News Important Community Update (01/03)

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Clear clue in plain sight:
We’ve had a number of questions from our community eagerly awaiting news on the future development for Elite Dangerous. We wanted to Share a development update with you which talks a little more about our upcoming development plans. It’s a long read but we wanted to be as open as we can at this stage with where progress is and what information we are able to share. There will be more news and updates over the coming months.

upcoming content confirmed. :cool:
I'd like to see more skins, decals and cosmetic options in the game. Customizing the ships is one of the most satisfying aspects of the game... it's also a way that I am quite happy to contribute financially to the development of my favourite game.
I'd like to see more skins, decals and cosmetic options in the game. Customizing the ships is one of the most satisfying aspects of the game... it's also a way that I am quite happy to contribute financially to the development of my favourite game.

Lmao that’s all we see
The first two of these updates will primarily focus on new player and welcoming experiences, and we will also be introducing a number of quality of life improvements for the entire player base, of which we will have more news on in the coming weeks. This will help ensure that new players are able to better progress through the game, and therefore help bring more players through to our very awesome, very welcoming community.
This is the part that I find most exciting! The learning curve is steep (and there are some noted bugs in the process) and anything that can help get new players into the game is entirely welcome!
Clear clue in plain sight:

Indeed it is!!!!

Greetings Commanders,

WE’ve had a number of questions from our community eagerly awaiting news on the future development for Elite Dangerous. We wanted to share a development update with you which talks a little more about our upcoming development plans. It’s a long read but we wanted to be as open as we can at this stage with where progress is and what information we are able to share. There will be more news and updates over the coming months.

It’s been a little over two months since Beyond – Chapter Four, our final instalment in the Beyond season, arrived and we’ve been overwhelmed by the response from the community. Beyond allowed us to deLiver a year of free updates to Elite Dangerous in order to build, enhance, compliment and connect the content that has been added since launch. This step in the ongoing evolution of Elite was vital. The long-term vision for the game, even from the early days, has always been ambitious and we are committed to supporting the game with that vision in mind. All of this is made possible by the support of our amazing community. We were truly delighted that from Beyond - Chapter Four, we’ve seen one of our highest ever player counts with many hundreds of thousands of Commanders jumping in and taking to their cockpits together. Thank you!
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Volunteer Moderator
You both would have valid points ... except business doesn't work like that. A product has to continue to make a profit, because when it no longer makes a profit it becomes a liability, and once a product is a liability, sooner or later that product is finished (or whatever the business term is). It is not good business sense to have one or more products supporting a failing product. You wouldn't want Elite Dangerous propping up Planet Coaster or Jurassic World Evolution any more than their communities would want to prop up Elite Dangerous.

I understand this, and I know diddly squat about business.

Except it was also stated that Elite Dangerous was always intended to in part be subsidised by their future games. It was part of their business plan as far back as 2013 when they were launching on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.

All that matters is they've made a clear commitment in this topic to subsidise (if necessary) the costs of Elite Dangerous development until the latter half of 2020 and they have the resources to do just that.

If they didn't then they wouldn't be making this statement at all.
I hope you guys will be adding some ships for the Commanders that have advanced to Admiral and King, since we are going to paid content.
Whoa, late 2020? You guys must be up to some big things. While I will miss the, er, quicker drip feed I've gotten used to, I am optimistic about this, if only because my imagination is going wild. However, I think we've all been eagerly awaiting the next massive update - while ED has been in a pretty good place in recent memory, I know that at least I have been craving the next major step in the game's evolution. The direction and impact of 3.3 also fills me with optimism, which is not a feeling I'm used to in general...
Keep up the good work lads, and hang in there.
Well, we have an update, so thanks for that FD.

But, 18 months until 4.0? I'll be disappointed if that doesn't contain both atmospheric planets and space legs.

I really hope that in the next 18 months, there are more things to be rumoured about and find in the black.
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