If you could make any publisher buy elite, which would you choose?

Commander Jameson stood atop the cliff watching the sea heave itself against the rocks, crashing against them in a crescendo of romantic violins, his muscles rippling in the wind. Felicity's bodice almost exploded at the sight of the commander's long mane of hair tossed and tumbling in the sea breeze. "John! There is something you must know!"

The heaving commander slowly turned to face the engineer. There was a jolt of electricity as their eyes met. His deep booming voice had a sullen tone. He knew what she was going to say. "It's the atypical disrupted wake echoes, isn't it?"

Her heart was breaking. How could such a calamity befall them? She couldn't bear to look at him as she said "Yes. I can't upgrade your frameshift drive without atypical disrupted wake echoes"

...It sounds good to me, but of course we will need the approval of DrinkyBird before we go ahead with this idea

Cut to slow-mo of Scorpion leaping over dunes, The Onedin Line theme tune blasting in the background.
Realistically? Egosoft. They have the potential to take Elite and make a really compelling offline game. It would need to be "Elite Dangerous 2.0", because there's a lot of crap in ED that they would need to scrap and / or replace with their own flavor of gameplay.

While I love both Space Engineers and No Man's Sky, I just don't think either of these games would produce good "offspring" if mated with ED. I'm talking specific code rather than concepts (I'd love to have NMS-like procedural flora & fauna and SE-like ship interiors and systems). X4 feels like the closest match, and therefore the most compatible "mate" for Elite.
There are a lot of games that I wished would be more like Elite over the years.
The X-series dissappointed because they are pretend space games, really just connected rooms with sky-boxes. Good games and there is nothing else like them but not space games.
I liked No-Mans-Sky, but then it got all community-event-ridden and lost the whole space explory thing. I have high hopes for it though as they have still kept the survival element quite strong and keep pushing new content.
EvE is also not really a space game but it is a good pvp economy and stat-battle game.
ED has a great space environment but somehow doesn't reproduce the feel of Elite for me. Again - it is a tough one because Elite was single-player and it is easier to create the world you want in your imagination with that.
Martin Schweiger's Orbiter has been the only space-sim I have ever found to produce the feel of being in space in a space craft, and with some mods it even has a bit of a game going for it. ED was never going to go down that realism road but I imagine if it did then that would be my perfect game. Not for everyone though.
Firebird as without the original publisher there wouldn't be Elite ;)
I remember it being Acornsoft, but my memories are wobbly these days...
<edit> I just googled it and definitely if Firebird hadn't taken it up one of my favourite versions, the Amiga one, would not exist.
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