"I remember when..."

I heard about something to do with slaves and Robigo. Admittedly it all happened a tad before my time joining the Pilots Federation.

I ranked up stupid fast with the Federation passing postcards back and forth between Ceos and Sothis.

My buddy asked why I was wasting time trundling through the galaxy for 1mil (IIRC) scans on neutron stars when skimmer missions at Quince were the new hotness for burgeoning billionaires.

It took a week to get to Colonia before someone had the bright idea of stuffing neutron star farts into your FSD.

Colonia was a place to get away from the hideous bubble.

There were biscuit/cookie judgings using comprehensive metrics with Braben on livestreams.

Some crazy *cough xdeath* triangulated the location of the first Guardian ruins based off the star positions in the sky from the trailer and ruined Fdevs reveal. My flabber is still gasted.

The Anaconda was THE ship to be seen in.

You ran out of fuel, you ran out of fuel (salute to The Rats o7)

UA bombings lit CMDRs eyebrows and sensibilities on fire.

Winter was coming.

Drew Wagar was a smokin hot royal.

It must be the holiday season getting to me. Wax nostalgic with me if you like :D
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A cannon viper was the most fearsome ship in the galaxy.

Stealth lasers were a thing.

Binaries were scary.

You had to choose between A rated thrusters or A rated shields on your vulture.

.. the pill. Oh i miss the pill
When killing a competent NPC pirate earned about 1500Cr.

When logging in sometimes meant the station rotated out from under you while everything caught up leaving you with a wrecked ship and fines for crashing or loitering.

When heading out to the Orion Nebula was absolutely, beyond a-shadow-of-a-doubt the most daring thing I could do.
When an unknown artefact was unknown

When a barnacles was a thing of wonder

When we assumed multicrew meant npc crews

When you just didnt know what time it was!
The Anaconda was THE ship to be seen in.

Anaconda was never the ship to been seen in, was like walking into a bar with an AK47. Warp into a system with Cmdrs, open chat 'Hi everyone,read online there is some cool stuff in this system' Silence... a few seconds later all the hollow squares would vanish' Happened more times then I can remember.. FDL eventually took that crown.

Do the same thing in a 'Clipper' Wow, awesome ship, how long did it take you to get one? Now I hardly ever see a Clipper in Open.
... when PvP fight didn't last 1 hour.

... when we were excited for sneek peaks and dev updates.

... when loadout decisions were a thing.

... when getting blown up actually hurt your wallet.

... when the game was balanced in PvE and PvP.
Anaconda was never the ship to been seen in, was like walking into a bar with an AK47. Warp into a system with Cmdrs, open chat 'Hi everyone,read online there is some cool stuff in this system' Silence... a few seconds later all the hollow squares would vanish' Happened more times then I can remember.. FDL eventually took that crown.

Do the same thing in a 'Clipper' Wow, awesome ship, how long did it take you to get one? Now I hardly ever see a Clipper in Open.

Any opinion on why you see few Clippers, or other expensive ships in Open?
Is it because of PvPers, skilled combat PvPer's, in hightly engineered ships, that make other Open players choose to lessen the rebuy cost?

Consequences eh?:)
I used to use a Clipper quite a bit in open, because it was so fast that the PvP crowd couldn't catch it. Joined Mobius PVE after I bought a Cutter because of the eye-watering rebuy costs and several incidents involving ramming attacks outside stations. Haven't gone back.
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