I tried poking a Thargoid while on foot.

Looking back, a few things I noticed:
  • The rocket trail is overlapped by the Interceptor's cockpit which looks a little odd.
  • The interceptor either isn't reacting to the rocket launcher damage, is not reacting to damage until it reaches a certain threshold, or is not reacting until its scripted actions at this location are completed.
  • The system link unavailable message appears while on foot at the Bug Killer. In addition, you get information on the location which includes no faction name that you are neutral to.
Hmm. In Horizons I've fired at the Bug Killer Thargoid with the ship and SRV with no effect to them or me. I do my thing and they just light up
the place for me. Now that Odyssey is here maybe I should fire with my SRV and wait for the Thargoid to complete it's run. Then let's see if
they leave nicely or fire back. I may need another SRV...

Sometimes the Thargoid shows up at the secondary site first. You can sometimes see them on the horizon as they finish scanning then slowly
move to the primary location. Interesting.
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