PvP Imperial Courier suggestions

Yes, but if you can boost 685+ toward your enemy and fire at the last moment...

Except that torpedos have an arming delay. Try again.

Does anyone actually have any footage of these uber reverse grief machines? Crimson has made the most sensible suggestion yet and he's another ganker. All the other builds have weapons that require staying up close and personal but also omitted chaff or dispersal. That's a horrendous idea since the biggest thread to a small evasive ship is a medium/large ship with strong gimballed weapons that can target you while you need to stay close in order to deal damage.

If literally all you want to do is pull and run, just use an eagle. It's a smaller target, marginally faster, and has a cheaper rebuy when someone one-shots you with an all LR rails build or is using their own fast fighter. Don't bother putting anything on it but an EPT and an interdictor and a shield that can absorb landing bumps. Viper works for this too, and has the advantage it can reach top speed with a single boost.

EDIT - Here, the ultimate nose-go key annoyance machine with a dirt cheap rebuy: https://s.orbis.zone/2jzj
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