letting us run around on barren planet surfaces just to be able to say "we have Space Legs" won't do it for me. I would like to walk around my Cutter, have a chat with Multicrew CMDRs in my Cutters Crewquarters or just rest at my Captainsquarters after i fought a War for a Faction that pays me 500k for risking my life.

Im absolutely sure that we wont ever be able to walk around our Carriers since those things are basicly a Flying City and its pretty much safe to say that Frontier isn't capable of delivering on that part.
For my Part: i dont need Space Legs for Barren Planets, we have a SRV for that. Id like to have them for Ships and Stations, Public Hubs or Clubs. The only Worlds interesting to Explore on Legs would be Earthlikes, Ammoniaworlds, something like that.

What do you think about this upcoming Feature? Do you have Expectations or even set requirements before you buy it? I know some already wont open their pocket because there is no VR.

Have a good Day.
Taking into careful consideration that FDEV is a business and giving everyone access to EVERYTHING off the bat is not good business, they are owned by their shareholders so you can rest assured money is at the fore front of the agenda. Its unfortunate that the early walking stuff will probably be cut back quite a bit to allow for DLC at a later date and its that which seems to be the way companies operate these days.

For an example look at Sims2 which had LOADS of stuff in the base game, then look at Sims4 its bare bones until you add expansions.
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