News Important Community Update (01/03)

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Deleted member 38366

Hmm... Not even a few breadcrumbs. If they worked on it for half a year already, you'd think there's at least a very rough concept. A few of the basic ideas they'll focus on.
Something they can talk about.

Dunno, if there's nothing to announce.... then it's usually best to wait until there is.

Now folks got an announcement... to wait for something that will be announced... on "something" that has a TOT of roughly mid-2020 or later (???)
Kinda redefines the FDev meme "soon(tm)".

At least there's clarification on the expected Premium Content/DLC. "Something" that's coming roughly in 1.5 years and LEP holders are covered. That's something.
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This is beyond disappointing.

The issue is that no matter what FDev will deliver, it will fail to live up to long waiting time.
By late 2020 I'd expect full engine update including RTX support, in fact almost like a new game.

As a fun fact, it would be great to compare the kickstarter-Horizons development time compared to the time after Horizons released. Yes, I know, we play a vastly superior game than 3-4 years ago, still, the essentials...

As much as this is the best game I ever played, after thousands of hours, I think I will struggle to remain a daily player this long, which is a shame... :(
That is what I am thinking. Its a long way away, they will have spent around 2 years working on it so it will be something rather large and it doesn't get much larger than atmospherics.

On the plus side, by the time The New Era comes about, Star Citizen might finally have entered Beta (or been sold off to a big name publisher like EA ;) ).
And those games, other than GTA have active developers making new content for them? GTA and Elite are leagues apart anyway and hardly comparable.

3 of those games have extensive, feature rich, AAA quality single player story modes...

So yeah I think you are in cookoo land if you think there will be a patch for this game in two years time, a game that has been critiqued from day one for being a mile wide and less than an inch deep. The game needed fleshing out years ago, people, other than the die hards will not stick around, the consoles many play on now will be dead and replaced. The patch will not be viable.
But the game has survived - prospered? - since 2014 without a single player story mode. The player base appears to have been boosted by Q4 which added *reworks* to existing mechanics. You dont think there will be a large number of people who will buy a huge paid update with *new* mechanics in 18 months time if the content looks good? No doubt we will know long before it comes out what's going to be in it.
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Hmm... Not even a few breadcrumbs. If they worked on it for half a year already, you'd think there's at least a very rough concept. A few of the basic ideas they'll focus on.
Something they can talk about.

Dunno, if there's nothing to announce.... then it's usually best to wait until there is.

Now folks got an announcement... to wait for something that will be announced... on "something" that has a TOT of roughly mid-2020 or later (???)
Kinda redefines the FDev meme "soon(tm)".

At least there's clarification on the expected Predmium Content/DLC. "Something" that's coming roughly in 1.5 years and LEP holders are covered. That's something.

My hope is that breadcrumbs will be dropped at the usual places between now & 2020-PAX East, Lavecon, E3, Gamescon......that kind of thing. Just little teasers for what we might expect.
If you're a console player, what is now the point of playing this game. By the time the next meaningful update comes out, you will have to buy the whole game again for a new platform, and hope... *hope* that Frontier will be able and willing to port your progress to the new game. Want to invest another 2 years on that expectation? Given the track history of lack of attention to the PS4 version, I'm not sure this is a good bet.

PS4 Commanders: be very concerned.

Given that many developers are trying to make their games "backwards compatible" with older hardware, I wouldn't be too concerned just yet.

The game is 100× more visually stunning than 2014, yet my frame rate is better now than it was back in 2015. That suggests the developers are able to make improvements in a way that doesn't lock out people on older systems.
… a mammoth update ...

Patch notes:
- all cockpits upgraded to Mammoth Butt Leather

More seriously, the 2020 game better be a significant update: space legs, atmo planets, overhauls of all systems and rebalancing. As I dare say the playerbase will plunge, and they'll need to win CMDRs back.
Also most likely this is timed with the new consoles, as the bump in power could allow for things current consoles cannot (and obviously dropping support for this gen). And yes they better allow CMDR backwards compatibility.

While this is potentially positive, personally I'm only pottering about now, and 18 months with no updates will likely drop my time to rare nostalgic check-ins.
I hope the game does well, but this news is definitely tinged with disappointment too.
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With announcing the next milestone at the end of 2020 they could have at least hinted at what it will contains. Props to them to have the balls to announce such a timeframe though. Seriously, if I load Elite at the end of 2020 and only get a new Limpet type I'm going to choke my cat. (It's a joke ;))

That said, I got LEP so no harm in waiting, I can now at least stop looking at the forums every day for news. See you all on the other side of the update in 2020 :)
Thanks for the frank post - clearly and concisely written, with little ambiguity - thanks Will.

I'm not delighted to have to wait for the end of 2020, but at the same time am pleased to hear that a reboot is on its way, and it sounds that in the mean time we'll have a few new toys to play with.

Now... ....we really need to talk about (the absence of) hula-girl bobbleheads...
Yes we are getting stuff this year. It's was all written up in the post. I agree that powerplay needs an overhaul.

So do missions. The move of missions to their own servers, coupled with those videos of full-bodied mission givers hidden away in the beta folders, seemed to be teasing some significant changes to missions. I do hope that is the case.

Either way, a Road Map for 2019-2020 would be appreciated, however small the incoming changes are.
Obviously kind of a bummer of no big updates this year but I'm also happy that they're really going to be taking some time getting the next thing right. I assume it's going to be atmospheric landings or space legs or maybe even both. Both of those things are monumental things that can tie into a bunch of existing features and getting that right is gonna be tough. They might also be tackling a bunch of technical debt by ripping out some old systems and re-doing them to be more efficient and better integrated, which could be really good as well.

Also, the decision to focus on new-user experience this year is REALLY smart. The big update in 2020 is going to bring in a TON of new people, and it's going to get a bunch of people who tried the game before and bailed from frustration to give it another shot. If they're prepared with a much better on-boarding system already, it's going to really help keep those people in long enough to get a feel for things and hopefully stick around!

Honestly, if they just made power-play online-only, that would be enough to keep me engaged and excited until then!
Thanks for the frank post - clearly and concisely written, with little ambiguity - thanks Will.

I'm not delighted to have to wait for the end of 2020, but at the same time am pleased to hear that a reboot is on its way, and it sounds that in the mean time we'll have a few new toys to play with.

Now... ....we really need to talk about (the absence of) hula-girl bobbleheads...

Don't put all your hopes on a reboot friend, we still don't know what that New Era will be made of, all we have is a timeframe as of now. But yeah, New Era, Reboot... It would make sense.
So they're working on something that isn't gonna release for another 1.5 years but can't tell us what.

Okay, then.

That's not a road-map. Still waiting for one.
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